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six Shillings? It was carried for eight Shillings, as follows, viz:

For Eight Shillings per Diem. For Six Shillings per Diem.
Mr. Crane,Mr. Winds,Mr. Combs, Mr. Eldridge,
 Garritse, Kinsey, Wetherill, Tucker,
 Fisher, Hewlings, Taylor, Sheppard.
 Roy, Mehelm, Lawrence,
 Dey, Elmer, Sykes,
 Demarest, Pettit. Hinchman,
 Ford,  Hand,

13. Jonathan Deare, one of the Clerks of the House of Representatives, or any other Clerk for his attendance, the sum of ten Shillings per day, for the time hath or shall attend at any sitting of the General Assembly, during the continuance, of this Act; and also the sum of four Pence per sheet, reckoning ninety words to the sheet, for entering the Minutes of any sitting during the continuance of this Act, fair in the Journals, and copying the Laws and Minutes for the Printer; and to the said Jonathan Deare, the sum of twelve Pounds, for Pen, Ink, and Paper, and hiring Clerks to forward the business of this session.

To which the House agreed.

14. To. Charles Pettit, Esq., Deputy Secretary, or to the Deputy Secretary for the time being, for copying publick; Laws to send home, to England, during the continuance of this Act, four Pence per sheet, reckoning ninety words to the sheet.

To which the House agreed.

15. To each of the Treasurers of this Colony, six Pence per Pound for exchanging ragged and torn Bills of Credit of this colony.

To which; the House agreed.

16. To Isaac Collins, or any other Printer hereafter to be appointed, for printing the Minutes of the House of Representatives, of any sitting during the continuance of this Act, and for printing the Laws passed at any sitting as aforesaid, or any other printing, such sums as Hendrick Fisher, Stephen Crane, James Kinsey, and Thomas Polgreen Hewlings, Esquires, or any two of them, shall agree to be paid for the said service.

To which the House agreed.

17. To the Sergeant-at-Arms for the time being, who shall attend the Council, the sum, of three Shillings per diem; and to the Sergeant-at-Arms who shall attend the House of Representatives, the sum of three Shillings per diem.

To which the House agreed.

18. To the Doorkeeper of the House of Representative for the time being, who shall attend the House in manner aforesaid, the sum of three Shillings and six Pence per diem.

To which the House agreed.

19. To the Speaker and every of the Members of the House of Representatives for the time each of them shall attend at any sitting of the General Assembly, during the continuance of this Act, eight Shillings per diem.

On the question, whether the sum be eight Shillings or six Shillings per diem? It was carried for eight Shillings as follows, viz:

For Eight Shillings per Diem. For Six Shillings per Diem.
Mr. CraneMr. WindsMr. Combs, Mr. Eldridge,
 Garritse,  Kinsey, Wetherill,  Tucker,
 Fisher,  Hewlings, Taylor,  Sheppard.
 Roy,  Mehelm, Lawrence,
 Dey,  Elmer, Sykes,
 Demarest,  Pettit. Hinchman,
 Ford,   Hand,

Ordered, That the Bill for support of Government, as reported and agreed to, be engrossed.

Tuesday, February 7, 1775.

On motion made,

It is Ordered by the House, that the late Treasurer do appear before the House at ten o'clock to-morrow morning, in order that they may; inquire of him concerning the deficiency reported due from him to the Province; and that copy of this order be served on him immediately.

The. House, took into, consideration his Excellency's Message, of the 30th day of January last, which was read, together with Colonel Robertson's Letter, and his Account, &c., whereupon, after some debate,

Resolved, That this House will not allow the charge for Sheets, as charged in Colonel Robertson's Account.

Ordered, That Mr. Mehelm, and Mr. Hewlings, do wait on his Excellency and inform him that the House have taken his Message of 30th day of January last, relating to the charge made by Colonel Robertson, of three hundred and fifty-four Pounds, seven Shillings and six Pence, for Sheets furnished the King's Troops in this Colony, and the balance in his hands of thirty-four Pounds, eight Shillings and six Pence, into their consideration:

That the House beg leave to acquaint his Excellency, that they cannot allow of the charge so made, it being new, uncommon and never allowed of by this Colony; and that the House request his Excellency will be pleased to pay the balance in his hands to the Eastern Treasurer.

Wednesday, February 8, 1775.

A Letter was presented to the House, from the Honourable Stephen Skinner, Esq., which by order of the House was read, and is as follows, viz:

MR. SPEAKER: The Message of the House, ordering the late Treasurer to attend this day at ten o'clock, to inquire of him the deficiency of the Treasury, I have received; but as I have the Honour to be one of his Majesty's Council, I can't possibly attend till such time as I have laid the order before the Council, which I shall immediately do upon their meeting.

As the order is to inquire concerning the deficiency the Treasury, I can assure the House, had I been apprized of their wanting the publick money, I should have taken care that the whole should have been in the Treasury for their inspection; but as I have apply secured the Treasurer, I shall take care that he shall have the whole amount of the bond I have given him within the time appointed for cancelling the publick money:

I am with great respect, your's and the House's most humble servant,


February 8, 1775.

The Petition from a number of inhabitants of Nottingham in the County of Burlington, praying the House will take some measures to settle the unhappy differences between Great Britain and the Colonies, was read the second time; on the question,

Ordered, That the same be referred to the Committee appointed to prepares Petition to his Majesty.

Thursday, February 9, 1775.

The House met.

It appearing to the House, from the Report of the Committees appointed to settle the Accounts of the; Eastern Treasury, that there ought to be therein upwards of twenty thousand Pounds; and the House, being informed by the Eastern Treasurer that there is therein upwards of fifteen thousand Pounds, great part of which is in Gold and Silver, and the Bills of Credit of this Colony; in order that the Colony may be secured from accidents, Mr. Kinsey moves that leave be given, to bring in a Bill for that purpose, and that a Committee be appointed to consider of ways and means to effect it; and the previous question being put, whether the question be put on the said motion or not? It passed m the negative.

Yeas. Nays.
Mr. Combs,Mr. Lawrence;Mr. Winds,
 Wetherill, Crane, Hewlings,
 Taylor, Garritse, Sykes,
 Kinsey, Fisher, Hinchman,
 Tucker, Roy, Hand,
 Mehelm. Dey, Eldridge,
  Demarest, Sheppard,
  Ford Pettit.

On motion, made by Mr. Tucker,

Resolved, nem. con., That there is a large deficiency in the Eastern Treasury of the moneys which either ought to be therein, or ought to have been cancelled and burned some time past; and that it is a manifest breach of duty for any Treasurer of this Colony to apply any such publick money to any private purposes whatsoever.

John Smyth, Esquire, desiring to attend the House, was called in, and informed the House that the had entered into, a new Bond with, securities, for the true and faithful execution, of his office as Treasurer of the Eastern Division, and desired to have the sentiments of the House as to the sufficiency of his securities, and that his former Bond may be cancelled:

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