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“And it is hereby recommended to the said Selectmen, that they transmit the intelligence that they may receive by them, together with the expenses of the said Embassy, to this, or some future Congress of this Colony, with all convenient speed, that the account of their expenses may be adjusted and allowed out of the Treasury of the Colony.”

The Order of the Day was moved for.

The Report of the Committee appointed to bring in a Resolve for establishing a Court of Inquiry, was read; and is as follows, viz :

“Whereas, it appears to this Congress that a want of a due and regular execution of Justice in this Colony has encouraged divers wicked and disorderly persons not only to commit outrages and trespasses upon private property and private persons, but also to make the most daring attacks upon the Constitution, and to unite in their endeavours to disturb the peace and destroy the happiness and security of their Country: and whereas, this Congress conceive it to be their indispensable duty to take effectual measures to restrain all disorders and promote the peace and happiness of this Colony, by the execution of Justice in criminal matters: therefore,

Resolved, That a Court of Inquiry be immediately erected, consisting of seven persons, to be chosen by this Congress, whose duty it shall be to hear all complaints against any person or persons for treason against the Constitution of their Country, or other breaches of the publick peace and security, and to determine and make up judgment thereon, according to the laws of this Province, and those of reason and equity: no judgments to be made up or punishments inflicted in consequence of them, unless in such cases where five of the Judges so appointed were agreed; any three of said Judges to have power, upon complaint made, to cause any person or persons complained of to be imprisoned until the said Court can be convened to hear the same, or for any further orders of Congress which may be thought necessary; five of said Judges to be a quorum, and to be vested with the full powers of the Court, and to meet and sit in such place or places as they shall agree on.

Resolved, That . . . . . . . be, and they hereby are appointed as Judges of the said Court of Inquiry, to execute the trust agreeably to the above Resolve.”

After debate, the question was put, whether said Report be accepted? And it passed in the negative.

Ordered, That the Committee who reported a Letter to the Eastern Tribes of Indians, be directed to prepare instructions to Mr. John Lane, who is appointed to communicate the Letter to them, and enlist a Company of them in the service of the Colony.

Ordered, That Mr. Gill, Mr. Bliss, and Mr. How, be a Committee to sort and count the votes for two persons, Members of this Congress, to repair to the Congress of the Province of New-Hampshire.

The Committee last mentioned, reported, that the Honourable Joseph Gerrish, Esq., and Colonel Ebenezer Sawyer, were chosen.

Ordered, That Colonel Dexter, Colonel Warren, and Colonel Foster, be a Committee to bring in a Resolve for supplying the Soldiers with two Twenty Shilling Bills each, for a month’s advance pay, and they are directed to draw up a form for said Bills, and employ an Engraver to prepare a plate for engraving the same without delay; and

Resolved, That to-morrow morning, ten o’clock, be assigned for the consideration of the Report of said Committee thereon.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed to prepare an application to the Continental Congress, sit forthwith.

Ordered, That Mr. Gill, Mr. Bliss, and Mr. How, be a Committee to sort and count the votes for a Member of the Committee of Supplies, in the room of Colonel Lee, deceased.

The Committee last mentioned, reported that Mr. John Pitts was chosen.

Ordered, That Colonel Barrett, Esquire Rawson, and Mr. Webster, be a Committee to take into consideration a Petition to this Congress from Mr. Boice and Mr. McLean, of Milton.

Ordered, That Mr. Lothrop, Colonel Warren, and Mr; Jennison, be a Committee to draw up some instructions to the Delegates appointed to go to the Congress of New-Hampshire.

Adjourned to eight o’clock, to-morrow morning.

Tuesday, May 16, 1775, A. M.

Ordered, That Doctor Taylor, Mr. Greenleaf, and Captain Dix, be a Committee to apply to the Committee of Safety for a list of such persons as they have given Listing Orders to, and, in particular, a list of such as have completed, or nearly completed their respective Regiments, and, as far as can be speedily obtained, the number of men each Officer has enlisted, that this Congress may commission such persons as they think proper, without delay.

The Committee appointed to consider the Petition of Messrs. Boice and McLean, reported. A long debate was had thereon, and it was finally determined that the Petitioners have leave to withdraw their Petition.

Ordered, That Mr. Sullivan, Captain Stone, Colonel Farley, Major Brooks, and Doctor Rawson, be a Committee to take into consideration a verbal information of the capture of three Vessels, by a King’s Cutter, at Dartmouth, and the retaking two of them, and fifteen Marines, prisoners.

Adjourned to three o’clock, P. M.


Henry Gardner, Esq., having renewed his request that this Congress would excuse him from serving the Colony in the office of Receiver-General:

Resolved, That the determination of this matter be referred until to-morrow morning, ten o’clock; and if Mr. Gardner should then insist on being excused, that then the Congress will proceed to the choice of some other person to supply his place.

The Committee appointed to prepare an application to the Continental Congress, reported the following, which was read, paragraph by paragraph, and accepted, viz:

Resolved, That Doctor Church be ordered to go immediately to Philadelphia, and deliver to the President of the honourable American Congress, there now sitting, the following application, to be by him communicated to the Members thereof. And the said Church is also directed to confer with the said Congress, respecting such other matters as may be necessary to the defence of this Colony, and particularly the state of the Army therein.   [See Folio 620.]

The Committee appointed to prepare Instructions to the Delegates who are going to New-Hampshire, reported the following, which was accepted, viz :

Resolved, That the Honourable Joseph Gerrish, Esquire, and Colonel Ebenezer Sawyer, who are, by this Congress, chosen a Committee to wait on the Delegates of the Colony of New-Hampshire, are hereby empowered and directed to take such methods, and make such application to the said Congress, as shall, in the judgment of said Committee, appear most conducive to the union of the Colonies, and the most direct way to induce said Congress of New-Hampshire to raise their proportion of men to defend the Colonies.

And it is also Resolved, That the said Committee be furnished with a copy of the application of this Congress to the Honourable Members of the Continental Congress, which the said Committee is directed to deliver to the President of the Congress of that Colony, and to do all that they can to procure the approbation of that Colony to our assuming Government, and to communicate to said Congress such of the proceedings of this Congress as they shall think conducive to the good of the whole.

Ordered, That the said Delegates be furnished with a copy of the Establishment for the Massachusetts Army, Rules and Regulations for the same, and form of the Oath for the Officers and Soldiers.

A Letter from Col. Thomas Legate, dated Cambridge, 16th May, 1775, was read, and committed to Col. Foster, Mr. Parker, and Mr. Bliss.

The Committee appointed to bring in a Resolve for supplying the Soldiers with two Twenty Shilling Bills, for a month’s advance pay, again reported.

The Order of the Day was moved for.

Ordered, That Colonel Foster, Major Bliss, and Mr. Bent, be a Committee to sort and count the votes for a


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