to their own Flour and other Manufactures; and that such articles be sold at reasonable rates.
Resolved, That it is the unanimous opinion of this Congress, that no action for any Debt shall be commenced in the Court of Common Pleas of this Colony, nor any such action pending there, which was commenced since last September Return, be proceeded in without the consent of the Committee of the Parish or District, in which the defendant resides, until it shall be otherwise determined in Provincial Congress. That the said Committees, respectively, or a majority of such of them as shall meet, (provided they are not less than three, in the country Parishes and Districts,) do, upon application, give permission for the bringing or proceeding on such suits, in the following cases:—that is to say, where the debtors refused to renew their obligations, or to give reasonable security, or are justly suspected of intentions to leave the Province, or to defraud their creditors, or where there shall appear to the majority of such Committees, as aforesaid, any other reasonable cause for the granting such permission; which Committees shall meet and sit on the first and third Saturdays in every month, at twelve o'clock, at noon, or oftener if it shall be found necessary, for the purpose of hearing and determining on such applications. That seizures and sales upon mortgages shall be considered on the same footing as actions for debts. That it be recommended to the Committees for each Parish and District, that they use their best endeavours to prevent any debtors from removing their effects out of the Colony, without the knowledge and consent of their creditors. That the Congress will indemnify the Committees for so doing. And that no summons shall be issued by any Magistrate, in small and mean causes, without the like consent.
Resolved, That any eleven members of the Charlestown Committee shall be a sufficient number to receive and determine upon applications relative to the issuing of writs and process, and proceeding on suits and mortgages, in the Parishes of St. Philip and St. Michael.
Resolved, That the following gentlemen be the Committees for the several Districts and Parishes hereinafter mentioned, for effectually carrying into execution the Continental Association, and for receiving and determining upon applications relative to law processes as aforesaid.
For the Parish of CHRIST-CHURCH.—Messrs. Gabriel Capers, Clement Lempriere, Sims White, Joseph Maybank, Robert Dorrel, Nathan Legare, Isaac Legaré, Levi Duraud, and Joshua Toomer.
For the Parish of ST. GEORGE, DORCHESTER.—Messrs. John Joor, John Glaze, Daniel Stewart, Thomas Waring, William Dewitt, David Rumph, and William Morgan.
For the Parish of ST. ANDREW.—Messrs. Wm. Scott, Thomas Bee, William Cattell, Thomas Fuller, Benjamin Stone, Isaac Rivers, Henry Samways, Benjamin Fuller, and Richard Hutson.
For the Parish of ST. JAMES, GOOSE Creek.—Messrs. Benjamin Coachman, Henry Smith, John Davies, James Streater, Alex. Mazyck, Benjamin Mazyck, and Thomas Walter.
For the Parish of ST. JOHN, BERKLEY County.—Messrs. James Cordes, John Cordcs, Elias Ball, Junior, Richard Gough, Peter Widen, Peter Marion, and Stephen Mazyck, Junior.
For the Parish of ST. PAUL.—Messrs. Roger Sanders, Robert Miles, Allen Miles, Melchior Garner, Morton Wilkinson, Joseph Bee, Edward Perry.
For the Parish of ST. BARTHOLOMEW.—Messrs. James Skirting, Junior, Philip Smith, William Skirving, Edmund Ilyrne, Thomas Hutchinson, Joseph Glover, Charles Shepheard, James Donnom, and William Mills.
For the Parish of ST. JOHN, COLLETON County, viz:
For JOHN'S Island and WADMELAH Island.—Messrs. Abraham Wake, Senior, James Laroach, William Boone, Thomas Ladson, Thomas Hunscomb, John Wilson, and John Holmes. And
For EDISTO, in the said Parish.—Messrs. Joseph Sea-brook, Patrick Simpson, Joseph Fickling, Daniel Jenkins, James Murray, James Fickling, and Samuel Eaton.
For the Parish of ST. JAMES, SANTEE.—Messrs. John Barnett, Joseph Legaré, Jun., Jonah Collins, John Egan, Richard Withers, John Drake, and Col. Elias Horry.
For the Parish of PRINCE GEORGE; that is to say,
For GEORGETOWN.—Messrs. Paul Trapier, Samuel Wragg, Paul Trapier, Junior, Benjamin Young, Joseph Allston, Thos. Godfrey, Anthony Bonnean, John Withers, Hugh Horry, Daniel Tucker, and Robert Heriot. And
For LITTLE River, in the said Parish.—Messrs. Josias Allston, Samuel Dwight, Dennis Hankins, Francis Allston, and John Allston, Junior.
