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and uninterrupted connection between Great Britain and her Colonies in America, they conceive their interests are now become so intimately blended together, and their mutual dependence upon each other to be at this time so delicately great, that they esteem every thing which has a tendency to alienate affection, or disunite them in any degree, highly injurious to their common happiness, and directly calculated to produce a Revolution likely to prove in the end destructive to both; they do, therefore, heartily disclaim every idea of that spirit of independence which has of late, by some of our mistaken brethren on each side of the Atlantic, been so groundlessly and injuriously held up to the attention of the Nation, as having, through ambition, possessed the breasts of the Americans. And, moreover, they devoutly beseech the Supreme Disposer of all events, graciously to incline the heart of our Sovereign, and all his Ministers, to a kind and impartial investigation of the real sentiments and disposition of his truly loyal American subjects.

4. Notwithstanding many great men and able writers have employed their talents and pens in favour of the newly adopted mode of taxation in America, they are yet sensible of no convictive light being thrown upon the subject; and, therefore, although so august a body as that of the British Parliament is now actually endeavouring to enforce, in a military way, the execution of some distressing edicts upon the capital of the Massachusetts Colony, they do freely and solemnly declare, that in conscience they deem them, and all others that are, or even may be, framed upon the same principles, altogether unprecedented and unconstitutional, utterly inconsistent with the true original intention of Magna Charta, subversive of the just rights of free-born Englishmen, agreeable and satisfatory only to the domestick and foreign enemies of our Nation, and consequently pregnant with complicated ruin, and tending directly to the dissolution and destruction of the British Empire.

5. As they, on the one hand, firmly believe that the inhabitants of the Massachusetts Colony in general, and those of the town of Boston in particular, are, to all intents and purposes, as loyal subjects as any in all his Majesty's widely extended Dominions; and on the other, that (although the present coercive and oppressive measures against them may have taken their rise in some part from the grossest and most eruel misrepresentation both of their disposition and conduct,) the blockade of that town is principally designed to lead the way in an attempt to execute a dreadful deep laid plan for enslaving all America. They are, therefore, clearly of opinion, that the Bostonians are now eminently suffering in the common cause of American freedom, and that their fate may probably prove decisive to this very extensive Continent, and even to the whole British Nation; and they do verily expect that unless some generous spirited measures for the publick safety be speedily entered into, and steadily prosecuted, every other Colony will soon, in turn, feel the pernicious effects of the same detestable restrictions. Whence they earnestly entreat every rank, denomination, society, and profession of their brethren, that, laying aside all bigotry, and every party disposition, they do now universally concur in one generous and vigorous effort for the encouragement and support of their suffering friends, and in a resolute assertion of their birth-right, liberties, and privileges. In consequence of which they may reasonably expect a speedy repeal of all the arbitrary edicts respecting the Massachusetts Government, and at the same time an effectual preclusion of any future attempts of the kind from the enemies of our happy Constitution, either upon them or any of their American brethren.

6. In case it shall hereafter appear to be consistent with the result of the deliberations of the general Congress, that an interruption, or entire cessation, of commercial intercourse with Great Britain, and even (painful as it may be) with the West Indies, until said oppressive Acts be repealed, and the liberties of America fully restored, stated, and asserted, will on this deplorable emergency be really necessary and conducive to the publick good; they promise a ready acquiescence in the measure, and will recommend the same as far as their influence shall extend,

7. As a general Congress of Deputies from the several American Colonies is proposed to be held at Philadelphia, some time in September next, they declare their entire approbation of the design, and think it the only rational method of evading those aggravated evils which threaten to involve the whole Continent in one general calamitous catastrophe. They are therefore met this day, vested with due authority, from their respective constituents, to elect a Committee to represent this County of Monmouth in any future necessary transactions respecting the cause of liberty, and especially to join the Provincial Convention soon to be held at New-Brunswick, for the purpose of nominating and constituting a number of Delegates, who, in behalf of this Colony, may steadily attend said general Congress, and faithfully serve the labouring cause of freedom; and they have consequently chosen and deputed the following gentlemen to that important trust, viz: Edward Taylor, John Anderson, John Taylor, James Grover, and John Lawrence, Esquires, Doctor Nathaniel Scudder, and Messrs. John Burrowes, John Covenhoven, Joseph Holmes, Josiah Holmes, and Edward Williams; Edward Taylor, Esq., being constituted Chairman, and any five of them a sufficient number to transact business. And they do beseech and entreat, instruct and enjoin them, to give their voice at said Provincial Convention, for no persons but such as they in good conscience and from the best information shall verily believe to be amply qualified for so interesting a department; particularly that they be men highly approved for integrity, honesty, and uprightness, faithfully attached to his Majesty's person and lawful Government, well skilled in the principles of our excellent Constitution, and steady assertors of all our civil and religious liberties.

8. As, under the present operation of the Boston Port Bill, thousands of our respected brethren in that town must necessarily be reduced to great distress, they feel themselves affected with the sincerest sympathy and most cordial commisseration; and as they expect, under God, that the final deliverance of America will be owing, in a great degree, to a continuance of their virtuous struggle, they esteem themselves bound in duty and interest, to afford them every assistance and alleviation in their power; and they do now, in behalf of their constituents, declare their readiness to contribute to the relief of the suffering poor in that town; therefore, they request the several Committees of the counties, when met, to take into their serious consideration the necessity and expediency of forwarding, under a sanction from them, subscriptions through every part of this Colony, for that truly humane and laudable purpose; and that a proper plan be concerted for laying out the product of such subscriptions to the best advantage, and afterwards transmitting it to Boston in the safest and least expensive way.

9. As we are now, by our Committees in this, in conjunction with those of the other Colonies, about to delegate to a number of our countrymen, a power equal to any wherewith human nature alone was ever invested; and as we firmly resolve to acquiese in the issue of their deliberations, we do therefore earnestly entreat them, seriously and conscientiously to weigh the inexpressible importance of their arduous department, and fervently to solicit that direction and assistance in the discharge of their trust, which all the powers of humanity cannot afford them; and we do humbly and devoutly beseech that God, in whose hand are the hearts of all flesh, and who ruleth them at His pleasure, graciously to infuse into the whole Congress a spirit of true wisdom, prudence, and just moderation; and to direct them to such unanimous and happy conclusions, as shall terminate in His own honour and glory; the establishment of the Protestant succession of the illustrious House of Hanover; the mutual weal and advantage of Great Britain and all her Dominions, and a just and permanent confirmation of the civil and religious liberties of America. And now, lastly, under the consideration of abare possibility, that the enemies of our Constitution may yet succeed in a despotick triumph over us in this age, we do earnestly, (should that prove the case) call upon all future generations to renew the glorious struggle for liberty, as oft as Heaven shall afford them any probable means of success

May this notification, by some faithful record, be handed down to the yet unborn descendants of Americans, that nothing but the most fatal necessity could have wrested the present inestimable enjoyments from their ancestors. Let

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