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We, the Grand Inquest for Frederick County, deeply impressed with a sense of the regard you have on all occasions, but more particularly at the late American Congress, manifested for the interests, the rights and liberties of your country, deem it incumbent on us in this manner to testify our warmest esteem and gratitude. Permit us, gentlemen, to observe, that Councils tempered with such filial loyalty to the Sovereign, such fraternal delicacy for the sufferings of our friends in Great Britain, and, at the same, with such unshaken zeal for the preservation of the inestimable privileges derived from our admirable Constitution, cannot fail to give weight and influence to the cause, and must moderate and relax the minds of our most poignant enemies.

Signed per order,



Without giving your Lordship the trouble of another letter upon the result of the late Congress at Philadelphia, which doubtless hath long since reached your Lordship's hands, I beg leave only to add, that the disposition of this Province, in their political discontents, remain the same; that the people of the Province are, in the beginning of next January, again to choose Deputies to repair to the Philadelphia Congress by the 10th of May; and that I have farther prorogued the General Assembly to the 24th day of January, before which time we expect to receive some accounts of the measures that shall be adopted by the new Parliament relative to American affairs.


At a meeting held the 23d day of November, 1774, at the Court House of Warwick County, to choose a Committee to carry the late Continental Association into execution, the Freeholders proceeded by ballot, and chose the following gentlemen as a Committee for this County, viz: Colonel William Harwood, Major William Lang-home, E. Harwood, Thomas Haynes, Richard Cary, Hinde Russell, Benjamin Wills, John Jones, William Digges, William Dudley, Francis Leigh, and Joseph Massenburgh.

Colonel William Harwood appointed Chairman to the Committee, and Robert Lucas, Clerk.


Wednesday, November 23, 1774, A. M.

The Congress met according to adjournment, and then adjourned to half past two o'clock this afternoon.


The Congress being apprehensive that the Honourable Walter Spooner, Esq., had not received the Resolve passed by them, inviting the Members of his Majesty's Constitutional Council to attend the Congress on this day, resolved that he be again wrote to, desiring his attendance here immediately, and that a messenger be despatched therewith without delay.

Resolved, That the gentlemen who were Members of the Continental, and are of this Provincial Congress, be joined to the Committee on the State of the Province.

Resolved, That John Adams, Esq., be desired to favour this Congress with his presence, as soon as may be.

Resolved, That Robert Treat Paine, Esq., be desired to attend this Congress, as soon as possible.

Then the Congress adjourned till to-morrow morning, ten o'clock.

Thursday, November 24, 1774, A. M.

Resolved, That the Chairman of the Committee from this Province, who were Members of the Continental Congress, be desired to report the Proceedings of said Congress.

Ordered, That Captain Gardner, Colonel Prescott, and Doctor Holten, be a Committee to wait on the Reverend Doctor Appleton, and desire that he would officiate as Chaplain to this Congress, during their Session in this Town.

The Committee waited upon the Reverend Doctor Appleton accordingly, and reported that they had delivered the Message, and that the Doctor would officiate as Chaplain, agreeably to the desire of the Congress.

The Chairman of the Committee appointed by this Province to meet in Continental Congress, reported that they had attended to the service; that the Congress had taken into consideration the State of the Colonies, and that he had a Journal of their whole Proceedings, which he would lay on the table.

Resolved, That the doings of the Continental Congress be now read, which were read accordingly.

Resolved, That the state of Rights, state of Grievances, and the Association, as stated by the Continental Congress, be committed. The same was accordingly committed to the Honourable Major Hawley, Honourable Mr. Dexter, Doctor Warren, Colonel Lee, Mr. Gerry, Colonel Warren, and Doctor Church, who are to consider thereof and report.

Adjourned to three o'clock this afternoon.


The Petition from the Officers of the Minute-Men, in the Northwest part of the County of Worcester, was read and committed to the Committee on the State of the Province.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed to sit in the recess to prepare a Plan for the Defence and Safety of the Government, be directed to sit forthwith.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed to publish the names of the Mandamus Counsellors, and others, now in the Town of Boston, be directed to sit forthwith and prepare a report.

Adjourned till to-morrow morning, ten o'clock.

Friday, November 25, 1774, A.M.

Ordered, That Doctor Holten, Colonel Foster, and Colonel Roberson, be a Committee to inquire what number of the Constitutional Counsellors are now in Town.

Resolved, That the Members from the Town of Worcester apply to Colonel Chandler and receive from him the Bayonets he has in his hands and is now ready to deliver; and inquire what sum or sums of money has been paid to him by the Treasurer, for the purpose of procuring Bayonets; how many were procured by him, and to whom they were delivered, and the state of his Account relative to the money by him received for the purpose aforesaid.

Ordered, That a copy of this Resolve be given to the Members aforesaid.

Resolved, That Doctor Holten, Doctor Foster, Colonel Roberson, Captain Baldwin, and Mr. Cushing, be a Committee to wait on such gentlemen of his Majesty's Constitutional Council of this Province, who now are in Town at the request of this Congress, and acquaint them that this Congress respectfully acknowledge their cheerful attendance, but will not be ready to offer any matters for their advice, until a quorum of that Honourable Board shall appear, and which is soon expected; and that in the mean time a seat is provided for them in this House, if they shall see cause to be present.

Resolved, That it be a rule of this Congress at present, that they sit in the forepart of the day, and that they adjourn over the afternoon, in order to give time for the Committees to sit and perfect the business with which they are severally charged.

Ordered, That Colonel Thomas, Captain Gardner, and Mr. Watson, be a Committee to inquire whether a more convenient place than that in which the Congress now sits, can be procured for them to meet in.

Resolved, That every Member of this Congress be enjoined to give their constant attendance during the session thereof; and in case any should be under the necessity of

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