For the Parish of ST. MATTHEW.—Colonel Tacitus Gaillard, Colonel Wm. Thomson, Colonel John Savage, Reverend Paul Turquand, Messrs. George King, John Caldwell, Simon Berwick, Henry Felder, Col. Michael Christopher Rowe, Messrs. Lewis Golson, Adam Snell, and Christopher Zahn.
For the Parish of ST. HELENA.—Messrs. Thomas Rutledge, John Joyner, John Barnwell, Junior, Daniel Heyward, Junior, Daniel De Saussure, William Reynolds, James Dougharty, Wm. Waite, Joseph Jenkins, Francis Martingale, and Tunis Tebout.
For the Parish of PRINCE FREDERICK.—Messrs.- John James, Hugh Giles, Anthony White, Jun., Wm. Gamble, Robert M'Cottery, John Witherspoon, Thos. Potts, Francis Britton, William Michau, William Thompson, and William Snow.
For the Parish of ST. STEPHEN.—Messrs. Hezekiah Mayham, David Gaillard, John Pamor, Jun., René Richbourg, John Dubois, John Peyre, and John Coutourier.
For the Parish of ST. PETER.—Messrs. Cornelius Dupont, John Louis Bourquin, James Thompson, John Chisolme, Adrian Mayer, John Buche, Senior, and Charles Dupont.
For the Parish of ST. THOMAS and ST. DENNIS.—Messrs. Daniel Lesesne, Edward Thomas, Junior, Rev. Alex. Garden, Thomas Screven, Thomas Ashby, Thomas Dearington, and Benjamin Simons.
For the Parish of PRINCE WILLIAM.—Colonel Stephen Bull, Messrs. Benjamin Garden, Thomas Hudson, Joseph Brailsford, Ulysses Macpherson, John Ward, William Harden, William Bull, and John Wheatley.
For the Parish of ST. DAVID.—Messrs; Henry William Harrington, George Pawley, Alexander M'Intosh, Claudius Pegues, Samuel Wise, Burwell Boyakin, George Hides, Philip Pledger, and John Donalson.
For NINETY-SIX District.—Col. Jas. Mayson, Messrs. Andrew Williamson, Le Roy Hammond, Richard Rapley, Patrick Calhoun, Francis Salvador, John Purves, Benjamin Tutt, William Moore, John Bowie, Wm. Anderson, Hugh Middleton, David Zubly, Moses Kirkland, William Calhoun, and Arthur Symkins.
For the District in the FORKS, between BROAD and SALUDA Rivers.—Colonel Thomas, Fletchall, Major John Caldwell, Messrs. Charles King, John Williams, John Satterthwaite, Jonathan Dowries, James Williams, James Creswell, John M'Nees, Robert Cunningham, George Ross, Samuel Savage, John Thomas, John Ford, John Caldwell, John Gordon, and John Prince.
For the District between BROAD and CATAWBA Rivers. —Messrs. Thos. Taylor, Thomas Woodward, John Hopkins, John Chesnut, Robert Goodwin, William Howell, John Winn, Henry Hunter, David Hopkins, Joseph Kirkland, and Robert Hancock.
For the District of SAXE GOTHA.—Messrs Benjamin Farrar, Jonas Beard, William Tucker, Samuel Soy akin, Godfrey Drier, and Ralph Humphries.
For the District Eastward of the WATEREE River.—Colonel Richard Richardson, Messrs. Robert Carter, Wm. Richardson, William Wilson, Matthew Singleton Thomas Sampler, Joseph Kershaw, Robert Patton, Richard Richardson, Junior, John James, Senior, Samuel Little, John Marshall, and Isaac Ross.
Resolved, That a strict conformity to requisition of this Congress, be recommended to the Gentlemen of the Law, and all other persons, in regard to the issuing of writs and process, and proceeding on suits and mortgages.
Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Congress that after the 10th day of September next, compensation shall be made by those who raise articles which may be then exported to those who cannot raise such articles for the losses which they may sustain by not exporting the commodities which they raise.
Resolved, That if the exportation of Rice should be continued after the 10th day of September next, one-third.