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The taking of Ticonderoga last war cost Great Britain many thousand lives, and an immense expense; but now it has been taken from them, though strong and well garrisoned, by the bravery and enterprise of a few Provincials, and at a very small expense. There never was a more total revolution at any place than at New-York. The Tories have been obliged to fly. The Province is arming; and the Governour dares not call his prostituted Assembly to receive Lord Norths foolish plan. Two of the Delanceys, Watts, Cooper, Rivington, Colonel Philips, and the rest of the Tory leaders, are fled; some to England, and some to private places in the country;, where they are not known. The Congress have advised the Yorkers to make provision for carrying their women and children into the country, and to remove their warlike stores before the arrival of the Troops there, whom they are not to suffer to encamp, or commit with impunity any hostilities against the people. The latest and best accounts from Boston make the loss of Regulars, in killed and wounded and missing, one thousand men. The Provincial loss was trifling. Ten thousand men are now encamped before the Town, between which and the country there is no intercourse. General Gage refuses to let the people out; in consequence of which their distress presently must be grievous indeed. The besieging army keep the one besieged in constant alarm; so that it is said that they rest neither night nor day. Every day is expected to bring two thousand men more from Ireland, and seven Regiments to New-York, where the Tories had informed Ministry they would be well received. But now, behold, they come to a Country universally hostile, and in arms, to receive them. Connecticut has twelve thousand men in arms; the Jerseys a good many; and this Province at least eight thousand. There are two thousand in this City, well-armed and disciplined. In short, every Colony this way is well prepared for war, and appear to be secure against any force likely to be sent against them. It would seem as if the Southern Colonies were alone vulnerable at present, and this should be remedied as soon as possible. It seems the bill for restraining the Trade of the Colonies is not to have force until a certain time after its arrival in North America; so that in this instance the whole power of the Legislature is given to Ministry; for it will depend on them when the Act shall arrive here, since they may send it when, or never, as they please. We find, by the late accounts, that Ministry will be more puzzled than they imagine, to accomplish their detestable purposes against us. A gentleman of the strictest veracity writes, that the embarkment from England has been delayed, by the impossibility of getting seamen for the ships; but, he adds, let not this delay your vigorous efforts for defence. From; Ireland we learn that the people there have interposed to prevent the embarkment; and that a contest has happened, in which several lives were lost on both sides. The other day, General Gage hearing that all the Provincial Troops, except fifteen hundred, were retired to sign an Association prepared for, them at some distance from the encampment, marched with his whole force out of Boston; but seeing the fifteen hundred Provincials drawn up in order for battle, and disliking their countenance, he returned within his lines. A man-of-wars tender at Rhode-island lately seized a vessel loaded with provisions for the Army at Boston; and the country people, in boats, attacked and took both the provisions, vessel, and tender, having wounded the Lieutenant of the man-of-war, and taken his men prisoners, whom they conveyed captives into the country. Thus you see our infant struggles on the water are not unsuccessful. LETTER FROM THE; NEW-HAMPSHIRE DELEGATES AT PHILADELPHIA, TO THE PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE OF THAT COLONY, Philadelphia, May 22, 1775. GENTLEMEN: We take this early opportunity of informing you by Captain Partridge, that the Congress, upon hearing of the forts, at Ticonderoga and Crown Point being seized by the people of New-England, to prevent General Carleton, with his Canadians and Indians taking possession of them to annoy our frontiers; and finding, by about thirty Indian Chiefs now in Philadelphia, as well as by persons sent to sound the dispositions of all the several Indian Nations, that such a design is really on foot; and that General Johnson, the Superintendent for Indian affairs, has really endeavoured to persuade the Indians to enter into a war with us; and that many other steps have been taken by a bloody-minded and cruel Ministry, to induce those hereditary enemies of America to fall upon and butcher its inhabitants; we say, upon those things appearing to the Congress, they have ordered the above forts to be demolished, and the warlike stores to be removed, and another fort to be erected and maintained at the lower part of Lake George, if the Committee of New-York shall think it necessary, and to call upon all the New-England Governments to give assistance, if required by New-York. We earnestly entreat you, for the honour of the Province, if such a requisition be made, to give them every possible assistance to preserve our people from the incursions of a barbarous and savage enemy. We are sorry, gentlemen, that honour will not permit us to give you the least information respecting our proceedings: We can only say that all the Colonies are firmly united, and are preparing for the worst. We hope that you will, in imitation of the other Colonies, proceed to choose your officers, and establish your Militia upon the new plan which has been adopted by every Colony upon the Continent. We shall bring with us Governour Went-worths letters to Lord Dartmouth, for twelve months past, that you my judge whether he is your friend, as he pretends, or whether, he is not rather your inveterate enemy. Gentlemen, we are with great respect, your most obedient servants, JOHN SULLIVAN, To the Provincial Committee of New-Hampshire. P. S. We earnestly entreat you to prevent our General Court from making any application to Great Britain for redress of grievances, as that would draw all America upon our Province, it being agreed that no one shall make terms without the advice and consent of the whole. NEW-YORK COMMITTEE. The Committee; met, by adjournment, Monday, 22d of May, 1775. Present:
Mr. Laigh from the Sub-Committee appointed to make an estimate of materials necessary to be forwarded to Albany, made a Report thereof. Ordered, That the same be forwarded. Mr. McDougall, seconded by Mr. Lamb, moved in the words following, viz: That two members of this, Committee be sent to the Deputies of the County of Albany, now in tills City, to confer, with them whether the County of Albany can furnish men to garrison Ticonderoga, till the Stores there are removed to the south side of Lake George, agreeable to a Resolution of the Continental Congress. Mr. De Lancey, seconded by Mr. Scott moved for an amendment of the above Motion, in the words following, viz: by leaving out all the latter part of the said Motion, from the words be sent, and substituting in its room:
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