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shall find occasion; and the said Treasurer or Receiver-General is hereby directed to pay no orders but such as aforesaid; and the said Committee of Safety are to be accountable to this Congress for all the money drawn out of the Treasury by their order.

Adjourned for one and a half hour.

Met according to adjournment.

Voted, That Colonel Fenton be confined.

Voted, That Colonel Fenton be confined in the jail of this Town, till further orders from this Congress.

Voted, That Colonel John Fenton be supported like a gentleman, at the expense of this Colony, till further orders from this Congress.

Adjourned till eight o’clock to-morrow.

Saturday, July 1, 1775.

Met according to adjournment.

Voted, That Colonel John Fenton be sent to Head-Quarters of the New-Hampshire Forces.

Voted, That the Proclamation issued by the Continental Congress, of the 12th instant, appointing the 20th of July to be kept as a day of Fasting and Prayer, be printed, and sent to all the Towns in this Colony.

Voted, That Captain Moulton be desired to take four men out of Captain Elkins’s Company, and an Officer at Hampton, and send Colonel Fenton to Head-Quarters, agreeable to the vote of this Congress, as soon as may be.

Voted, That the Committee of Safety be, and hereby are directed to answer that part of General Folsom’s Letter relating to Matrosses, and to make such orders concerning them as the said Committee shall think best.

Voted, That Messrs. Samuel Sherburne, Pierce Long, Colonel Nicholas Gilman, and Ebenezer Thompson, Esq., be a Committee to bring in a draught for an emission of a further sum of Paper Notes.

Voted, That Captain Jeremiah Folsom, Major Childs, Reverend Mr. Webster, Samuel Dudley, Esquire, Enoch Hale, Esquire, Antipas Gilman, and Deacon Knowles, be a Committee to bring in a plan in order to regulate the Militia of this Colony.

Voted, That a Committee be chosen to confer with the Congress in Massachusetts; and if they then see best, with the Assembly in. Rhode-Island and Connecticut, respecting the information we have received of the situation of Ticonderoga, Crown Point, and Canada, and the frontiers of New-York and New-Hampshire, and endeavour to gain such further intelligence as they can procure, of the situation of Canada, and the views of those Assemblies relative to any plan of operations in those parts; and the above Committee proceed with the utmost expedition in the business to which they are chosen; and that Messrs. Jonathan Child and Oliver Ashley be a Committee for the above purposes.

Voted, That this Congress is adjourned till three o’clock, Monday, P. M.

Monday, July 3, 1775, P.M.

Met according to adjournment.

The Committee appointed to wait on the Honourable Theodore Atkinson and George Jaffrey, Esquires, reported that they had received of the Honourable George Jaffrey, Esq., the sum of one thousand five hundred and sixteen Pounds four Shillings and eight Pence, Proclamation money, and further reported, as on file.

Voted, That the Committee aforesaid deliver the money brought from Mr. Treasurer Jaffrey, to Colonel Nicholas Gilman, Receiver-General, appointed by this Congress, and take his receipt therefor, and make report to this Congress.

Voted, That thanks of this Congress be given to the Honourable George Jaffrey, Esq., for his ready compliance to pay into the hands of the Committee the publick money.

Voted, That the thanks of this Congress be given to the Committee who received the publick money, for their faithful and able discharge of the trust committed to them, in demanding and receiving the Colony’s money from the Honourable George Jaffrey, Esquire.

A Letter from Doctor Wheelock, giving an account of the state of matters in Canada, laid before the Congress; and after considering thereon,

Voted, That Timothy Bedel and Mr. John Wheelock immediately proceed to the Congress of the Massachusetts-Bay with a copy of said Letter, and further inform them relative thereto.

Adjourned till to-morrow, eight o’clock.

Tuesday, July 4, 1775.

Met according to adjournment.

Voted, That Noah Emery, Esq., be, and hereby is appointed Deputy Secretary of this Congress.

The Complaint and Petition of Enoch Bean, being read and considered, it is referred to the Committee of Safety of Gilmanton.

Voted, That the Reverend Mr. Samuel Webster, Israel Morey, Esq., and John McClary, Esq., be a Committee to make a draughty of a Vote for establishing and encouraging sundry Manufactures in this Colony.

Voted, That Captain Matthew Thornton and John Dudley, Esq., be added to the Committee for bringing in a plan for regulating the Militia.

Voted, That the Committee of Safety be, and hereby are directed to draw on the Treasurer or Receiver-General for one month’s pay, to be paid to the widows and legal representatives of such Officers and Soldiers as have been killed in the service of this Colony, in the present unhappy war.

Voted, That the consideration of settling and officering the Militia of this Colony, be postponed till further consideration of this Congress.

Voted, That Colonel Bartlett, Colonel Hurd, and the Honourable Colonel Weare, be joined to the Committee to bring in a draught for an emission of a further sum of Paper Notes.

Voted, That a publick stock of Fire-Arms shall be provided for the use of this Colony.

Voted, That five hundred good Fire-Arms be provided, and that a Committee of three Members of this body be chosen to procure them, as soon as may be; and that Captain Jeremiah Folsom, Mr. Moses Parsons, and Captain Stephen Evans, be the Committee for that purpose; and that they previously inquire how cheap they can procure them, and make report as soon as may be to this Congress, if sitting, or otherwise to the Committee of Safety, upon whose approbation they are to procure the same; also, that the Committee of Safety be, and hereby are empowered to advance out of the Treasury such sums as they shall think proper, to the said Committee, for procuring materials for the purpose of making Fire-Arms, &c.

Adjourned till to-morrow, eight o’clock in the morning.

Wednesday, July 5, 1775.

Met according to adjournment.

A Petition being read from the Town of Monadnock, No. 5, the Congress have taken the same under consideration:

Resolved, That it be, and hereby is recommended to the said Town of Monadnock, No. 5, that they proceed to choose, as soon as may be, the several Town Officers which may be necessary for the internal government of said Town; such as Selectmen, Constables, &c., as are chosen in other Towns in this Colony, at their annual Town-Meetings; also, that they choose a Committee of Safety, or of Correspondence, for said Town; and also, that the said Town (if occasion requires it) may use the money in the hands of Mr. James Lewis, for the purpose of purchasing Fire-Arms and Ammunition; and for which money said Town is to be accountable to this Colony or Congress, and County of Cheshire, when demanded; and further, it is Resolved, That Mr. Jonathan Frost be, and hereby is appointed by this Congress the Moderator of the first meeting in said Town; and that Messrs. Jonathan Frost, Benjamin Tucker, and Thomas Biggs, be, and hereby are empowered to call said meeting.

Resolved, That the Receiver-General of this Colony, appointed by the Congress, be hereby empowered to give his notes of hand on the faith of the Colony, payable to the possessor, for the further sum of Ten Thousand Pounds, of the present currency, or lawful money, to be paid into the Treasury aforesaid, by a tax on the Polls and Estates of the inhabitants of this Colony, in the following manner, viz:

Two thousand Pounds to be paid by the 20th of December, which will be in the year of our Lord, 1776; and the sum of three thousand Pounds by the 20th of December,

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