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In Committee of Safety, June 16, 1775. To the Committee of Supplies: GENTLEMEN: You are desired, without delay, to procure at Cambridge, of Mr. Trumbull, or any other person or persons, on the best terms you can, about one months provision for two thousand men, as part of your general orders of the 8th of June, and deliver it to Mr. Moses Emerson, our Commissary at Cambridge; and also procure for him sufficient store-houses there. By order of the Committee. In Committee of Safety, June 16. 1775. To the Committee of Supplies: GENTLEMEN: We desire you to procure, as soon as you can, five dozen of hatchets or small axes, and lodge four dozen of them with the Commissary at Cambridge, and keep the remainder in safe custody for the present. We also desire you to fix a number of guard-houses for the accommodation of the soldiers stationed on the coast, as you shall see and judge needy, not exceeding six in number. By order of the Committee. In Committee of Safety, June 17, 1775. Orders given to Captain Jeremiah Clough, to muster his Company on Wednesday, the 28th day of June instant, at Canterbury, there to wait further orders. Ordered, That Nathaniel Perkins, of Canterbury, provided he enlist as a soldier, shall be Armourer of Colonel Poors Regiment, and be allowed the same wages, including that of a soldier, as is allowed Armourers in the Massachusetts service. Received a Letter from Colonel Read, dated Charles-town, June 15, 1775, with a Return of his Regiment, &c., as on file. Received a Letter from Lieutenant-Colonel Gilman, dated Charlestown, June 15, 1775.Filed. In Committee of Safety, at Exeter, June 17, 1775. To General FOLSOM: SIR: You are required to order two of the companies in Colonel Poors Regiment, viz : Captain Adamss and Captain Tiltons, to march, by the middle of next week, to join the Army at or near Cambridge, in the Massachusetts-Bay, there to receive further orders. MATTHEW THORNTON, Chairman. June 18, 1775.Upon receiving the news of the engagement at Charlestown, directed Colonel Poor to order all the companies in his Regiment, except Captain Elkinss, to march immediately to Cambridge. Received a Letter from the Continental Congress, dated June 10, 1775, enclosing sundry of their Resolves.Filed. Wrote to Samuel Cutts, Esquire, desiring him to procure ten reams of the best Paper he could get, and send it here to-morrow; also, to engage all the Saltpetre and Brimstone in Portsmouth, and to send the Saltpetre here as soon as may be; to employ as many hands as can be employed on the tents, and to add eighty to the number already ordered. Ordered the Selectmen or Committee of Stratham to supply their men with Fire-Arms. Ordered the Selectmen of Kingston to deliver Samuel Philbrick six barrels of Powder, to be by him conveyed to the Army. June 19, 1775.Received a Letter from the Chamber of Supplies at Watertown, dated the 18th of June, 1775, by Mr. Woods.Filed. Answered the above by same Messenger.Copy filed. Received from S. Cutts, Esq., four reams and two quires of Paper, and a Letter from him by Mr. Young, who was sent hence to him for the Paper.Letter filed. June 20, 1775.Orders given Capt. Nicholas Gilman to deliver Captain Benjamin Titcomb thirty pounds of Gunpowder for the use of his Company, and to take his receipt for the same. Orders given Major Coffin to deliver Captain Titcomb fifteen pounds of Bullets for the use of his Company, taking his receipt for it. Orders given Major Coffin to deliver Moses Meader, of Captain Adamss Company, twenty Bullets, taking his receipt for them. June 21, 1775.Memorandum of sundry articles sent to Cambridge by Mr. Nathaniel Gordon: One cask Flints, quantity, 3200; five kegs Bullets, weight, 113, 110, 62, 123, and 220 pounds each; 30 Tents and poles, and pins for do.; 10 barrels Powder, 100 pounds each; 25 Tin Buckets; 7 Milled Blankets; 6 Oxen. Ordered Mr. Commissary Emerson to proceed directly to Cambridge, and to take into his custody all Stores there belonging to this Colony, and to issue the same to our Forces in the same manner as Stores of the same kind are delivered to the Massachusetts Forces. Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Commissary Emerson eleven Pounds, by him to be accounted for, (£11.) Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Jedediah Robinson fifteen Pounds six. Shillings, for a yoke of Oxen purchased of him for our Army, (£15 6s.) Ordered Receiver-General to pay Nathaniel Ordway fourteen Pounds fourteen Shillings for do. (£14 14s.) Ordered Receiver-General to pay General Folsom twelve Pounds fifteen Shillings for do. (£12 15s.) Delivered Commissary Emerson eight quires out of the Paper received of Mr. Cutts. Gave Esquire Rice a receipt for two barrels of the Powder sent by Mr. Gordon. Received a Letter from Congress at Watertown, dated June 13th, 1775.Filed. Received a Letter from Mr. James McGregore, dated Medford, June 19th, 1775.Filed. Received a Letter from Colonel Stark, dated Medford, June 19th, 1775.Filed. June 23, 1775.Received a Letter from General Folsom, dated Medford, June 22d, 1775.Filed. Wrote to the Selectmen of Newmarket, to send by Nicholas Nichols four barrels of the Provincial Gunpowder now in their custody, to be dealt out as the publick service may require. June 24, 1775.Mr. Nichols returned from Newmarket with one barrel of Gunpowder only. Ordered the Receiver-General to pay the Committee of Supplies thirty Pounds lawful money, and to charge to Colony account, (£30.) In Committee of Safety, June 24, 1775, To the Committee of Supplies: GENTLEMEN: You are desired to send to Israel Morey, Esq., at Orford, in the County of Grafton, twenty barrels of Pork and twenty barrels of Flour, as soon as may be, for the use of the soldiers to be employed in the Northwestern frontiers of this Colony, and that the remainder you have purchased that way be safely secured till further orders. By order of the Committee: MATTHEW THORNTON, Chairman. Ordered Nicholas Gilman, Esq., to deliver to Nathan Goss thirty pounds of Gunpowder for the use of the Parish of Rye. June 26, 1775.Received another barrel of Gunpowder from Newmarket. Received a Letter from General Folsom per Mr. Emery, dated June 23d, 1775.Filed. Received a Letter from Mr. McGregore per do., dated June 24th, 1775.Filed. Received a Letter from General Folsom per Esquire Tilton, dated June 24th, 1775.Filed. Directed Captain Elkins to order his boatmen to put into the shoals, and bring to Hampton any Cannon-Shot they may find there, if the people at the shoals will allow it to be done. Directed Lieutenant Bartlett to pick out two of the largest, strongest, and best Cannon that were taken from Fort William and Mary last winter, and convey them to Exeter as soon as possible, in order to their being sent to the Army at Medford. Answered General Folsoms Letter per Mr. Dearing, who went with a horse team to Medford, with Blanketing, Intrenching Tools, &c.Copy filed. June 27, 1775.Received a Letter from General Folsom, dated. June, 1775, Filed.