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Mar. 3,

Letter from Governour Perm to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated January 30 1698
 Petition of the Merchants, Linen Drapers, and principal Inhabitants, of the City of Waterford, in the Kingdom of Ireland, presented, 1698
8, Letter from Governour Gage to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated January 27, presented by Lord North, 1698
 Mr. Hartley's motion for an Address to the King, requesting him to direct a copy of a Later from the Earl of Dartmouth to Lieutenant Governour Golden, dated December 10th, may be laid before the House, 1699
 Debate—Mr. Hartley, 1699
   Mr, Rigby, 1699
   Mr. T. Townshend, 1699
   Lord North, 1699
   Mr. Fox, 1699
 Mr. Hartley's motion rejected, 1699
 House in Committee on the American Papers, 1700
9. Accounts of Exports and Imports presented, 1700
 Petition of Gentlemen, Merchants, and Traders, in the Woollen Manufactory at or near Hud-dersfield, in the West Riding of the County of York, presented, 1700
 Petition of the Manufacturing; Hosiers of the Town and County of Nottingham, presented, 1700
 Permission granted to the Petitioners to be heard before the Committee if they think fit, 1701
 House in Committee on the American Paper 1701
 Motion by Lord North, for leave to bring in a Bill to Restrain the Trade of New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina, 1701
 Debate—Lord John Cavendish, 1701
   Sir William Mayne, 1701
   Mr. Hartley, 1702
   Lord North, 1702
 Question taken; motion agreed to by the Committee, 1702
 Reported to the House, 1702
 Leave granted, and Committee appointed to bring in the Bill, 1702
13, Bill presented by Mr. Cooper, and read first time, 1702
 Second leading ordered fox Thursday, 1702
15, Accounts of Duties, Drawbacks, and Imposts. presented, 1702
 Petition of the Clothiers and other principal Inhabitants of Trowbridge, in the Comity of Wilts, presented, 1703
16, Second reading of the Bill postponed until tomorrow, 1703
17. Bill read second time, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House, 1704
20, House in Committee go through with the Bill, 1704
 Report of the Committee of the Whole to be received on the 23d, 1704
23, Report postponed to the 27th. 1704
27, Report further postponed to the 29th, 1704
29, Report to be received to-morrow. 1704
30, Bill reported from the Committee of the Whole, 1704
 Debate—Mr. John Luttroll. 1705
   Mr. Temple Luttrell, 1706
   Lord North, 1708
 Amendment, relating to Delaware, proposed by Lord -North, and agreed to, 1708
 Bill ordered to be read a third time on the 3d of April, 1708
 Papers presented by Lord North, 1708
 Letter from Governour Gage to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated February 17, 1708
 Letter from Governour Gage to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated February 20, 1709

Apr. 3,

Third reading of the Bill postponed, 1709
 Estimate of the charge of maintaining and supporting the Civil Establishment of his Majesty's Colony of Nova-Scotia, for the year 1775, 1710
 Estimate of the Civil Establishment of his Majesty's Colony of Georgia, and the Incidental Expenses attending the same, from the 24th of June, 1774,to the 24th of June 1775, 1710
 Estimate of the Civil Establishment of East Florida, and other Incidental Expenses attending the same, from June 24,1774, to June 24, 1775, 1711
 Estimate of the Expenses attending General Surveys of his Majesty's Dominions in North America, for the year 1775. 1712

Apr 5,

Bill read the third time, 1712
 Motion made that the Bill do Pass, 1712
 Debate—Mr. Hartley, 1712
   Lord North, 1712
   Sir William Mayne, 1712
   Mr. Rigby, 1713
   Marquis of Granby, 1713
   Lord North, 1714
   Mr. Alderman Sawbridge, 1714
   Mr. Alderman Bull, 1714
   Sir John Duntze, 1715
   General Conway, 1715
   Mr. Rigby, 1715
   Mr. T. Townshend, 1715
 Question taken; the Bill passed, 1716

House of Lords.

Apr. 6,

Bill to Restrain the Trade of New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina, received from the Commons, 1716
 Read the first time, 1716
7, Bill read the second time, 1716
10, House in Committee, go through with the Bill, 1716
 Third reading ordered for the 12th, 1716
12, Bill read the third time and passed, 1716
 Lords dissenting, 1716
 "An Act to Restrain the Trade and Commerce of the Colonies of New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina, to Great Britain, Ireland, and the British Islands in the West Indies, under certain conditions and limitations" 1716


House of Commons.

Mar. 8,

House to go into Committee on the Petitions, on the 15th, 1721
15, Witnesses directed to attend the Committee of the Whole, 1721
 House in Committee on the Petitions, 1721
16, House in Committee, 1721
 Mr. Glover appeared as Agent of the West India Planters, and Manager of the Evidence in support of their Petition, which was presented on the 2d of February, 1721
 Mr. Glover's Address to the Committee, 1721
 George Walker examined, 1722
 John Ellis examined, 1731
 Evidence summed up by Mr. Glover, 1733
 Petition and Memorial of the Assembly of Jamaica, to the King m Council, dated December 28, 1774, presented by Lord North, 1743
20, House again m Committee on the Petitions, 1743
 Witnesses examined on the Petitions from Nottingham, 1743
 Debate on the objection made- by Mr. Van, to a question put to one of the witnesses, by Mr. Burke, 1743
 Remarks of Mr. Bailey on the conduct of Lord North, in relation to the Petitioners, 1744
 Petitions to be further considered on the 27th, 1744
27, Consideration postponed for one week, when the subject dropped, 1746


House of Commons.

March 22,

Mr. Burke's Resolutions for Conciliation with America, 1745
 Debate—Mr. Burke. 1745
   Mr. Jenkinson, 1776
   Lord Frederick Campbell, 1777
 Question taken, and the Resolutions rejected, 1773


House of Commons.

March 27,

Mr. Hartley s Propositions for Conciliation with the Colonies, 1781
 Debate—Mr. Hartley, 1781
   Sir Cecil Wray, 1791
   Lord North, 1791
   Sir Cecil Wray, 1792
   Mr. T. Townshend, 1792
   Lord William Campbell, 1792
   Mr. Lyttelton, 1792
   Sir George Savile, 1792
   Mr. Vyner, 1792
   Mr. Tuffnell
 Mr. Hartley's Propositions rejected, 1793

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