nations received, and other emoluments for their trouble." The Committee, therefore, thus openly declare that the above mentioned report is in every part of it groundless and false; and that they have hitherto attended and acted in their office, and still continue so to do, without any intention, hope, or desire, of receiving any other reward in this life but the pleasure which results from a consciousness of having done good. So satisfied are they of their own disinterested motives and conduct in this regard, that they can safely appeal to the Omniscient Being for their sincerity in this declaration.
And whereas, the Committee have this evening been informed by a letter from the country, of another report equally injurious, viz: that "the Committee have employed poor persons in working for themselves and gentlemen of fortune with whom they are particularly connected in their private concerns, and paid them out of the Donations received." The Committee do, with the same solemnity, declare the said report to be as false as it is scandalous.
They were early apprehensive that the enemies of truth and liberty would spare no pains to misrepresent their conduct and asperse their characters, and therefore, that they might have it in their power to vindicate themselves, they have constantly kept regular books, containing records of the whole of their proceedings, which books, as the Committee advertised the publick some months ago, are open for the inspection of such as are inclined to look into and examine them.
The Committee now challenge any person whatever to make it appear that there is a just foundation for such reports. Until this reasonable demand is complied with, they confide in the justice of the publick, that no credit will be given to reports so injurious to the Committee and to this oppressed and insulted people.
If the friends of truth will inform the Committee of any reports they may hear tending to defame the Committee, and by that means to discourage further Donations for the benevolent purpose of relieving the sufferers above mentioned, it will be acknowledged as a particular favour.
Signed by order of the Committee,
Every body among us seems determined not to survive the loss of their civil and religious liberties. We have favourable sentiments of the justice and clemency of our Sovereign, but are preparing against the worst.
It is not pretended to vie with a sister Colony in the noble art of war, though you must allow one that has had long acquaintance with that service, to assure you that our Militia is become respectable. By fresh returns from various parts of the Government, we find that a park of forty pieces of Cannon may be formed in the Spring, should there be occasion, (which may God forbid,) and our Army will be pretty expert at most of the manoeuvres; will have in the first Grand Division about ten thousand men, that need not blush to encounter an equal number of foreign Troops from any quarter of the globe. This and some neighbouring Towns are preparing a token of their sympathy for the distressed inhabitants of Boston, which will be sent to the Honourable Committee, who merit highly of their country.
At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Frederick County, at the Court House, on Tuesday, the 24th of January, 1775:
JOHN HANSON, Esquire, chairman,
Archibald Boyd, Clerk.
The Association and Resolves of the American Congress, and the Proceedings of the last Provincial Convention were read and unanimously approved:
