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No. 28. Copy of a printed Paper, intituled, "The Alarm, No. 2," dated New-York, 9th of October, 1773. No. 30. Copy of a Letter from Governour Tryon to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated New-York, 1st December, 1773; received 10th January, 1774, enclosing, No. 31. Memorial of the Agents of the East India Company, praying that the Tea shipped by the Company, may, on its arrival, be taken under the protection of Government. No. 33. Copy of a Letter from Governour Tryon to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated New-York, 3d January, 1774; received 5th February, 1774. No. 35. Extract from the Minutes of the Council of New-York. South Carolina. No. 36. Extract of a Letter from Lieutenant Governour Bull to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated 24th December, 1773; received 28th January, 1774. New-Hampshire. No. 37. Extract of a Letter from Governour Wentworth, to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated New-Hampshire, 17th December, 1773; received 2d March, 1774, enclosing, No, 38. Notification of the Selectmen of the Town of Portsmouth. Admiralty. No. 40. Copy of a Letter from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated the 20th January, 1774; received the 21st, enclosing, No. 41. Copy of a Letter from Rear Admiral Montagu to Philip Stephens, Esqr., Secretary of the Admiralty, dated Boston, 8th December, 1773. No. 42. Copy of a Letter from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated 27th January, 1774; received the same day, enclosing, No. 43. A copy of a Letter from Rear Admiral Montagu to Philip Stephens, Esqr., Secretary of the Admiralty, dated Boston, 17th December, 1773. War Office. No. 44. Copy of a Letter from Lord Viscount Barrington to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated War Office, 28th January, 1774; received 29th, enclosing, No. 45. Copy of a Letter from the Honourable Alexander Leslie, Lieutenant Colonel of the Sixty Fourth, Regiment of Foot, to Lord Viscount Barrington, dated Castle William, December 6, 1773. No. 46. Extract of a Letter from Ditto to Ditto, dated l7th December. 1773. East India Company. No. 47. Copy of a Note from the Chairman of the East India Company to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated 20th December, 1773; received 21st, enclosing, No. 48. Account of Tea exported by the East India Company to his Majesty's Colonies in North America, with the quantities, and to whom consigned. No. 49. Copy of a Note from the Chairman of the East India Company to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated 23d December, 1773; received 25th, enclosing, No. 50. Extract of a Letter dated Boston, 18th October, 1773. No. 58. Copy of a Note from the Chairman of the East India Company to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated 24th December, 1773; received 25th, enclosing, No. 59. Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, dated 5th October, 1773. No. 61. Copy of a Note from the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the East India Company to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated 10th January, 1774; received l0th, enclosing, No. 62. Copy of a Letter from the East India Company's Agents at New-York to the Court of Directors. No. 64. Copy of a Letter from an Agent of the East India. Company to his Correspondents in London, dated Boston, 15th November, 1773. No. 68. Copy of a Letter signed "Anglo Americanus,&qout; to the East India Company, dated Boston, 17th December, 1773. No. 69. Copy of a Note from the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the East India Company to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated 26th January, 1774; received the same day. No. 71. Copy of a Letter to the Delaware Pilots and to Captain Ayres, dated Philadelphia, 27th November, 1773. No. 76. Copy of a Note from the Chairman of the East India Company to the Earl of Dartmouth; received 3d February, 1774. No. 81. Copy of a Letter from Henry White, Abram Lott, and Company, and Pigou and Booth, to the Directors of the East India Company, dated New-York, 27th December, 1773.