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chief officer of that Army, and proposing that the pay of the Officers and Soldiers be as follows:

Captain, per month, $20
Lieutenant,     “   13 1/3
Sergeant,            8
Corporal, per month,    $7 1/3
Drummer,      “      7 1/3
Privates,        “      6 2/3

That they find their own arms and clothes; that each Company consist of a Captain, three Lieutenants, four Sergeants, four Corporals, a Drummer, and sixty-eight Privates; that the form of Enlistment be as follows:

“I, A. B., have, this —— day of——, voluntarily enlisted myself as a Soldier in the American Continental Army, for one year, unless sooner discharged. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations as are, or shall hereafter be, established for the government of the said Army.”

Resolved, That, agreeable to the requisition of the Congress, and on the terms by them proposed, two Companies of expert Riflemen be forthwith raised, and officered by the following gentlemen:

Of the First Company.—Michael Cresap, Captain; Thomas Warren, Joseph Cresap, Jun., Richard Davis, Jun., Lieutenants.

Of the Second Company.—Thomas Price, Captain; Otho Holland Williams, John Ross Key, Lieutenants— another Lieutenant to be chosen by Captain Price, and approved by the Committee.

That Messrs. John Hanson, Conrad Grosch, William Beatty, George Stricker, John Darnal, Upton Sheridan, John Lawrence, Joseph Wood, Stephen Ramsburgh, Lewis Kemp, Roger Johnson, Samuel Beall, and Abraham Haaff, or any seven of them, be a Committee to inspect and review the said Companies when raised, and to give recommendatory certificates to the several officers, to be by them carried to the Congress.

Resolved, That the collectors of money for the purchase of Arms and Ammunition, shall severally pay to the Committee of Correspondence all sums already received, and shall continue to solicit subscriptions till the third Tuesday in August next; on which day they shall pay to the said Committee the several sums which they shall have collected, and produce fair copies of their subscription papers, which shall be signed by them, and set up on the Court-House door; that the Committee of Correspondence shall pay to John Hanson, Esq., who is hereby appointed Treasurer for the County, all sums of money which they have received, or shall receive from the collectors aforesaid.

Resolved, That the collectors of money to defray the expenses of the Maryland Delegates, shall immediately pay to the Treasurer all sums of money which they have already received, and they shall continue their collections, and make another payment on the 15th instant, and the Treasurer shall then transmit the whole, to Charles Wallace, Esq., of Annapolis, to be by him forwarded to the Delegates at Philadelphia.

Resolved, That as the fourth Resolve that was resolved at a meeting of the Committee on the 10th of May last, is not complied with, it shall be carried into execution, and returns made, agreeable to said Resolve, at the next meeting of this Committee.

In consequence of an order of the Committee, issued on the 11th of, last May, the Reverend Mr. Bennet Allen produced the Sermon that he preached on that day.

On motion, the Sermon was read, and the question put, Whether the said Sermon be exceptionable?

Resolved in the negative.

Whereas, a Paper Mill is about being erected near Frederick Town, and it being incumbent on us, at this time, to give especial encouragement to country manufactories, it is recommended to the people, of this County that they save all their Linen and Woollen Rags, and prefer the Paper made here to any foreign manufacture whatsoever.

Resolved, That these proceedings be printed in the Maryland Gazette and in the Maryland Journal.

The Committee adjourns till Friday, the 21st day of August next.

Signed by order of the Committee:

ARCH. BOYD, Clerk.


At a meeting of the Committee, Wednesday, the 21st of June, 1775. Present:

Henry Remsen,
James Desbrosses,
William Laight,
William Walton,
Gerardus Duyekinek,
Abm. Brinkerhoff,
William Bedlow,
John White,
Robert Ray,
Daniel Phenix,
Lewis Pintard,
John Imlay,
Wm. Denning,
Francis Bassett,
John Lamb,
Oliver Templeton
Abraham Duryee,
Joseph Bull,
Frederick Jay,
Theoph Anthony,
Benjamin Helme,
Thomas Ivers,
Abm. Walton,
Wm. W. Gilbert,
Hercules Mulligan,
John Anthony,
Daniel Dunscomb,
Nicholas Bogart,
David Beekman,
Jacob Van Voorhiee,
Eleazer Miller,
John Broome,
Richard Sharpe,
John Berrian,
John Lasher,
Victor Bicker,
William Goforth,
Gabriel W. Ludlow,
Edward Fleming,
Gerret Kettletas,
George Janeway

Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that no Insurance be made on the Cash shipped off by the Sub-Committee appointed to appropriate the moneys raised by. subscription in this City, on account of the Colony.

A Letter, dated Philadelphia, 17th June, 1775, from Joseph Reade, received and read.

A Letter, dated St. John’s, Newfoundland, 30th May, 1775, from Jonathan Parsons, Jun., giving an account of the arrival of the Ship Sally, Captain Taverner, from this Port, at Trinity, in Newfoundland, which said Captain Taverner, before his sailing, made oath that he would proceed immediately to Falmouth, or some other port in England, and that he would by no means stop at Newfoundland, nor at any of the Fishing Islands on the coast of America.

In pursuance of a recommendation of the Provincial Congress to this Committee to purchase all the Saltpetre in this City and County, and also to procure an account of all the Brimstone and Sulphur therein, and to make a report of the same to the said Congress,

Ordered, That Gerardus Duyckinck, Jacob Van Voorhies, and Eleazer Miller, be a Sub-Committee for the above purpose.

New-York, June 21, 1775.

The General Committee for the City and County of New-York having received intelligence that Andrew Taverner, master of the Ship Sally, arrived in said vessel at Trinity, in the Island of Newfoundland, the twenty-fourth ultimo, they accordingly appointed William Walton, Esq., Colonel Fleming, John Lamb, and John Broome, a Committee to wait on Theophilact Bache, to whom the said ship was addressed, to inquire of him the reasons (if any he knew) why the said Andrew Taverner. did not proceed directly to Falmouth, or some other port in Great Britain, as he had engaged under oath to use his utmost endeavours to do: We, the said Committee, report, that pursuant to our appointment we waited upon Mr. Bache, who produced sundry vouchers, from which, together with his deposition hereunto annexed, we fully believe the said Theophilact Bache to be altogether innocent of having had any agency, directly or indirectly, in causing the aforesaid vessel to proceed to Newfoundland, as above mentioned.



Theophilact Bache, of the aforesaid City, merchant, of lawful age, being duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that he had no agency, either directly or indirectly, in causing the Ship Sally (whereof Andrew Taverner wars master at the time of her departure from this port) to proceed to Newfoundland, or any other place than Falmouth, or some other port in Great Britain, but verily believed the said Taverner intended to proceed directly to Falmouth, or some other port in Great Britain as aforesaid. And further this deponent saith, in order to impress upon the said Andrew Taverner’s mind the necessity of going straightway to Falmouth, or some other port in Great Britain, he (this deponent) reminded him of the solemnity of the oath he, the said Taverner, had taken, and also furnished him with a copy of the same, and was greatly surprised upon hearing the General Committee for this City and County had received intelligence that the said Taverner was arrived at the land. And further saith not.


Sworn the twenty-third of June, 1775, before me,



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