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pal Common Law Courts of the Colony where such offence shall be committed, either by his own confession, or by the oath of one or more credible witness or witnesses, (which oath such Magistrate of such Court is hereby empowered to administer,) every such Constable, Tithingman, Magistrate, or other chief Officer or person so offending, shall forfeit, for every such offence, the sum of Five Pounds sterling, or any sum or sums of money not exceeding Five Pounds, nor less than Forty Shillings, as the Magistrate, before whom the matter shall be heard, shall, in his discretion think fit, to be levied by distress and sale of the Goods of the person offending, by warrant under the hand and seal of such Magistrate before whom such offender shall be convicted, to be directed to a Constable or other Officer within the Village, Town, Township, City, District, or other; place, where the offender shall dwell; and shall direct the said sum of Five Pounds, or such other sum as shall be ordered to be levied in pursuance of this Act, as foresaid, when levied, to be paid into the Treasury of the Province or Colony where the offence shall be committed, to be applied towards the general charges of the said Province or Colony.

XIV. And, that the Quarters both of Officers and Soldiers I his Majesty's said Dominions in America, may hereafter be duly paid and satisfied, Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the twenty fourth day of March, in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, every Officer to whom it belongs to receive, or that does actually receive, the pay or subsistence money, either for a whole Regiment, or particular Companies, or otherwise, shall immediately, upon each receipt of every particular sum which shall, from time to time, lie paid, returned, or come to his or their hands, on account of pay or subsistence, give public notice thereof to all persons keeping Inns, or other places where Officers or Soldiers are quartered by virtue of this Act, and shall appoint, the said Innkeepers, and others, to repair to their Quarters at such times as they shall appoint, for tine distribution, and payment of the said pay and subsistence money to the said Officers or Soldiers, which shall be within four days at farthest after receipt of the same, as aforesaid; and the said Innkeepers and others shall then arid there acquaint such Officer or Officers with the accounts or debts (if any shall be) between them and the Officers and Soldiers so quartered in their respective Houses; which account the said Officer or Officers are hereby required to accept of, and immediately pay the same, before any part of the said pay or subsistence be distribut either to the Officers or Soldiers; provided the accounts exceed not, for a Commission Officer of Foot, being under the degree of a Captain, for such Officer's Diet and Small Beer per diem, One Shilling; and if such Officer snail have Horse or Horses, for each Horse or Horses, for each Horse or Horses, for their Hay and Straw, per diem, Six Pence; nor for one Foot Soldier's Diet, and Small Beer, Cider, or Rum, mixed as aforesaid, per diem Four Pence; and if any Officer or Officers, as aforesaid, shall not give notice, as aforesaid, and not immediately, upon producing such account stated, satisfy content, and pay the same, upon complaint and oath made thereof by any two witnesses, before two of his Majesty's Justices for the Village, Town Township, City, District or other place where such Quarters were (which oath such Justice are hereby authorized and required to administer,) the Paymaster or Paymasters of his Majesty's Guards and Garrisons, upon certificate of the said Justices before whom such path was made of the sum due upon such accounts, and the persons to whom the same is owing are hereby required and authorized to pay and satisfy the said sums out of the arrears due to the said Officers or Officers, upon penalty that such Paymaster or Paymaster, and be discharged from holding shall forfeit their respective place or places of Paymaster, and be discharged from holding the same for the future: and, in case there shall be no arrears due to the said Officer or Officers, then the said Paymaster or Paymasters are hereby authorized and required to deduct the sums he or they shall pay, pursuant to the certificates of the said Justices, out of the next pay or subsistence money of the Regiment to which such Officer or Officers shall belong; and such Officer or Officers shall, for every such offence; and such Officer or Officers shall, for every such offence, or for neglecting to give notice of the receipt of such pay or subsistence money, as aforesaid be deemed and taken, and is hereby declared to be, ipso facto, cashiered

XV. And where it shall happen that the Pay or Subsistence Money due to any Officer or Soldier within his Majesty's said Dominions in America, shall, by occasion of any accident, not be paid to such Officer or Soldier, or such Officer or Soldier shall neglect to pay the same, so that Quarters cannot be or are not paid as this Act directs; and where any Forces shall be upon their march in his Majesty's said Dominions in America, so that no Subsistence can be remitted to them to make payment as this Act directs, or they shall neglect to pay the same, in every such case it is hereby farther enacted, That every such Officer shall, before his or their departure out of his or their Quarters, where such Regiment, Troop, or Company, shall remain for any time whatsoever, make up the accounts with every person with whom such Regiment or Company shall have quartered, and sign a certificate thereof, and give the said certificate, so by him signed, to the party to whom such money is due, with the name of such Regiment or Company to which he or they shall belong, to the end the said certificate may be forthwith transmitted to the Paymaster of his Majesty's Guards and Garrisons, who is hereby required immediately to make payment thereof to the person or persons to whom such money shall be due, to the end the same may be applied to such Regiment or Company, respectively, under pain as before in this Act directed for non payment of Quarters.

XVI. And for the better preventing abuses in quartering or billeting the Soldiers in his Majesty's Dominions in America, in pursuance of this Act, Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any one or more Justices of the Peace, or other Officer, within their respective Villages, Towns, Townships, Cities, Districts, or other places in his Majesty's said Dominions in America, by warrant or order under his or their hand and seal, or hands and seals, at any time; or times, during the continuance of this Act, to require and command any Constable, Tithingman, Magistrate, or other chief Officer, who shall quarter or billet any Soldiers in pursuance of this Apt, to give an account in writing unto the said Justice or Justices, or other Officer requiring the same, of the number of Officers and Soldiers who shall be quartered or billeted by them, and also the names of the Housekeepers or persons upon whom, and the Barracks and hired uninhabited Houses or other Buildings, as afore , said, in which and where every such Officer or Soldier shall be quartered or billeted, together with an account of the street or place where every such Housekeeper or person dwells, and where every such Barrack or hired uninhabited House or Buildings is, or are, and of the Signs (if any) which belong to their Houses, to the end that it may appear to the said Justice or Justices, or other Officer, where such Officers or Soldiers are quartered or billeted, and that he or they may, thereby, be the better enabled to prevent or punish all abuses in the quartering or billeting them.

XVII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That, for the better and more regular provision of Carriages for his Majesty's Farces in their marches, or for their Arms, Clothes, or Accoutrements in his Majesty's said Dominions in America, all Justices of the Peace with-in their several Villages, Towns, Townships, Cities, Districts and places, being duly required thereunto by an order from his Majesty, or the General of his Forces, or of the General Commanding, or the Commanding Officer there, shall, as often as such order is brought and shown unto one or more of them by the Quartermaster, Adjutant, or other Officer of the Regiment, Detachment, or Company, so ordered to march, issue out his or their war-rants to the Constables, Tithingmen, Magistrates, or other Officers of the Villages, Towns, Townships, Cities, Districts, and other places, from, through, near, or to which such Regiment, Detachment, or Company, shall be order-ed to march, requiring them to make such provision for Carriages, with able men to drive the same, as shall be mentioned in the said warrant, allowing them reasonable time to do the same, that the neighbouring parts may not always bear the burden; and in case sufficient Carriages cannot be provided within any such Village, Town, Township, City, District, or other place, then the next Justice: or Justices of the peace, of the Village, Town, Township,

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