1775, | others, Inhabitants of the said Borough, and places adjacent, presented, 1627 |
Feb. 15, | Letter from Lord Dunmore, dated December 24, 1774, presented by Lord North, 1628 |
| Petition of the Merchants and Master Manufacturers of Woollen Goods, of the Towns of Wakefield, Halifax, Bradford, Huddersfield, and Country adjacent, interested in the Trade to America, presented, 1628 |
| Accounts of Imports and Exports of Sugar presented, 1629 |
17, | Address to the King, that he will direct to be laid before the House, an Act of Assembly of Virginia, passed in the year 1684, 1629 |
| Bill to Restrain the Trade, and prohibit the Fisheries of the Northern Colonies, presented by Lord North, 1629 |
| Second reading ordered for Thursday, 1629 |
| American Papers to be considered in Committee of the Whole, on Monday, the 20th, 1629 |
20, | Accounts of Imports and Exports presented, 1630 |
22, | Petition of the Merchants of Whitehaven, in the County of Cumberland, 1630 |
| Petition of the Merchants, Linen Drapers, and principal Inhabitants of the Town and Neighbourhood of Belfast, in the Kingdom of Ireland, presented, 1631 |
| Petition of the Aldermen, Sheriff, principal Manufacturers, and Inhabitants of the Town and County of Nottingham, presented, 1631 |
| "Act for the better preservation of the Peace of Virginia, and preventing Unlawful and Treasonable Associations," passed by the Assembly of Virginia, on the 16th of April, 1684, presented, (Note,) 1632 |
| Petition of the Merchants, Traders, and others, of the City of London, interested in the American Commerce, presented, 1633 |
| Second reading of the Bill postponed until tomorrow, 1634 |
24, | Letter from General Gage to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated January 18, presented by Lord North, 1634 |
| Other Papers from America presented, 1634 |
| Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons, of the City of London, in Common Council convened, presented at the Bar of the House, by the Sheriffs of the City, 1635 |
| Bill read second time, and committed to Committee of the Whole, 1636 |
| Petition of Merchants, of London, referred to same Committee, and may be heard by themselves, their Counsel, or Agents, against the Bill, 1636 |
| City Petition referred to the same Committee, 1637 |
28, | Petition of the People called Quakers presented, 1637 |
| Petition of the Merchants, Traders, and principal Inhabitants of the Town and County of Poole, presented, 1637 |
| House in Committee, on the Bill, 1638 |
| David Barclay, as Agent fur the Committee of the North American Merchants, called in, to examine Witnesses in support of their Petition, 1638 |
| Examination of Brook Watson, 1638 |
| Examination of Stephen Higginson, 1645 |
| Examination of John Lane 1648 |
| Examination of Seth Jenkins, 1650 |
March 1, | Account of the Imports of Tobacco into Scotland, from 1760 to 1775, presented, 1651 |
| Account of Imports and Exports presented, 1651 |
| House in Committee on the Bill, 1651 |
6, | Bill reported to die House from the Committee of the Whole, 1651 |
| Examination of Benjamin Lister, in support of the Petition from Poole, 1651 |
| Motion made for the engrossment of the Bill, 1653 |
| Debate—Lord Howe, 1653 |
| | | Mr. Charles Fox, 1653 |
| | | Mr. Jenkinson, 1653 |
| | | Mr. T. Townshend, 1654 |
| | | Mr. Henry Dundas, 1654 |
| | | Lord John Cavendish, 1654 |
| | | Mr. Rice, 1654 |
| | | Mr. Edmund Burke, 1654 |
| | | Lord Advocate of Scotland, 1656 |
| Question taken, and resolved in the Affirmative, 1657 |
| Third reading ordered for Wednesday next, 1657 |
1775. Mar. 8, | Bill read the third time, 1657 |
| Amendment offered by Mr. Hartley, to permit the Colonies to import Fuel and Provisions brought coastwise from any part of America, 1657 |
| Debate—Mr. Hartley, 1657 |
| | | Lord North, 1653 |
| | | Mr. Burke, 1659 |
| | | Lord Clare, 1639 |
| | | Mr. T. Townshend, 1659 |
| | | Mr. Charles Fox, 1659 |
| | | Governour Pownall, 1660 |
| | | Mr. Henry Dundas, 1660 |
| Question on the Amendment taken, and rejected, 1660 |
| Bill Passed, 1660 |
House of Lords. |
March 9, | Bill to Restrain the Trade of the Northern Colonies, received from the Commons, 1661 |
10, | Second reading of the Bill ordered for Wednesday the 15th, and the Lords summoned, 1661 |
15, | Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons, of the City of London, in Common Council assembled, 1661 |
| Petition of the Merchants, Traders, and others, of the City of London, interested in the American Commerce, 1661 |
| Bill read the second time, 1663 |
| House refuse to permit Mr. Barclay to put Questions to the witnesses, 1663 |
| Seth Jenkins examined, 1663 |
| Brook Watson examined, 1667 |
| Benjamin Lyster examined, 1668 |
| George Davis examined, 1669 |
| Molyneux Shuldham examined, 1669 |
| Sir Hugh Palliser examined, 1670 |
16, | Motion by the Earl of Dartmouth, to commit the Bill, 1670 |
| Debate—Marquis of Rockingham, 1670 |
| | | Earl of Carlisle, 1670 |
| | | Duke of Manchester, 1673 |
| | | Earl of Denbigh, 1674 |
| | | Duke of Manchester, 1674 |
| | | Earl of Denbigh, 1674 |
| | | Viscount Dudley, 1675 |
| | | Lord Camden, 1675 |
| | | Earl of Sandwich, (see Note,) 1681 |
| | | Earl of Shelburne, 1683 |
| | | Earl of Suffolk, 1684 |
| | | Earl of Radnor, 1684 |
| | | Earl of Suffolk, 1684 |
| | | Earl of Radnor, 1684 |
| | | Duke of Grafton, 1685 |
| | | Marquis of Rockingham, 1686 |
| | | Lord Camden, 1686 |
| Question taken; Bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House, 1687 |
20, | Bill reported, amended, and ordered for a third reading to-morrow, 1687 |
21, | Bill read a third time, 1688 |
| Amendment offered by the Earl of Buckinghamshire, 1688 |
| Debate—Duke of Manchester, 1688 |
| | | Lord Chancellor, 1688 |
| | | Duke of Manchester, 1688 |
| | | Earl of Effingham, 1689 |
| | | Earl of Dartmouth, 1689 |
| Amendment rejected, 1669 |
| Bill passed, 1689 |
| List of the Minority, 1689 |
| Protest, 1689 |
| "An Act to Restrain the Trade and Commerce of the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay arid New-Hampshire, and Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode-Island, and Providence Plantation, in North America, to Great Britain, Ireland, and the British Islands in the West Indies; and to prohibit such Provinces and Colonies from carrying on any Fishery on the Banks of Newfoundland, or other places therein mentioned, under certain conditions and limitations," 1691 |
House of Commons, |
Mar. 3, | American Papers presented by Lord North, 1697 |
| Letter from Governour Franklin to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated February 1, 1697 |