from Newfoundland, &c., were charged with a Duty; an absurdity he was, till lately, ignorant of.
Resolved, It is the opinion of this Committee, that the Duties at present payable on the importation of Seal-skins, shall cease and determine.
Lord North said, that it appeared from Mr. Lyster's examination, that many more Seal-skins would be import ed, were it not for a Duty of about four Pence half-penny each, which they paid at present; it was, therefore, thought right to exonerate them from that charge.
Resolved, It is the opinion of this Committee, that it shall be lawful for the subjects of Ireland to export Provisions, Hooks, Lines, Nets, Tools, and Implements, for the purpose, of the Fishery.
He remarked, that the Irish being tied from these Exports at present, was, in effect, excluding them from the Fishery. He, however, observed, that this Resolution must be followed with limitations, in order to prevent a clandestine supply of the Colonies with Irish Manufactures.
Resolved, It is the opinion of this Committee, that it shall be lawful to export from Ireland Clothes and Accoutrements for such Regiments on the Irish Establishment as are employed abroad.
His Lordship remarked on this Resolution, that as the Irish were burthened with the expense of several Regiments serving elsewhere, which they were ill able to bear, he thought it but fair to allow them to export the Clothing and Accoutrements of such Regiments, which, at present, they could not do by law; that the Export must be guard ed very carefully against frauds, which would not be difficult, as the Clothes would consist only of Uniforms.
Resolved, It is the opinion of this Committee, that a Bounty of Five Shillings a barrel should be paid on the import to Ireland, of Flax-seed, from any place whatsoever.
Upon this Resolution, Lord North said, that he had framed it much more in obedience to the desires and apprehensions of others, than in consequence of any he had himself. But as some gentlemen were apprehensive that the Non-Exportation Agreements of the Colonies would be lasting, and have the effect of doing a great prejudice to Ireland, by withholding Flax-seed; and as it was found that the Seed raised in Ireland was not so good as that imported from abroad, he had, in compliance of these ideas, come into the present proposition; that his own opinion was directly contrary. He was clear, that engagements so very contrary to their interests, could never be lasting; however, for a limited time, he agreed to the Bounty.
These Resolutions were all agreed to without opposition.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
Mr. Cooper reported from the Committee, that they had come to several Resolutions, which they had directed him to report, when the House will please to receive the same.
Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow morning.
FRIDAY, April 28, 1775.
Mr. Cooper, according to order, reported from the Committee of the Whole House, to whom it was referred to consider of what Encouragements it may be proper to give to the Fisheries carried on from Great Britain and Ireland, the Resolutions which the Committee had directed him to report to the House; which he read in his place, and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's table, where the same were read, and are as followeth, viz:
Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that the following Bounties be allowed to certain Ships, of the burthen of fifty tons, or upwards, employed in the British Fishery on the banks of Newfoundland, for a limited time, under certain conditions and limitations; that is to say, a Bounty of Forty Pounds each,; to twenty-five such Ships that shall first arrive in each year in the Island of Newfoundland, with a cargo of Fish, not less than ten thousand by tale, catched on the banks thereof; and shall, after landing the same, proceed for and return with one cargo of Fish more, at least, catched on the said banks; and a Bounty of Twenty Pounds each, for one hundred such Ships which shall next arrive at the said Island with a like cargo, and shall afterwards proceed again to the said banks, and return from thence in manner before mentioned; and a Bounty of Ten Pounds each for another one hundred of such Ships which shall next arrive at the said Island with a like cargo, and shall afterwards proceed again to the said banks, and return from thence in manner before mentioned.
Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that the following Bounties be allowed to five Ships belonging to Great Britain, Ireland, or the Isle of Man, employed in the Whale Fishery in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, or on the Coasts of Labrador, Newfoundland, or in any Seas to the Southward of the Greenland Seas and Davis's Straits, for a limited time, under certain conditions and limitations; that is to say: to the Vessel that shall arrive it each year in any Port of Great Britain, with the greatest quantity of Oil, being the produce of one or more Whale or Whales taken or killed by the Crew of such Vessel, a Bounty of Five Hundred Pounds; to the Vessel that shall, in like manner, arrive in the same year with the next greatest quantity of such Oil, a Bounty of Four Hundred Pounds; to the Vessel that shall so 'arrive in the same year with the next greatest quantity of such Oil, a Bounty of Three Hundred Pounds; to the Vessel that shall so arrive in the same year with the next greatest quantity of such Oil, a Bounty of Two Hundred Pounds; to the Vessel which shall so arrive in the same year with the next greatest quantity of such Oil, a Bounty of One Hundred Pounds; the Oil so to be imported by each of the said Ships being the produce of one Whale at the least.
Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that the liberty granted by law to import into this Kingdom, Duty free, Oil or Blubber, and Whale Fins from Greenland, and from the parts and Seas adjacent, and from those of Newfoundland, and of any other of his Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in America, in Ships belonging to Great Britain, be extended to Oil and Blubber of Fish, and to Whale Fins of Whales catched by Ships belonging to Great Britain, in any part of the Ocean; and that the like liberty be granted to his Majesty's subjects of Ireland and the Isle of Man.
Resolved, That it is the opinion of this. Committee, that the like Bounties which are granted by an Act of the eleventh year of his present Majesty's reign, to Ships fitted out from Great Britain or America, for the Whale Fishery, to the Greenland Seas and Davis's Straits, be allowed, under certain restrictions, to Ships fitted out for that purpose from the Kingdom of Ireland and from the Isle of Man.
Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that the Duty payable upon the importation of Seal-skins, catched by Vessels belonging to Great Britain, Ireland, or the Isle of Man, and fitted out from thence, respectively, shall cease, and be no longer paid.
Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that power be given to his Majesty's subjects, residing in Ire land, to ship and transport from thence to Newfoundland, or any part of America, where the Fishery now is, or may hereafter be, carried on, Provisions, Hooks, Lines, Netting, or other Tools or Implements of the product or manufacture of Great Britain or Ireland, necessary for, and used in, the Fishery by the Ships or Vessels carrying out the same, and the Craft belonging to, and employed by, such Ships in the said Fishery.
Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that the like power be given to his Majesty's subjects residing in the Isle of Man, to transport from thence, for the same purpose, the like Provisions, Tools, and Implements, of the product or manufacture of Great Britain or the Isle of Man.
Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that Clothing and Accoutrements necessary for his Majesty's Forces, which are paid out of any of his Majesty's Revenues arising in the Kingdom of Ireland, and are sent from thence, upon his Majesty's service, be allowed to be ex ported from Ireland to the places where such Forces shall be so ordered to serve, under certain restrictions and limitations.
Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that a Bounty of Five Shillings per hogshead be allowed upon all Flax-seed, imported from any place whatsoever, into the Kingdom of Ireland, for a limited time, and that such