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Thomas Belding, Esq., to be Lieutenant-Colonel of the Sixth Regiment, in the room of Matthew Talcott, Esq., resigned.

John Chester, Esq., to be Major of the Sixth Regiment, in the room of Thomas Belding, Esq., promoted.

John Mead, Esq., to be Lieutenant-Colonel of the Ninth Regiment, in the room of David Waterbury, resigned.

Stephen H. John, Esq., to be Major of the Ninth Regiment, in room of John Mead, Esq., promoted.

William Williams, Esq., to be Colonel of the Twelfth Regiment, in room of Joseph Spencer, Esq., resigned.

Henry Champion, Esq., to be Lieutenant-Colonel of the Twelfth Regiment, in room of William Williams, Esq., resigned.

Dyer Throop, Esq., to be Major of the Twelfth Regiment.

Matthew Talcott, Esq., to be Colonel of the Twenty-Third Regiment.

Captain Comfort Sage to be Lieutenant-Colonel of the Twenty-Third Regiment.

Captain John Penfield to be Major of the Twenty-Third Regiment.

Zebulon Butler, Esq., to be Colonel of the Twenty-Fourth Regiment.

Nathan Denison, Esq., to be Lieutenant-Colonel of the Twenty-Fourth Regiment.

William Judd, Esq., to be Major of the Twenty-Fourth Regiment.

Oliver Smith, Esq., to be Major of the Eighth Regiment, in room of Major Charles Phelps, Esq., resigned.

Upon the Memorial of John Sutliff, Junior, and others, Inhabitants of the Society of Northbury, in Waterbury, showing to this Assembly that they live within the limits of the West Military Company or Trainband, in said Society, and that the major part of said Company, both Officers and Soldiers, are totally disaffected to the general cause of American liberty, and that they altogether refuse to adopt the measures advised by the Continental Congress, but publickly speak and act in direct opposition thereto:

Upon which a Committee, viz: Thomas Matthews and Timothy Judd, Esquires, were appointed, who have made their Report to this Assembly, and the same being also accepted:

Resolved by this Assembly, That the Captain and Ensign of said West Military Company or Trainband, in the Society of Northbury, in said Waterbury, be and they are hereby cashiered and dismissed from their respective military offices; and the Colonel of the Regiment said Company is part of is hereby directed to lead said Company to the choice of a Captain and an Ensign, and other needful officers, and make return to this Assembly.

Upon the Memorial of Nathaniel Niles, of Norwich, in the County of New-London, shewing to this Assembly that it is of importance that the manufacturing of Iron Wire, upon which the Woollen and Cotton Manufactories so greatly depend, should be set up and carried on with the greatest expedition, which the Memorialist is willing to undertake and pursue, upon proper encouragement, and hath made some progress therein, &c., as per Memorial on file:

Resolved by this Assembly, That Jabez Huntington, Samuel Huntington, and Elijah Backus, Esquires, all of Norwich, be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to examine into the matters contained in said Memorial, and the expenses of erecting proper works for the manufacturing of Iron Wire; and what encouragement may be properly given the Memorialist therefor; and if said Committee, upon due examination, shall judge it reasonable and expedient, they are hereby empowered to draw their order on the Colony Treasurer for any sum not exceeding Three Hundred Pounds to be paid by said Treasurer, who is hereby directed to pay the same to the Memorialist, upon his giving good security in the acceptance of said Committee, that said sum shall be improved solely for the setting up and carrying on said Manufactory; and that the principal sum so received shall be repaid at the expiration of four years after received, without any interest thereon.

Resolved by this Assembly, That the Secretary of this Colony be directed to send to the Towns of Torrington and New-Hartford, to return to this Assembly, in October next, the whole of their Lists, the exemption that hath, been granted to the Society of Torringford notwithstanding; and also to all the rest of the Towns in this Colony that are incorporated, that have not yet sent in their Lists.

This Assembly do appoint Elisha Sheldon, Esq., Colonel Samuel Wyllys, Mr. Ezra Selden, Mr. William Hauley, Mr. Jonathan Trumbull, Junior, and Major Samuel Canfield, to audit and adjust the Colony Accounts with John Lawrence, Esq., the present Treasurer of this Colony.

Whereas the situation of publick affairs are such at present, that the attention of the publick is called off from private matters to things of greater importance; therefore,

Resolved, That the consideration of all private business of a civil and disputable nature, be referred over to the session of this Assembly in October next.

This Assembly grants to his Honour Governour Trumbull, the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Pounds, for the first half of his salary the current year.

This Assembly grants to the Honourable Deputy Governour Griswold the sum of Fifty Pounds, for the first half of his salary the current year.

This Assembly grants to John Lawrence, Esq., the sum of One Hundred and Eighty Pounds, for his salary the year past as Treasurer of this Colony.

This Assembly grants to George Wyllys, Esq., Secretary of this Colony, the sum of Twenty Pounds, for his salary the year past.

This Assembly is adjourned by Proclamation, &c., until the Governour shall see cause to call it to meet together again.

Test: GEORGE WYLLYS, Secretary

In the Lower House:

Mr. Hosmer, Colonel Wolcott, Colonel Elderkin, and Mr. Sturgess, are appointed a Committee to join the Committee from the Honourable Upper House, to consider what Intelligence, Papers, and Documents are material and necessary to be transmitted and communicated to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia; and likewise take into their consideration what matters and things relative to the late hostile transactions, it is expedient to make publick, and report make.

Test: RICHARD LAW, Clerk.

In the Upper House:

Jabez Hamlin, Esquire, is appointed to join the Committee of the Lower House in the affair above-mentioned.

Test: GEORGE WYLLYS, Secretary.

To the Honourable the General Assembly now sitting in HARTFORD.

We, your Honours’ Committee appointed to consider what Intelligence, Papers, and Documents are material and necessary to be transmitted and communicated to the Continental Congress now sitting at Philadelphia; and likewise what matters and things relative to the late hostile transactions it is expedient to make publick, beg leave to report our opinion:

First. That it is material and necessary that copies of the Letter wrote by his Honour the Governour to General Gage, at the request and in behalf of the Assembly, and of General Gage’s answer to said Letter, and of his Narrative of the proceedings of the Troops on the 18th and 19th of April last, accompanied with a Letter from his Honour the Governour, should be prepared and transmitted to Colonel Eliphalet Dyer, Roger Sherman, and Silas Deane, Esquires, Delegates from this Colony to the Continental Congress, to be made use of at their discretion; the Narrative from the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts-Bay, and the Depositions taken by and received from them, being, as we are well informed, already sent to said Continental Congress, we are of opinion it is not necessary to forward from hence.

Secondly. That a concise and true Narration of the late hostile attack made by the Troops under the command of General Gage upon the inhabitants of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, with the Depositions to support and confirm the same, should be prepared for the press, and be printed and dispersed through this Colony; and we farther beg leave to submit it to the consideration of the Assembly, whether it would not answer some good purpose, if the Narrative of said transactions received from General Gage, were printed and published with the Narrative and proofs aforesaid.

Per order: J. HAMLIN

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