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Resolved, That the petitioners have leave to withdraw their Petition.

Ordered, That Mr. Lothrop appoint some Messenger to go to Dr. Church for the Letters it is said he has brought from Philadelphia.

Ordered, That Major Hawley, Colonel Warren, Mr. Kollock, Mr. Edwards, Colonel Gerrish, Doctor Church, and Colonel Otis, be a Committee to prepare a Letter to the Continental Congress on the late attack of the King’s Troops at Bunker’s Hill, & c., and such other matters as they may think proper, and report to this Congress. And also, that they take into consideration a Letter from the President of the Continental Congress, and several recommendations of the said Continental Congress therein enclosed, received by Mr. Fessenden; and another Letter from the said President, with a Resolve enclosed, relative to a mode of Government for this Colony; and also to inquire of the Committee of Supplies what steps they have taken to procure Powder from the other Governments of New-England.

Ordered, That the Committee of Supplies be directed to write to Rhode-Island and New-Hampshire, touching the article of Powder; also to send to each of said Governments a copy of the recommendation of the Continental Congress.


Ordered, That Colonel Thurston, Colonel Parks, and Doctor Corbet, be a Committee to consider a Petition from Egamagon Reach, and also a Petition from Deer Island.

Adjourned to Monday morning, eight o’clock.

Monday, June 19, 1775.

Ordered, That Mr. Bonney, Mr. Foster, and Colonel Thompson, be and hereby are appointed a Committee to repair immediately to Cambridge, and inquire what methods are taken to supply the Army at the Intrenchments with Victuals and Drink, and take effectual care that they be well supplied without delay.

Ordered, That Colonel Parks, Deacon Fairbanks, and Doctor Whiting, be, and hereby are appointed a Committee to take into consideration a Letter from General Ward respecting the supplying the soldiers with Blankets and other articles lost in battle; also for providing Spears for defence.

Doctor Hall, Doctor Jones, and Mr. Bigelow, were appointed a Committee to consider the expediency of establishing another Hospital for the sick and wounded of the Army, and ordered to sit forthwith.

Deacon Bailey, Captain Goodman, and Mr. Fisher, were appointed a Committee to inquire of the Committee of Supplies how far they have proceeded to supply the soldiery with Blankets, &c., and make report.

Captain Goodrich, Mr. Aikin, and Doctor Dwight, are appointed to consider a Letter from the Hon. Jedediah Preble and Hon. Enoch Freeman, respecting Colonel Phinney’s Regiment being commissioned for the defence of the sea-coasts.

The Committee appointed to consider the expediency of establishing certain officers for taking care of the Ordnance Stores, viz: Storekeeper, Conductors, and Clerks; also the establishment of a Company of Artificers, &c., reported. The Report was amended, and accepted, and is as follows, viz:

The Committee appointed to consider the expediency of establishing certain officers for taking care of the Ordnance Stores; also, what Artificers, and the number that may be necessary for the Army, and in what way they shall be established, have attended that service, and beg leave to report as follows:

That in addition to the Storekeeper already appointed by this Congress, there be established four Conductors of Stores, and two Clerks, for the Ordnance Department; and a company of Artificers, to consist of a Master Carpenter or Overseer, with forty-nine Privates; and the Committee of Safety be desired to recommend to this Congress fit persons for the offices abovenamed; and if any such Privates who are now engaged in either of the Regiments of the Massachusetts Army, are inclined to join the above-said company, they may have leave so to do, they relinquishing their pay as Soldiers from the time they engage as Artificers, and be equipped with fire-arms and Accoutrements; and the Overseer (when appointed) be ordered to consult the Chief Engineer with respect to the number of each kind of Artificers that may be necessary, and that he complete his Company, and make return thereof to this Congress, with all possible despatch. Your Committee, furthermore, beg leave to report an establishment for the Officers and Privates abovementioned, viz:

The Storekeeper, 80 shillings per month; four Conductors, each 48 shillings per month; one Master Carpenter, or Overseer, 80 shillings per month; two Clerks, each 48 shillings per month; forty-nine Privates, (they to find their own tools,) each 50 shillings per month.

All which is humbly submitted.

ELISHA PARKS, per order.

Resolved, That three o’clock, P. M., be assigned for the choice of a President of this Congress, in the room of the Hon. Joseph Warren, supposed to be killed in the late battle at Bunker’s Hill.

The Committee appointed to take into consideration the Resolve of the honourable Continental Congress, respecting the method of establishing Civil Government in this Colony, reported. The Report was read, and debated, and

Resolved, That the further consideration of the said Report be put off until Dr. Church, who was at Philadelphia at the time said Resolve of the Continental Congress passed, shall be present.

The Committee appointed to take into consideration a Letter from General Ward respecting supplying the soldiers with Blankets, &c., lost in battle, and providing Spears, &c., reported. The Report was recommitted.

Colonel Prescott and Mr. Wheeler were added to the Committee chosen to fill up Commissions for the Officers of the Army.


The Order of the Day was moved for.

Ordered, That Colonel Prescott, Doctor Hall, and Colonel Otis, be a Committee to receive, sort, and count the votes for a President.

The Committee having attended that service, reported, that the Hon. James Warren was chosen.

Resolved, That nine o’clock to-morrow morning be assigned for the consideration of the Report of the Committee on the establishing armed Vessels.

The Committee appointed to inquire of the Committee of Supplies what they had done relative to providing Blankets and Coats, reported verbally, that they had conformed to the Resolve of Congress relative thereto, and looked upon it to be their duty to pay such orders as the Selectmen might draw on them for the Blankets they should purchase, but that they had only paid one Town as yet.

Resolved, That the same Committee report to this Congress the price proper to be given for Blankets throughout the whole Colony; and that the Committee of Supplies be directed to suspend the payments for Blankets till some further day; and that the said Committee bring in a Resolve expressive of the reason thereof.

The Committee appointed to consider the expediency of establishing another Hospital for the Army, reported, that a house belonging to Doctor Spring, of this place, may be had for that purpose: Whereupon,

Resolved, That said Committee be directed to inquire at what rate per month Doctor Spring will let the same.

Resolved, That the Secretary be directed to subscribe the name of the late President to all the Commissions that are to be delivered out to the officers of the Army, bearing date the 19th of May.

The Report of the Committee appointed to consider General Ward’s Letter relative to Spears, was again read and accepted, and is as follows, viz:

The Committee appointed to take into consideration a Letter from the General, informing that a number of the soldiers in the late action lost their clothes and blankets; and also proposing that the Soldiers in the intrenchments

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