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each Town be notified of the quantity respectively to be taken from its stock. SAMUEL FREEMAN, Secy pro tem. The Committee reported a Resolve, as directed; which was read and accepted, and is as follows, viz: Resolved, That there be draughted out of the Town stocks of Powder, from each respective Town before named, the quantity of Powder affixed to the name of the Town, for the use of the Army, in the defence of the Colony, and that it be replaced as soon as the state of the Colony Magazine will admit of it, or otherwise paid for in money; and that the Selectmen of each Town be forth-with served with an account of the draught made on their Town, and that they immediately deliver it to the Committee of Supplies, or their order. The Committee of Safety having represented to this Congress that considerable difficulty exists in the adjustment of General Wards Regiment, in consequence of the pretensions of Colonel Joseph Henshaiv and Colonel Jonathan Ward to the post of Lieutenant-Colonel in said Regiment, it was Ordered, That said representation, as also the Memorial of Colonel Henshaw, setting forth his claims to said post, be referred to a Committee. The Committee having considered the matter, reported a Resolve; which was accepted, and is as follows: Resolved, as the opinion of this Congress, That Colonel Ward is best entitled to receive the Commission as Lieutenant-Colonel of the Regiment, which right was disputed by Lieutenant-Colonel Henshaw. Ordered, That the Honourable Mr. Dexter be desired to attend his duty on the Committee for countersigning the Treasurers Notes immediately. Mr. Dexter transmitted the following Letter to the Congress, which was read: Dedham, May 25, 1775, P. M. HONOURABLE GENTLEMEN: I was under a necessity to come home last evening. Had I been at Congress to-day, and been as unwell as I am at present, I should have very poorly performed my duty respecting the Notes. I found myself so indisposed this morning that I ventured to conclude to tarry till to-morrow morning at home. I am inclined to attend the business, and, sick or well, will endeavour to be early at Watertown for that purpose. With much regard, I am, gentlemen, your very humble servant, S.DEXTER. The Committee appointed to take into consideration the Petition of several persons at Roxbury, reported verbally, That it is the opinion of the Committee that the said Petition be sent to General Thomas, and that he be directed to inquire into the causes of the complaint therein contained, and take proper measures for their redress. The Report was accepted. The Committee to whom was referred an application from the Officers of the Army respecting absconding Soldiers, reported. The Report was read and accepted, and is as follows, viz: Whereas application hath been made to this Congress, by some of the Officers of the Army, that some effectual method may be taken for the speedy return of absconding Soldiers, or such as shall tarry beyond the time limited by-furlough: Therefore, Resolved, That it be, and it hereby is recommended to the Committees of Correspondence in the several Towns and Districts in this Colony, or to the Selectmen, where no such Committees are appointed, that they take effectual care that such absconding or delinquent Soldiers be immediately sent back to their respective Regiments. Friday, May 26, 1775. The Honourable Joseph Hawley, from the Committee appointed to prepare a Letter to the Provincial Congress of New-York, now sitting in that Colony, reported; the Letter was accepted, and ordered to be forwarded. [See Folio 715.] The Committee to whom was referred the Letter of the Honourable James Russell, reported the following Resolve, which was accepted: Resolved, That the Honourable James Russell, Esq., be, and he hereby is directed, immediately to call in all the publick Moneys committed to his care as Impost Officer, and pay the same to Henry Gardner, Esq., the Receiver-General of this Province. It having been represented to this Congress, that it would be agreeable to the inhabitants of the Colony of New-Hampshire, that the Post-Rider on the road from Cambridge to Haverhill should extend his route to the Town of Exeter, to meet the Post-Rider from Portsmouth to that place, and a Post-Office having been appointed at Exeter by the inhabitants of New-Hampshire: Resolved, That the route of the Post-Rider from Cambridge be extended to said Exeter, so long as it shall be found to be expedient, or until the Massachusetts or New-Hampshire Congress, or future House of Representatives, shall otherwise order. Whereas it appears to this Congress, that although divers able-bodied and effective men who have enlisted into the Massachusetts Army, are either not furnished with Arms and Accoutrements, or with such only as are insufficient for use, yet that it will be for the publick service that such men be accepted: therefore, Resolved, That the Resolve of this Congress passed the 6th instant, be so far reconsidered, that the Muster-Masters be, and they hereby are directed to accept of all such able-bodied and effective men, and muster them accordingly, any thing contained in the aforementioned Resolve to the contrary notwithstanding; and the several Muster-Masters be, and hereby are directed to make a return to this or some future Congress, or House of Representatives, of the names of such Soldiers as shall be found deficient in Arms and Accoutrements, and also of the names of the Towns to which they shall belong respectively. Ordered, That a copy of the foregoing Resolution be sent to each Muster-Master. Upon a representation of the Committee of Safety that Mr. Jonathan Brewer, of Waltham, has, contrary to the orders of the said Committee, undertaken to enlist a Company of Rangers, has made use of artifices and impositions to obtain said enlistments; and that he has also seized and retained possession of horses and certain real estate, the private property of various individuals, and converted the same to his own use, whereby he has disqualified himself for the command of a Regiment; it was Ordered, That the matter be referred to Dr.Perkins, Mr.Kollock, and Mr.Bent. The Committee appointed to consider of the charges alleged against Mr. Jonathan Brewer, by the honourable Committee of Safety, having attended that service, beg leave to report the defence of said Brewer, viz: That he, the said Brewer, absolutely denies the charge of seducing men belonging to other corps to enlist in his Regiment, or any of the Companies thereof. As to the taking the horses of Colonels Jones and Taylor, he acknowledges his thus doing, and thinks himself justified therein, by furthering the service of the Province in which he was engaged; that he had used them some time past in that way, and on Saturday last past had returned Joness horse. He also owns the leasing part of said Joness estate, and taking security, which security, he says, was in the keeping of one Captain Butler; that he had proceeded in the affair merely from a principle of saving the improvement of one Mr. Jennison, (whose lands were contiguous to those of said Jones,) and which were exposed, by a neglect of said Jones in keeping up sufficient fences. Said Jennison (as Brewer says) supposing if he would thus dispose of the above leased land to him, he could fence and improve it without molestation. And that the Committee can proceed no further, unless they are enabled, by hearing the full of the evidence supposed to support the complaint. Per order: RICHARD PERKINS Chairman. Monday, May 29, 1775. The Committee to whom were referred the Papers relating to Jonathan Brewer, reported. The Report was accepted, and is as follows, viz: Resolved, That the Papers respecting Jonathan Brewer be transmitted by the Secretary to the Committee of Safety, to be by them acted upon in such a manner as they think fit, so far as to determine on the expediency of recommending, or not recommending him, to this Congress, as an Officer of the Army now raising in this Colony. *