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the smallest offence to Government, that they will avoid taking any part in the matter. The Noblesse enter very sanguinely into the scheme of raising Troops, but the Priests, we are well assured, disapprove of it. The greatest part of the Noblesse reside in this District, and upwards of fifty of them are now gone down to Quebec, to pay their respects to the Governour, and attend a Ball, usually given by Government on the Queen's birth-night. They expect to come back with commissions in their pockets, but our Governour has not yet received his instructions. Wheat, owing to the great orders last year, is extravagantly high, nothing less than three Shillings, nine Pence, (equal to five Shillings, and three Pence, Pennsylvania currency, for our bushel.) We would be glad to know whether the Resolve of the Congress will be adhered to, in dropping connection with us, unless we come into their measures. In this case we must order shipping from England. We have never exported more than ten thousand bushels of Flaxseed in a year; the small quantity exported is owing to the low price, being often at two Shillings, and two Shillings and six Pence. This year it has been as high as five Shillings and six Pence, and if, before Spring, the people are assured of a good price, there will be one hundred thousand bushels raised in the Province, or even more. EXTRACT OF A LETTER TO A GENTLEMAN IN NEW-YORK, DATED SHREWSBURY, NEW-JERSEY, JANUARY 18, 1775. In consequence of an anonymous advertisement fixed up at this place, giving notice to the Freeholders and others, to meet on Tuesday, the 17th instant, in order to choose a Committee of Inspection, &c., &c., between thirty and forty of the most respectable Freeholders accordingly met; and after a few debates on the business of the day, which were carried on with great decency and moderation, it was generally agreed (there being not above four or five dissentient voices,) that an appointment of a Committee was not only useless, but they were apprehensive would prove a means of disturbing that peace and quietness which had hitherto subsisted in the Township, and which they were extremely desirous, and would continue to use their utmost endeavours to preserve, and to guard themselves against running upon that rock, on which, with much concern, they behold others, through an inattentive rashness, daily splitting. FINCASTLE COUNTY (VIRGINIA) MEETING. In obedience to the Resolves of the Continental Congress, a Meeting of the Freeholders of Fincastle County, in Virginia, was held on the 20th day of January, 1775, who, after approving of the Association framed by that august body in behalf of all the Colonies, and subscribing thereto, proceeded to the election of a Committee, to see the same carried punctually into execution, when the following gentlemen were nominated: the Reverend Charles Cummings, Colonel William Preston, Colonel William Christian, Captain Stephen Trigg, Major Arthur Campbell, Major William Inglis, Captain Walter Crockett, Captain John Montgomery, Captain James M' Gavock, Captain William Campbell, Captain Thomas Madison, Captain Daniel Smith, Captain William Russell, Captain Evan Shelby, and Lieutenant William Edmondson. After the election the Committee made choice of Colonel William Christian for their Chairman, and appointed Mr. David Campbell to be Clerk. GENTLEMEN: Had it not been for our remote situation, and the Indian War which we were lately engaged in, to chastise those cruel and savage people for the many murders and depredations they have committed amongst us, now happily terminated under the auspices of our present worthy Governour, his Excellency the Right Honourable the Earl of Dunmore, we should before this time have made known to you our thankfulness for the very important services you have rendered to your country, in conjunction with the worthy Delegates from the other Provinces. Your noble efforts for reconciling the mother country and the Colonies, on rational and constitutional principles, and your pacifick, steady, and uniform conduct in that arduous work, entitle you to the esteem of all British America, and will immortalize you in the annals of your country. We heartily concur in your Resolutions, and shall, in every instance, strictly and invariably adhere thereto. New-York, January 19, 1775. ADDRESS FROM THE COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF JAMAICA, IN QUEEN'S COUNTY, LONG-ISLAND, PRESENTED TO THE DELEGATES WHO REPRESENTED THIS PROVINCE IN THE LATE GENERAL CONGRESS: GENTLEMEN: We cheerfully embrace this opportunity of publickly acknowledging in behalf of ourselves, and our constituents, our most grateful sense of the arduous, faithful, and important services you have rendered your country, in the present most alarming conjunction of affairs.