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A Letter, dated Kingsland District, Tryon County, 19th April, 1775, from William Petri, received and read. Ordered, That the Committee of Correspondence be directed to draught and report an Answer to the above Letter. Mr. Lamb, seconded by Mr. McDougall, moved in the words following, viz: As the Firelocks belonging to this City are at present only fitted with ordinary wooden rammers, and consequently cannot be of much use in case of necessity, I move that a Sub-Committee be appointed to wait on the Corporation, to request that they will give directions to have them fitted with Steel Rammers. Ordered, That Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Curtenius, and Mr. Ritzma, be a Committee for the above purpose. Ordered, That the Letter to the Lord Mayor of London be published in Mondays Paper. On motion, Ordered, That the Chairman return the thanks of this Committee to Mr. Sharpe, for delivering a number of Arms gratis to the inhabitants of this City. Committee adjourned until to-morrow afternoon. The Committee met by adjournment, Wednesday, May 10, 1775. Present:
Ordered, That Mr. McDougall and Mr. Kissam be directed to draught a Letter to the gentlemen in Delegation for this City and County, requesting the advice and direction of the Continental Congress now, sitting at Philadelphia, with respect to the conduct to be observed by the inhabitants of this City toward any Troops that may arrive here. In pursuance of the above Order, Mr. Kissam reported and read the draught of a Letter to the above gentlemen at Philadelphia. Ordered. That the same be engrossed and forwarded. Mr. Scott, from the Committee of Correspondence, reported the draught of an Address to his Honour the Lieutenant-Governour, which being read and approved of, Ordered, That copies thereof be engrossed, and that Mr. De Lancey, Captain Randall, and Mr. John Marston be a Sub-Committee to wait on his Honour to know when he would be pleased to receive the said Address. The Committee met by adjournment, on Thursday, the 11th of May, 1775. Present:
A Letter, dated Albany, 8th May, 1775, from the Committee of Correspondence, received and read. On motion, ordered, That the Circular Letter of this Board to the neighbouring Colonies be printed. Ordered, That Mr. John Broome, Mr. Benson, and Mr. Phenix, be a Sub-Committee to convey the earliest intelligence to the Committees of the several Counties in this Province of all such matters as they shall judge necessary to communicate, and they are hereby authorized to transmit such intelligence without previously laying it before this Committee for their approbation. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee that the Physicians and others in this City and County, who are in the practice of Innoculating for the Small Pox, be requested immediately to desist from Innoculating in this City and County, until the sense of this Committee be signified to the contrary; and that this Resolution be published in the several Newspapers in this City. The Committee adjourned till to-morrow morning. The Committee met by adjournment. Friday, May 12, 1775. Present:
Captain Randall, from the Committee appointed to wait on his Honour the Lieutenant-Governour, to know when it would be his pleasure to receive the Address of this Committee; reported that his Honour would be ready to receive the Address to-morrow at twelve, oclock, at Jamaica. Ordered, That Mr. C. P. Low, Mr. Van Dam, Colonel Walton, Captain Randall, Mr. De Lancey, Mr. T. Marston, Mr. Van Schaack, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Duyckinck, Mr. Templeton, Mr. Beekman, Mr. Kissam, Mr. Scott, Mr. Remsen, Mr. Duryee, Mr. A. Walton, and Mr. F. Jay, be a Committee to present the said Address; and that they be charged to apply to the principal people of the Towns of Jamaica, Hempstead, and Oyster Bay, to represent to them the necessity of their joining with their countrymen in sending Delegates to the Provincial Congress. A Letter, dated Philadelphia, 11th May, 1775, from Mr. Barclay, received and read; referred to the Committee of Correspondence to answer. Mr. McDougall, seconded by Mr. Fleming, moved that the Committee of Correspondence be directed to draught and report, without delay, two Resolutions relative to the conduct proper to be observed by the citizens to those who do not sign the Association, and to direct that no inhabitant of this City and County be treated as an enemy to his Country, but by the determination, of the Continental or Provincial Congress, or by this Committee, Committee adjourned to Monday, 15th May, 1775. At a Special Meeting of the Committee, Sunday, 14th May, 1775. Present:
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