them effectual for the preservation and defence of the good people of this Province.
Ordered, That Captain Heath, Captain Gardner, Mr. Bigelow, Colonel Orne, and Colonel Thayer, be a Committee to take into consideration what Exercise will be best for the people of this Province at this time to adopt, and report.
Adjourned to nine o'clock to-morrow morning.
Thursday, October 27, 1774.
The Order of the Day was moved for.
Ordered, That Colonel Warren, Doctor Holten, and Colonel Lee, be a Committee to sort and count the votes for the Committees and Officers this day to be elected.
Resolved, That the Congress will proceed to the choice of the Committee of Safety, which is to consist of nine members, viz: three in the town of Boston and six in the country, in the manner following, viz: they will give their votes first for the three members of the town of Boston, and then for the six in the country.
The Congresss accordingly proceeded to bring in their votes for the three members of the town of Boston, and the Committee appointed to count and sort the votes, reported that the following gentlemen were chosen, viz: Honourable John Hancock Esquire, Doctor Warren, and Doctor Church.
The Congress then proceeded to bring in their votes for six gentlemen of the country; after sorting and counting the same, the Committee reported that the following were chosen, viz: Mr. Devens, Captain White, of Brookline, Mr. Palmer, Norton Quincy, Esquire, Mr. Watson, and Colonel Orne.
The Congress proceeded to bring in their votes for five Commissaries; and the Committee having sorted and counted the votes, reported that the following gentlemen were chosen, viz: Mr. Cheever, Mr. Gill Colonel Lee, Mr. Greenleaf, Colonel Warren.
Upon a motion made by Colonel Warren, that he might be excused from serving on the Committee for Supplies; and having offered his reasons therefor, the question was put, whether he be excused from serving on said Committee, and passed in the affirmative.
The Congress then proceeded to bring in their votes for a person to serve in the place of Colonel Warren who hath been excused, and after sorting and counting the same, they reported that Colonel Lincoln was chosen.
It was then moved, that the Congress proceed to the choice of three General Officers; and, Resolved That they would first make choice of the gentleman who should have the chief command; and the Committee having sorted and counted the votes, reported that the Honourable Jedediah Preble, Esquire, was chosen.
The Congress then proceeded to bring in their votes for the second in command, and the Committee having sorted and counted the votes, reported the Honourable Artemas Ward Esquire, was chosen.
The Congress then proceeded to bring in their votes for the third in command, and the Committee having sorted and counted the votes, reported that Colonel Pomeroy was chosen.
The Congress then proceeded to bring in their votes for a Committee to set in the recess of this Congress, agreeable to the Resolve of yesterday, and the Committee having sorted and counted the votes, reported that the following gentlemen were chosen, viz:
The Honourable Joseph Hawley, Esquire, Honourable John Hancock, Esquire, Honourable Samuel Dexter, Esquire, Mr. Elbridge Gerry Captain Heath, Major Foster, Honourable James Warren, Esquire.
Resolved, That to-morrow morning, nine o'clock, the Congress will take into consideration the propriety of appointing a Receiver General.
Ordered, That the Members be enjoined to attend, and that they do not absent themselves for any cause save that of absolute necessity.
Resolved, That the Replication of his Excellency's Answer which was ordered to lie on the table for the Members to review, be now taken up and recommitted for some amendments.
Upon a motion the question was put, whether the Honourable Samuel Danforth, Esquire, be desired to attend this Congress upon the adjournment, and passed in the negative.
Upon a motion, the question was put, severally, whether the Honourable James Pitts, Esquire, Honourable Artemas Ward, Esquire, Honourable Benjamin Greenleaf, Esquire, Honourable Caleb Cushing, Esquire, Honourable Samuel Phillips, Esquire, Honourable Richard Derby, Esquire, Honourable James Otis, Esquire, Honourable William Seaver, Esquire, Honourable Walter Spooner, Esquire, Honourable Benjamin Chadburn, Esquire, Honourable Jedediah Preble, Esquire, and the Honourable George Leonard, Esquire, be desired to attend this Congress at the next meeting upon the adjournment, and passed in the affirmative.
The question was then put, whether the Honourable John Erving, Esq., and the Honourable Jeremiah Powell, Esquire be desired also to attend this Congress, upon its being evident that they had not accepted, and upon their having given full assurances that they would not accept of their commission as mandamus Counsellors, and it passed in the affirmative.
Ordered, That Mr. Cushing, Colonel Prescott, and Captain Greenleaf, be a Committee to bring in a Resolve inviting the Counsellors aforesaid to attend accordingly.
Adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine o'clock.
Friday, October 28, 1774.
The Order of the Day was moved for.
Resolved, That the Congress now proceed to the choice of a Receiver General.
Ordered, That Colonel Warren, Doctor Holten, and Colonel Lee, be a Committee to count and sort the votes for a Receiver General.
The Congress then proceeded to bring in their votes for a Receiver General; the Committee having counted and sorted the same, reported that the Honourable Samuel Dexter, Esquire, was chosen. But upon a motion by him made, that he might be excused from serving in that office, and having offered his reasons for his motion, the question was put, whether he be excused accordingly, and it passed in the affirmative.
Resolved, That the choice of a Receiver General be put off till three o'clock this afternoon.
The Committee on the State of the Province reported a Resolve, relative to the removal of the inhabitants of the town of Boston from thence, which was read.
Upon a motion made by Mr. Greenleaf, one of the Committee for providing stores, that he might be excused from serving in that office, and having offered his reasons for his motion, the question was put, whether he be excused accordingly, and it passed in the affirmative.
The Congress resumed the consideration of the Report of the Committee, recommending the removal of the inhabitants of the town of Boston from thence. Ordered to be recommitted, and that the Committee sit forthwith.
Resolved, That the Congress now proceed to the choice of a Receiver General. The votes being carried in, and the Committee having sorted and counted the same, reported that Henry Gardner, Esquire, was chosen.
Resolved, That the Congress now proceed, according to their order in the forenoon, to bring in their votes for the choice of a person to fill up the Committee for providing stores, in the place of Mr. Greenleaf, who was excused. The Committee having sorted and counted the same, reported that Mr. Benjamin Hall was chosen.
The Committee on the State of the Province reported a Resolve relative to the Collecting and Paying the outstanding Taxes, which was read and accepted; but, upon a motion, the above vote was reconsidered, and the Report was committed to Major Hawley, Mr. Gerry, and Major Foster, for amendments, which was done, was again considered and accepted, and is as followeth, viz:
Whereas, the Moneys heretofore granted and ordered to be assessed by the General Court of this Province, and not paid into the Province Treasury, will be immediately wanted to supply the unexpected and pressing demands of this Province, in its present distressed circumstances, and