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Resolved, That the Receiver-General be, and he hereby is ordered to pay to Major lchabod Goodwin, £2 17s. 8d. for his time, horse, and expenses in going express to Falmouth, by order of the Committee of Safety.

Adjourned to Friday morning, eight o’clock.

Friday, June 30, 1775.

Ordered, That Mr. Wheeler, Major Fuller, and Mr. Greenleaf, be a Committee to bring in a Resolve for the purpose of appointing some person to convey one Green, captive, to Worcester Jail, there to be confined till further order of this Congress.

The Committee appointed to consider what was best to be done with the supernumerary sheets of Colony Notes, reported. The Report was accepted, and is as follows, viz:

The Committee appointed to consider what shall be done with the supernumerary sheets, struck off from the plate Containing the twenty, fourteen, and six Shilling Bills, have attended that service, and find, upon examination, that there are one hundred and twenty-seven sheets above the number proposed, which make the sum of two hundred and fifty-four Pounds; and beg leave to report, that it is our Opinion, that an order of Congress be taken for committing said sheets to the care of the Receiver-General, until the further order of this Congress, or House of Representatives.

Ordered, That Major Hawley bring in a Resolve, directing the Committee of Safety to consider the expediency of granting a further emission of Bills of Credit.

A Letter from the Committee of Safety, enclosing one from the Committee of Safety of Portsmouth to Doctor Langdon, and an anonymous Letter wrote from Boston to Portsmouth, which was intercepted by the said Committee at Portsmouth; were read, and

Ordered, That a copy of the Letter from the Committee of Safety of Portsmouth be transmitted to the Committee of Supplies, and that the anonymous Letter lie on the table.

Ordered, That such of the Committee who were appointed to deliver out Commissions as are now present, be directed to attest the list of Officers commissioned.

Ordered, That Mr. Wheeler be directed to deliver the supernumerary Bills to the Receiver-General, and take his receipt for the same.

A Petition of Doctor William Whiting was read; whereupon,

Resolved, That the Receiver-General be, and he hereby is directed to pay to Doctor Whiting the sum of eight Pounds, in Colony notes, towards defraying the expenses of the said Doctor Whiting which may accrue in his journey to New-York, said Whiting to be accountable for the same to this Congress, or some future House of Assembly of this Colony.

The Committee appointed to consider some measures to prevent the spreading of the Small-Pox, were directed to sit forthwith

Ordered, That Deacon Fisher, Mr. Lothrop and Col. Richmond, be a Committee to consider a Resolve of the Committee of Safety relative to Artificer’s Accounts; and that said Committee be directed to consider such Accounts as may be transmitted to this Congress by the Committee of Safety, and to report thereon.

Resolved, That the Resolve of this Congress relative to procuring Powder from the Counties of Hampshire and Worcester, be reconsidered, and that the same, together with the Report of the Committee appointed to prepare Instruction to the Committee appointed to procure Powder from said Counties, be recommitted.

Ordered, That Captain Stone, Mr. Plympton, and Mr. Johnson, he a Committee to bring in a Resolve for the purpose of making provision for the Poor of the Town of Charlestown.

Ordered, That Colonel Coffin, Mr. Lothrop, Captain Nye, Captain Bragdon, and Colonel Mitchell, be a Committee to inquire into the state of the two Light-Houses at Cape Ann, and the LightHouse at the entrance of Boston Harbour, and also that at Plymouth, and consider whether it is expedient to continue the lights therein.

Major Hawley, agreeable to order, brought in the following Resolve; which was accepted:

Resolved, That the Committee of Safety be a Committee forthwith to consider whether the exigences of this Colony do require that there should be, as soon as possible, a grant made by this Congress of a further emission of Notes or Bills of Credit; and that they consider of what sum it is proper that grant should consist, and of what denominations such Bills should be, and whether they should bear any interest; and if any, what the rate of such interest should be, and at what time such Notes or Bills should be payable or redeemed; and whatever other regulations the said Committee shall judge it expedient such Notes or Bills should be, issued upon; and that the said Committee report as soon as may be.

Ordered, That Deacon Fisher bring in a Resolve, directing the Receiver-General to pay the sum of three Pounds, and ten Shillings, to the Committee appointed to procure Powder from the County of Worcester, and two Pounds ten Shillings, to Captain Goodman, who is appointed to procure Powder from the County of Hampshire.


The form of a Warrant for the Surgeons of the Hospital, was read and accepted, and is as follows, viz:

“The Congress of the Colony of the MASSACHUSETTS-BAT, to . . . . . . Greeting:

“Being informed of your skill in Surgery, and reposing especial trust and confidence in your ability and good conduct, we do, by these presents, constitute and appoint you, the said . . . . to be a Surgeon of the hospital established by order of Congress, in . . . . for the sick and wounded of the Colony Army. You are, therefore, carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of a Surgeon of said hospital, in all things appertaining thereto, observing such orders and instructions as you shall, from time to time, receive from any, your superiour officers, according to the rules and discipline established by said Congress, for which this shall be your sufficient warrant.

“By order of Congress.

“Dated the . . . day of . . . . , A. D. 1775.”

Ordered, That Warrants he made out to the following Officers, viz: Doctor Lemuel Cushing, Burgeon; Doctor Gad Hitchcock, Surgeon’s Mate; Adam Bayley, Quartermaster; Luther Bayley, Adjutant; all in General Thomas’s Regiment: Doctor Lemuel Howard, Surgeon to the . Roxbury Hospital.

Mr. Jabez Matthews was admitted to give an account of his embassy to Quebeck.

Ordered, That commissions be delivered to sundry Officers in Colonel Whitcomb’s Regiment, agreeable to a list of this date, by him exhibited.

Deacon Fisher, agreeable to order, reported the following Resolves; which were accepted:

Resolved, That the sum of three Pounds and ten Shillings, be paid out of the publick Treasury by the ReceiverGeneral, who is directed to pay the same, to John Caldwell, Esq., for the use of the Committee that was chosen to collect Gunpowder within the County of Worcester, for the use of the Army, and that they be accountable to this Congress, or some future House of Representatives.

Resolved, That the sum of two Pounds and ten Shillings, be paid out of the publick Treasury by the Receiver-General, who is hereby directed to pay the same, unto Mr. Noah Goodman, to bear his expenses in collecting Gunpowder within the County of Hampshire, for the use of the Army, he to be accountable for the same to this Congress, or some future House of Representatives.

The Committee appointed to prepare a form of a Commission, &c., for the Officers of those Companies, who are to be stationed on the seacoasts, reported. The Report was accepted, and is as follows:

The Committee appointed to take into consideration in what manner and form Commissions, Beating and Enlisting Orders, be made out to the Officers to be appointed and raised for the defence of the sea-coast, having taken the

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