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the Province Arms which are in the County of Berkshire. Mr. Sawyer informed the Congress, that General Whitcomb, on account of his various avocations, could not accept the office of Muster-Master to which he has been appointed: Whereupon, Resolved, That this Congress will now proceed to the choice of another person, by ballot, in his room, and that Mr. Sawyer, Esquire Dix, and Major Fuller, be a Committee to sort and count the votes. On a Motion made, Resolved, That this last Resolve be reconsidered, and that to-morrow morning, eleven oclock, be assigned for the choice of a Muster-Master, in the room of General Whitcomb, who declines that trust. Ordered, That Major Bliss, Deacon Whitney, and Colonel Patterson, be a Committee to give notice to such Members of this Congress as are now at Cambridge and Roxbury, and other absent Members whom they can notify, that a matter of the greatest importance is to be taken into consideration at three oclock to-morrow afternoon, and to direct their attendance at that time. The Committee who were appointed to bring in a Resolve recommending the disarming certain persons in the Colony, reported; which Report was read, amended, and accepted, and is as follows, viz: Whereas, there are divers persons now in this Colony, who have, by their conduct, discovered themselves to be enemies to the rights of mankind, and the interest of America: and whereas, our very peculiar situation renders it absolutely necessary, not only to discriminate them from those who have shewn a disposition to be friendly to their Country, but also to put it out of their power to join with the open and avowed enemies of America, in their endeavours to subjugate their countrymen to the full operations of the tyrannical system of the British Administration, and the ruin and destruction concerted by the British Parliament against these Colonies: therefore, Resolved, That it be and hereby is recommended to the several Committees of Correspondence in the several Towns and Districts where such Committees reside, and to the Selectmen of such Towns and Districts as have not appointed them, to inquire into the principles and conduct of such suspected persons; and that they cause all such to be disarmed, who do not give them full and ample assurances, in which they can with safety confide, of their readiness to join their countrymen on all occasions in defence of the rights and liberties of America; and likewise that they take effectual steps to put it out of the power of such persons to obstruct, by any means whatever, the measures which shall be taken for the common defence; and it is also hereby recommended to the good people of this Colony, that they take effectual care to secure obedience to the several Resolves of Congress for the regulation of the Militia, and cause a due regard to be paid to the orders of the several Military Officers who have been elected by the suffrages of the several Companies and Regiments, agreeably to the Resolves of Congress. Ordered, That Major Fuller, Doctor Taylor and Mr. Webster, be a Committee to get the Resolve last mentioned, printed and dispersed through the several Towns and Districts in this Colony. Ordered, That the Committee who were appointed to take into consideration the subject-matter of the Letter from General Ward, now send a written Message (by the Messenger in waiting) to the General, informing him, that they are considering the same, and will make report as soon as possible. Ordered, That said Committee sit forthwith. Ordered, That Mr. Fisher be added to said Committee, in the room of Mr. Bliss, who is going to Cambridge on other business of the Congress. Ordered, That Mr. Lothrop, Doctor Taylor and Mr. Webster, be a Committee to bring in a Resolve, recommending to the inhabitants of this Province, to save their Straw. Ordered, That Colonel Mosely, Esquire Davis, Colonel Walker, Deacon Hovey, Mr. Lewis, Captain McCobb, and Major Smith, be a Committee to confer with the Committee of Safety with respect to settling the appointment of Field-Officers, and to sit forthwith. Mr. Gerry (by leave of Congress) brought in a Resolve, empowering the Committee of Supplies to furnish Commissaries with necessaries for the Army, &c.; which was recommitted. The Committee appointed to consider the Letter from General Ward, reported an Answer thereto, which was amended and accepted, and is as follows: In Congress, Watertown, May 8, 1775. SIR: This Congress received your letter of this day, and the complaint enclosed, informing, that several persons, falsely pretending to have your order to search for fire-arms, have committed robbery on private property. We have taken the matter seriously into consideration, and are of opinion, that such criminals ought to meet with condign punishment. The persons suspected to be the offenders are, one Saunders, Samuel Mallows, Jacob Whittemore, Edward Bugby, and Ebenezer Smith, all of Roxbury, with two other persons, unknown; therefore, Sir, you are directed to apprehend the abovesaid persons, by a number of men under your command, and cause them to be carried before the Committee of Safety, who are hereby empowered and directed to examine them, touching their offence, and search for, and, if possible, to find the goods, and direct that they are immediately replaced from whence they were taken. And if on examination the said persons are found guilty of the said robbery, the Committee of Safety are hereby directed to imprison them till the further order of Congress. Ordered, That the Committee just now appointed, to confer with the Committee of Safety respecting the appointment of Field-Officers, be instructed to inquire into the state of the Army at Cambridge and Roxbury; and, if they find the numbers reduced, as is reported to this Congress, that they advise the Committee of Safety to send out immediately for re-enforcements. Resolved, That the consideration of the expediency of assuming Government, which was to have been entered upon to-morrow afternoon, be postponed to Friday next, at three oclock, P. M.; and that the Committee who were just now appointed to confer with the Committee of Safety, be directed to give notice hereof to the several Members of this Congress, who are now at Cambridge and Roxbury. Adjourned to nine oclock to-morrow morning. Tuesday, May 9, 1775, A. M. Resolved, That the Receiver-General be, and he is hereby directed to give publick notice of the Resolve lately passed by this Congress, for borrowing Money on the credit of the Colony, and assign certain time and place when he will attend that business. The Congress granted permission to Colonel Trumbull to have a copy of the Resolve of this Congress relative to the inhabitants moving out of Boston. Henry Gardner, Esq., Receiver-General, requested that this Congress would excuse him from serving any longer in that office. The consideration thereof was ordered to subside for the present. Mr. Gerry brought in again a Resolve respecting the supply of the Soldiers; which was accepted, and is as follows, viz: Whereas, it hath frequently happened that Sutlers, whilst permitted to supply Soldiers in the service of this Colony, have vended their goods at extravagant rates, and thereby, in a great measure, deprived the families of such Soldiers of the benefit of their wages: Therefore, Resolved, That the Committee of Supplies be, and they hereby are directed and empowered to purchase and supply the Commissary for the time being, with such Goods, Wares, and Merchandise as they shall at any time judge necessary for supplying the Colony Forces, and to draw on the publick Treasury therefor. And the Commissary aforesaid, as also his Deputies, who shall be accountable to him, are hereby directed and empowered to supply, at the first cost, the soldiers who shall belong to the Regiments in which they shall be stationed, with such articles as their respective Captains shall at any time order; and to keep and render to the Captains aforesaid, true and
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