1. Resolved, That Messrs. Charles Beatty, Henry Griffith, Thomas Sprigg Wootton, Jacob Funk, Nathan Magruder, Richard Brooke, Zadock Magruder, William Baker, Thomas Cramphin, Junior, Alexander Bowie, Junior, William Deakins, Junior, John Murdock, Thomas Johns, Bernard O'Neal, Brooke Beall, Edward Burgess, Charles G. Griffith, Henry Griffith, Junior, William Bayly, Junior, Samuel Wade Magruder, Nathaniel Offutt, Archibald Orme, Joseph Threlkeld, Walter Smith, Thomas Beall, of George, Richard Crabb, William Luckett, William Luckett, Junior, Greenbury Griffith, Samuel Griffith, John Hanson, Thomas Price, Thomas Bowles, Conrad Grosh, Thomas Schley, Jonathan Wilson, Francis Deakins, Casper Shaaff, Peter Hoffman, George Scott, Baker Johnson, Philip Thomas, Alexander C. Hanson, Archibald Boyd, Arthur Nelson, Andrew Scott, George Striker, Adam Fischer, Ludwick Weltner, Van Swearingen, William M. Beall, Jacob Young, Peter Grosh, Æneas Campbell, Elias Bruner, Frederick Kemp, John Haas, John Remsburg, Thomas Hawkins, Upton Sheredine, Basil Dorsey, John Lawrence, Charles Warfield, Ephraim Howard, Joseph Wells, David Moore, Joseph Wood, Norman Bruce, William Blair, David Schriver, Roger Johnson, Henry Cock, Robert Wood, William Albaugh, Jacob Mathias, Henry Crawle, Jacob Ambrose, Daniel Richards, William Winchester, Philip Fishburn, William Hobbs, Thomas Cresap, Thomas Warren, Thomas Humphreys, Richard Davis, Junior, Charles Clinton, James Prather, George Dent, James Johnson, James Smith, Joseph Chapline, John Stull, Samuel Beall, Junior, William Baird, Joseph Sprigg, Christian Orendorff, Jonathan Hagar, Conrad Hogmire, Charles Swearingen, Henry Suavely, Richard Davis, Samuel Hughes, Joseph Perry, Joseph Smith, Thomas Hog, Thomas Prather, William M'Lary, John Swan, Eli Williams, Christopher Bucket, Thomas Brooke, Michael Raymer, Nicholas Tice, John Adlum, Samuel Harwood, Bartholomew Booth, Jacob Boyer, Michael Grosh, Jacob Miller, Andrew Bruce, John Darnall, John Remsburg, William Darrin, John Key, John Beall, John M Callister, Charles Beall, Lewis Kemp, John Stoner, Thomas Beatty, Thomas Gilbert, Abraham Hoff, P. Henry Thomas, Jacob Good, Vestel Ridgely, Samuel Carrick, Abraham Hosier, Baltzer Kelcholumer, Samuel Emmet, John Cary, Christopher Edelin, Amon Riggs, John Grimber, Leonard Smith, Nicholas Hower, Richard Northcraft, John Herriot, Richard Smith, Zacariah Ellis, Azel Waters, Martin Cassil, James Johnson, George Bare, Benjamin Johnson, and Abraham Faw, be a Committee of Observation, with full powers to prevent any infraction of the said Association, and to carry the Resolves of the American Congress, and of the Provincial Convention, into execution; that any seventy-five of those gentlemen have power to act for the County, and any five in each of the larger Districts be authorized to act in any matter that concerns such Division only.
2d. Resolved, That Charles Beatty, Thomas Sprigg Wootton, John Hanson, Thomas Bowles, Casper Shaaff, Thomas Price, Baker Johnson, Philip Thomas, George Murdock, Alexander C. Hanson, Thomas Cramphin, Jun., William Bayly, Junior, Evan Thomas, Richard Brooke, Thomas Johns, Walter Smith, William Deakins, Junior, John Murdock, Bernard O'Neal, John Stull, Samuel Beall, Junior, James Smith, Joseph Chapline, Joseph Sprigg, Charles Swearingen, Richard Davis, Jonathan Hagar, and Joseph Perry, who were appointed at the last meeting of this County a Committee of Correspondence, be hereby continued, and that the duration of their authority be limited to the second Tuesday in October next.
3d. Resolved, As the most convenient and effectual method of raising the sum of £1,333, being this County's proportion of the sum of £10,000 which the Provincial Convention has appointed to be raised for the purchase of Arms and Ammunition, that a subscription be immediately opened in every part of the County, and that the following gentlemen be appointed to promote such subscriptions in their several Hundreds:
For SALISBURY HUNDRED.—Jonathan Hagar, Henry Snavely, and Jacob Sellus.
For UPPER KITOCTON.—Peter Bambridge, Benjamin Eastburn, Casper Smith, and Thomas Johnson.
For the lower part of NEWFOUNDLAND.—Edward Burgess, Walter Beall, and Joseph Perry.
For SHIPTON.—Thomas Cresap, Moses Rowlings, and Richard Davis, Junior.
For GEORGETOWN.—William Deakins, Thomas Johns, and Walter Smith.