1775. Mar. 3, | Letter from Governour Perm to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated January 30 1698 |
| Petition of the Merchants, Linen Drapers, and principal Inhabitants, of the City of Waterford, in the Kingdom of Ireland, presented, 1698 |
8, | Letter from Governour Gage to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated January 27, presented by Lord North, 1698 |
| Mr. Hartley's motion for an Address to the King, requesting him to direct a copy of a Later from the Earl of Dartmouth to Lieutenant Governour Golden, dated December 10th, may be laid before the House, 1699 |
| Debate—Mr. Hartley, 1699 |
| | | Mr, Rigby, 1699 |
| | | Mr. T. Townshend, 1699 |
| | | Lord North, 1699 |
| | | Mr. Fox, 1699 |
| Mr. Hartley's motion rejected, 1699 |
| House in Committee on the American Papers, 1700 |
9. | Accounts of Exports and Imports presented, 1700 |
| Petition of Gentlemen, Merchants, and Traders, in the Woollen Manufactory at or near Hud-dersfield, in the West Riding of the County of York, presented, 1700 |
| Petition of the Manufacturing; Hosiers of the Town and County of Nottingham, presented, 1700 |
| Permission granted to the Petitioners to be heard before the Committee if they think fit, 1701 |
| House in Committee on the American Paper 1701 |
| Motion by Lord North, for leave to bring in a Bill to Restrain the Trade of New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina, 1701 |
| Debate—Lord John Cavendish, 1701 |
| | | Sir William Mayne, 1701 |
| | | Mr. Hartley, 1702 |
| | | Lord North, 1702 |
| Question taken; motion agreed to by the Committee, 1702 |
| Reported to the House, 1702 |
| Leave granted, and Committee appointed to bring in the Bill, 1702 |
13, | Bill presented by Mr. Cooper, and read first time, 1702 |
| Second leading ordered fox Thursday, 1702 |
15, | Accounts of Duties, Drawbacks, and Imposts. presented, 1702 |
| Petition of the Clothiers and other principal Inhabitants of Trowbridge, in the Comity of Wilts, presented, 1703 |
16, | Second reading of the Bill postponed until tomorrow, 1703 |
17. | Bill read second time, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House, 1704 |
20, | House in Committee go through with the Bill, 1704 |
| Report of the Committee of the Whole to be received on the 23d, 1704 |
23, | Report postponed to the 27th. 1704 |
27, | Report further postponed to the 29th, 1704 |
29, | Report to be received to-morrow. 1704 |
30, | Bill reported from the Committee of the Whole, 1704 |
| Debate—Mr. John Luttroll. 1705 |
| | | Mr. Temple Luttrell, 1706 |
| | | Lord North, 1708 |
| Amendment, relating to Delaware, proposed by Lord -North, and agreed to, 1708 |
| Bill ordered to be read a third time on the 3d of April, 1708 |
| Papers presented by Lord North, 1708 |
| Letter from Governour Gage to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated February 17, 1708 |
| Letter from Governour Gage to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated February 20, 1709 |
Apr. 3, | Third reading of the Bill postponed, 1709 |
| Estimate of the charge of maintaining and supporting the Civil Establishment of his Majesty's Colony of Nova-Scotia, for the year 1775, 1710 |
| Estimate of the Civil Establishment of his Majesty's Colony of Georgia, and the Incidental Expenses attending the same, from the 24th of June, 1774,to the 24th of June 1775, 1710 |
| Estimate of the Civil Establishment of East Florida, and other Incidental Expenses attending the same, from June 24,1774, to June 24, 1775, 1711 |
| Estimate of the Expenses attending General Surveys of his Majesty's Dominions in North America, for the year 1775. 1712 |
1775. Apr 5, | Bill read the third time, 1712 |
| Motion made that the Bill do Pass, 1712 |
| Debate—Mr. Hartley, 1712 |
| | | Lord North, 1712 |
| | | Sir William Mayne, 1712 |
| | | Mr. Rigby, 1713 |
| | | Marquis of Granby, 1713 |
| | | Lord North, 1714 |
| | | Mr. Alderman Sawbridge, 1714 |
| | | Mr. Alderman Bull, 1714 |
| | | Sir John Duntze, 1715 |
| | | General Conway, 1715 |
| | | Mr. Rigby, 1715 |
| | | Mr. T. Townshend, 1715 |
| Question taken; the Bill passed, 1716 |
House of Lords. |
Apr. 6, | Bill to Restrain the Trade of New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina, received from the Commons, 1716 |
| Read the first time, 1716 |
7, | Bill read the second time, 1716 |
10, | House in Committee, go through with the Bill, 1716 |
| Third reading ordered for the 12th, 1716 |
12, | Bill read the third time and passed, 1716 |
| Lords dissenting, 1716 |
| "An Act to Restrain the Trade and Commerce of the Colonies of New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina, to Great Britain, Ireland, and the British Islands in the West Indies, under certain conditions and limitations" 1716 |
House of Commons. |
Mar. 8, | House to go into Committee on the Petitions, on the 15th, 1721 |
15, | Witnesses directed to attend the Committee of the Whole, 1721 |
| House in Committee on the Petitions, 1721 |
16, | House in Committee, 1721 |
| Mr. Glover appeared as Agent of the West India Planters, and Manager of the Evidence in support of their Petition, which was presented on the 2d of February, 1721 |
| Mr. Glover's Address to the Committee, 1721 |
| George Walker examined, 1722 |
| John Ellis examined, 1731 |
| Evidence summed up by Mr. Glover, 1733 |
| Petition and Memorial of the Assembly of Jamaica, to the King m Council, dated December 28, 1774, presented by Lord North, 1743 |
20, | House again m Committee on the Petitions, 1743 |
| Witnesses examined on the Petitions from Nottingham, 1743 |
| Debate on the objection made- by Mr. Van, to a question put to one of the witnesses, by Mr. Burke, 1743 |
| Remarks of Mr. Bailey on the conduct of Lord North, in relation to the Petitioners, 1744 |
| Petitions to be further considered on the 27th, 1744 |
27, | Consideration postponed for one week, when the subject dropped, 1746 |
House of Commons. |
March 22, | Mr. Burke's Resolutions for Conciliation with America, 1745 |
| Debate—Mr. Burke. 1745 |
| | | Mr. Jenkinson, 1776 |
| | | Lord Frederick Campbell, 1777 |
| Question taken, and the Resolutions rejected, 1773 |
House of Commons. |
March 27, | Mr. Hartley s Propositions for Conciliation with the Colonies, 1781 |
| Debate—Mr. Hartley, 1781 |
| | | Sir Cecil Wray, 1791 |
| | | Lord North, 1791 |
| | | Sir Cecil Wray, 1792 |
| | | Mr. T. Townshend, 1792 |
| | | Lord William Campbell, 1792 |
| | | Mr. Lyttelton, 1792 |
| | | Sir George Savile, 1792 |
| | | Mr. Vyner, 1792 |
| | | Mr. Tuffnell |
| Mr. Hartley's Propositions rejected, 1793 |