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effectual aid and assistance to the Officers of his Majesty's Customs in the legal discharge of their duty.

Given under my hand and the great seal of the said Province, at Philadelphia, the eighteenth day of October, in the fourteenth year of his Majesty's reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy four.


By his Honour's command,

JOSEPH SHIPPEN, Jun., Secretary.

GOD save the King.

The Board being of opinion it would be expedient and necessary to continue in pay for a time longer the Rangers employed in the protection of the Western Frontiers of this Province, they advised the Governour to recommend it to the Assembly, to make provision for that purpose, and the following Message being prepared at the table, was fairly transcribed and delivered to the House by the Secretary, viz:

A Message from the Governour to the Assembly,

GENTLEMEN: By the latest intelligence from the Westward, the Earl of Dunmore was set out on an expedition down the Ohio, against the Shawanese Indians, and it is very uncertain as yet whether the troubles on the Frontiers may subside. I therefore find it incumbent on me to recommend to your consideration the propriety of keeping in pay, for a longer time, the Rangers employed by this Government, or taking such other measures as you may judge on this occasion most proper for the publick security.


October 17, 1774.


Ligonier, October 17, 1774.

SIR: Having accidentally met with my friend Mr. Mackay at this place, I take the liberty to introduce him to you. He has an answer to the Messages the Governour sent to the Shawanese and Delawares, not unfriendly, but which you will very well understand. Mr. Mackay is one of the Magistrates that was sent to Virginia. He is a warm friend to this Government, and has some idea of his own importance. I wish you would please to introduce him to the Governour, and let him tell his story. I need not tell you how far a little attention will go with people of a certain character; but this you may depend on, he is an upright, honest man. Excuse my mentioning it, but these gentlemen's expenses on that Virginia trip should certainly be paid them: I know, however, he will not mention it, nor would he forgive me if he knew that I had done it. I dont know how it is, but I am very apt to get into matters I have no sort of business with, and which indeed does not become me: but I will add that I am with the greatest esteem, sir, your very humble and most obedient servant,


N. B. Past ten o'clock.


Brother, the Governour of Pennsylvania: As soon as the Chiefs of our Nation and the Six Nations had received your belts from Captain St. Clair, I was appointed to carry them through all our Villages, and from thence to the Shawanese and Wyandots at Sandusky. I am now returned, and can inform you and your wise men that your messages were well received by all the Tribes, and they all long to meet you or some of your wise men in Council, to renew and brighten the chain of friendship so long subsisting between our forefathers. For our parts, we never mean to let it slip out of our hands; and it is not our fault if it should; it is not in our powers to go to you; but we know it's in your power to come or send some of your wise men to meet us; and it never was more necessary, as this difference subsisting between the Governour of Virginia and the Shawanege gives us all great uneasiness in our minds, and though we have suffered much in some of our people being killed, yet we have done every thing in our power to get this unhappy difference made up, and have now sent a number: of our wise men to assist in getting it settled at the places our brother the Governour of Virginia appointed to meet the Shawanese, but I cannot tell whether they will agree or not. (A String.)

In two nights after my return to Colonel Croghan's, some bad white man crossed the River in the night and stole four horses from me, which my friend Mr. Mackay can inform you of, which I hope you will consider and not let me be at the loss of.

THE PIPE, A Chief of the Delaware Nation.


MY LORD: I transmit your Lordship a number of enclosures, amongst which you will see the Resolves passed by the Representatives who met at Salem, notwithstanding my Proclamation to postpone the Sessions, and adjourned themselves, as was foreseen, to meet Delegates from the Counties and Towns, to Concord, there to form themselves into a Provincial Congress, from whence they have agreed to remove to Cambridge. Your Lordship has a Remonstrance which they have sent to me, and my Answer to it, which I had some difficulty in contriving, as I cannot consider them as a legal Assembly, and a handle would have been made of it had I refused; and it was, moreover, necessary to warn them of their conduct, and require them to desist from such unconstitutional proceedings. There are also copies of two Remonstrances from the County of Worcester, the first of which was so offensive to the King, and not addressed to me as Governour, that I refused to receive it; the last was answered, and the answer transmitted.

The above relate to works I have been making at the entrance of the Town, at which they pretend to be greatly alarmed, lest the inhabitants of the Town should be enslaved, and made hostages of, to force the country to comply with the late Acts: a scheme which they know is not feasible; but I believe the works have hitherto obstructed some pernicious projects they have had in view, which has determined me to refuse all applications for their demolition. And whilst their affected apprehensions for the Town of Boston are held forth, moderation and forbearance has been put to the test, by burning the straw, and sinking boats with bricks, coming for the use of the Troops, and overturning our wood carts. It appears to me to be a part of their system, to pick a quarrel with the Troops, for which reason I was the more cautious to give no pretence for it, that all misfortunes which might happen should be of their own seeking.

There are various reports spread abroad of the motions made at the Provincial Congress whilst at Concord; some it is said moved to attack the Troops in Boston, immediately; others to value the estates in the Town, in order to pay the proprietors the loss they might sustain, and to set the Town on fire; and others proposed to invite the inhabitants into the country, which has been talked off for some time.

By a Letter from General Carleton, of the 20th of September, he determined to send here the Tenth and Fifty-second Regiments, and I conclude them on their way from Quebec; as also General Haldimand with the Forty-seventh Regiment from New-York, where transports have been laying for some weeks to take on board the stores, and I apprehend they are mostly secured. I am to acquaint your Lordship likewise, that Commodore Shuldham, receiving intelligence at Newfoundland of the extraordinary commotions of this country, sent the Rose, man-of-war, immediately here, with two Companies of the Sixty-fifth Regiment, stationed at St. John's, desiring only that they might be replaced in the Spring. I am, &c.


P. S. I had once hopes to have sent your Lordship accounts of some conciliatory measures, which I have urged strongly, and recommended the paying for the Tea for a beginning of a reconciliation; but I despair of any overtures of the kind, unless it comes recommended from the Continental Congress, by whose Resolves this people declare their intentions to abide, and use every artifice to engage the rest of the Continent in their own disputes with the mother country.

T. G.

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