for the Congress to sit in the New Chapel, and passed in the negative.
Resolved That the seats now chosen by the Members in Congress, and those which may be chosen by them in future upon their first coming into the same, be their seats during the session thereof.
Resolved That the Congress be returned in Divisions as agreed on at Concord.
Mr. President informed the Congress that he had in his hand his Excellency's Answer to our Message to him of the thirteenth instant, directed to Colonel Lee the Honourable Colonel Ward Colonel Orne Captain Gardner Henry Gardner Esq., Mr. Devens Mr. Gorham Captain Brown Colonel Pomeroy Honourable Colonel Prescott Colonel Thayer Mr. Williams Captain Heath Captain Upham Mr. Barnes Captain Doolittle Mr. Lothrop Major Thompson Mr. Palmer Mr. Pickering and Captain Thompson said to be a Committee to wait on his Excellency with a Message.
GENTLEMEN: The previous menaces daily thrown out, and the unusual warlike preparations throughout the country, make it an act of duty in me to pursue the measures I have taken in constructing what you call a Fortress, which, unless annoyed, will annoy nobody.
It is surely highly exasperating, as well as ungenerous, even to hint that the lives, liberties or properties of any persons, except avowed enemies, are in danger from Britains; Britain can never harbour the black design of wantonly destroying, or enslaving, any people on earth. And notwithstanding the enmity shewn the King's Troops, by withholding from them almost every necessary for their preservation, they have not as yet discovered the resentment which might justly be expected to arise from such hostile treatment.
No person can be more solicitous than myself to procure union and harmony between Great Britain and her Colonies, and I ardently wish to contribute to the completion of a work so salutary to both countries: But an open and avowed disobedience to all her authority, is only bidding defiance to the mother country, and gives little hopes of bringing a spirited Nation to that favourable disposition, which a more decent and dutiful conduct might effect.
Whilst you complain of Acts of Parliament that make alterations in your Charter, and put you in some degree on the same footing with many other Provinces, you will not forget that by your assembling, you are yourselves subverting that Charter, and now acting in violation of your own Constitution.
It is my duty therefore, however irregular your application is, to warn you of the rock you are upon, and to require your to desist from such illegal and unconstitutional proceedings.
Province House, October 17, 1774.
Resolved That his Excellency's Answer be committed to the Committee on the State of the Province.
Ordered That the Letters on his Honour's table, said to be wrote by the Reverend Mr. Peters be committed to the Committee on the State of the Province.
Adjourned to three o'clock this afternoon.
Resolved That in the absence of the President, the Secretary have power to adjourn the Congress.
Ordered That the Committee appointed to wait on the Reverend Dr. Appleton this morning to desire his attendance on the Congress, and open the meeting with Prayer, again wait on him, and return him the Thanks of this Congress for his attendance and prayer with them this morning; and desire that he would officiate as their Chaplain during their session here.
Adjourned until to-morrow morning, nine o'clock.
Tuesday, October 18, 1774.
Congress met pursuant to adjournment.
Ordered That the Galleries now be cleared, and the Doors of the House be kept shut, during the debates of the Congress, until the further order thereof.
Resolved That a Doorkeeper be appointed; and that the Members of the Town of Cambridge appoint some suitable person for that purpose. Mr. Darling was appointed accordingly.
Adjourned to three o'clock this afternoon.
Moved That the Congress now determine whether they will, or will, not, reply to his Excellency's Answer.
After some debate thereon, the question was put, whether the Congress will make a Reply to his Excellency's Answer; and it passed in the affirmative.
Adjourned to ten o'clock to-morrow morning.
Wednesday, October 19, 1774.
Ordered That the Doorkeeper see that the Galleries be now cleared.
The Committee on the State of the Province reported a Reply to his Excellency's Message. The same was read and ordered to be recommitted.
Ordered That Captain Heath Major Fellows Colonel Thomas Captain Gardner and Colonel Pomeroy be a Committee to make as minute an inquiry into the present state and operations of the Army as may be and report.
Ordered That no Members be called out.
The Committee on the State of the Province reported an Answer to his Excellency's Message; which, having been read and considered, paragraph by paragraph, was ordered to lie on the table.
Adjourned to nine o'clock to-morrow morning.
Thursday, October 20, 1774.
The Committee appointed to make inquiry into the state and operations of the Army reported. The Report, after being read, was ordered to lie on the table.
Resolved That a Committee be appointed to consider what is necessary to be now done for the Defence and Safety of the Province.
Resolved That the Committee consist of thirteen, viz: two in the County of Suffolk and one in each other County who have returned Members to this Congress.
Resolved That each County appoint its own member.
The Members of the several Counties retired, soon returned and reported that they had made choice of the following gentlemen respectively, viz:
SUFFOLK.—The Honourable Samuel Dexter Esq., and Captain Heath;
MIDDLESEX.—Captain Gardner;
ESSEX.—Colonel Orne;
HAMPSHIRE.—Major Hawley;
PLYMOUTH.—Colonel Thomas;
BARNSTABLE.—Daniel Davis Esq.;
BRISTOL.—Colonel Walker;
YORK.—Edward Cutts Esq.;
DUKES.—Mr. Smith;
WORCESTER.—Colonel Ward;
CUMBERLAND.—Major Freeman;
BERKSHIRE.—Major Fellows;
Upon a motion,
Ordered That the gentlemen appointed by the several Counties respectively be a Committee for the purpose aforesaid.
The Committee on the State of the Province reported a Resolve relative to the payment and collecting of the outstanding Rates and Taxes; the same being read was ordered to be recommitted.
Upon a motion,
Ordered That the Answer to his Excellency's Message remain on the table.
Adjourned to nine o'clock to-morrow morning.
Friday, October 21, 1774.
Congress met agreeable to adjournment.
Ordered That Mr. Gerry Colonel, Warren and Colonel Lee be a Committee to report a Letter to the Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor, Committee of Correspondence, and Committee of Donations, for the Town of