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part, for the importation of Artificers, was read and approved of, and is in the words following, to wit: Articles of Agreement made and concluded this seventeenth day of July, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, between Leonard Lispenard, Joseph Hallett, Jacobus Van Zandt, and Alexander McDougall, of the City of New-York, Esquires, on behalf of the Provincial Congress of the Colony of New-York, of the first part, and Thomas Blockley, now in New-York, and intending speedily to go to Britain, of the second part. First, The said Leonard Lispenard, Joseph Hallett, Jacobus Van Zandt, and Alexander McDougall, on behalf of the Provincial Congress of the Colony of New-York, do authorize and request the said Thomas Blockley to procure ten good Artificers, in the Gunsmiths and Locksmiths business, to wit: Locksmiths, good workmen in the trade and business of musket or gun-locks; and other good workmen at the trade and business of forging, welding, and making gun-barrels; and other good workmen in the trade and business of boring gun-barrels; in the whole, ten artificers in number, to come to the Colony of New-York to dwell and reside, and there to carry on their respective trades and occupations. And the said parties of the first part, do request and authorize the said Thomas Blockley to advance to each of the said workmen two guineas, to defray the expense of their removal from their respective places of abode on board of the ship in which they shall come as passengers. And the said parties of the first part do covenant and agree to and with the said Thomas Blockley, to repay to him or his order such sums of money as shall be so by him advanced to the said workmen, not exceeding two guineas each; and also to pay and discharge the passages of such workmen to the City of New-York, at the rate and price of steerage passengers in any ship or vessel in which they shall arrive; provided that each of the said artificers at the time of, or immediately before the payment of their respective passages, do enter in bond to the said parties of the first part, in double the sum so advanced and paid for each of them, with a condition to repay the money so advanced for each of them respectively, if the obligor shall not set up and carry on his trade, occupation, and business in the Colony of New-York, or shall remove to dwell and reside in any place not within the said Colony. And it is recommended to the said Thomas Blockley to engage and send out sober prudent men in their respective occupations, and such as will bring with them the usual and necessary tools of their respective occupations that may be put into small room or compass. And that as many of them as may conveniently be had, be single men. A Letter from John Lamb, dated this day, setting forth many inconveniences that will attend draughting the men for an Artillery Company to be by him commanded, and praying that he may have leave to enlist his own men; and that their clothing may be blue with buff cuffs and facings, Ordered, That Captain John Lamb raise a Company of one hundred men, including Officers, to serve in the Continental Army as an Artillery Company; that their clothing be blue, faced with buff; and that they have such pay as shall be determined by the Continental Congress. A Letter from Angus McDonald complaining of his confinement. Thereupon, a Letter to the Committee of Fairfield was read and approved, and is in the words following, to wit:
GENTLEMEN: Angus McDonald having presented a petition to this Board, praying a relaxation of his confinement, we shall esteem it a favour if you will grant him as much indulgence in the premises as you think consistent with the publick safety. By order of the Committee. Ordered, That a copy thereof be signed by the Chairman, and transmitted. Ordered, That Mr. Peter T. Curtenius be requested to procure Duck, and get as many Tents made as will supply the number now lent to General Wooster. And Ordered, That Mr. Curtenius purchase so many Blankets or some other substitute as, with those already purchased, and those now in the hands of the Barrack-Master, will furnish the four Regiments of this Colony with Blankets. A draught of a Circular Letter to the respective Colonels of the Regiments of Troops now raising in this Colony, was read and approved, and is in the words following, to wit:
SIR: You are requested to prepare and lay before the Congress of this Colony at New-York, a state of your Regiment, and of the number of men ready and fit for service in each company, with all possible despatch. You will also be pleased to inform the Congress when you expect your Regiment will be complete and ready to take the field. We pray you to give all possible despatch in this businessthe present circumstances admit of no delay. The sooner your answer and return can be received, the more acceptable it will be We are, Sir, your humble servants. Ordered, That copies thereof be signed by the Chairman, and sent to the respective Colonels of the different Regiments. The Committee adjourned to nine oclock, to-morrow morning. Die Martis, 9 ho. A. M., July 18, 1775. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: For KINGS COUNTY, Henry Williams, Esq., Chairman and Commissioner. For NEW-YORK, Peter V.B. Livingston, Esq., Col. McDougall, Abraham Brasher. For CITY AND COUNTY OF. ALBANY, Gouverneur Morris. For DUTCHESS COUNTY, Jonathan Landon. For ULSTER COUNTY, Egbert Dumond. For ORANGE COUNTY, David Pye. For SUFFOLK COUNTY, Abraham Brasher. For WESTCHESTER COUNTY, Gouverneur Morris. For RICHMOND COUNTY, Aaron Cortelyou. For QUEENS COUNTY, Colonel McDougall. For TRYON COUNTY, Peter V. B. Livingston. Mr. David Watkins attending at the door, was called in; he produced a Certificate signed by Archibald Campbell, Esq., Chairman of a meeting of the Inhabitants of Charlotte County, held at Fort Edward on the 29th day of Jane last, whereby it appears that Doctor George Smyth, the said David Watkins, and Archibald Campbell, Esq., were duly elected to represent that County in Provincial Congress, together with John Williams and William Marsh, Esqrs.; and that they, or either of them, represent the said County in Provincial Congress at New-York. The said Certificate was read and filed. Ordered, That David Watkins take his seat. The Mayor of the City of New-York attending in the next room, informed some of the members, that the Magistrates had applied to a Carpenter to build a Boat for the Ship Asia, to replace that lately burnt belonging to the said Ship Asia; that the Carpenter desires an order or protection from this Board for that purpose, to convince any of his fellow-citizens (who might inquire) that he is doing that work with the approbation of the Committee. Thereupon, an Order was made in the words following, to wit: This Committee do hereby signify their approbation of the conduct of the Civil Magistrates, in ordering the building of a boat to replace that lately burnt in this City, belonging to his Majestys Ship Asia; and require the carpenter which they have or shall employ for that purpose, to perform the same. Ordered, That two copies of this Order be engrossed, and signed by one of the Secretaries, and delivered to Mr. Mayor. A Letter from the Chairman of the Committees of New-burgh and New-Windsor Precincts, was read and filed, and is in the words following, to wit: To the Honourable Provincial Congress for the Colony of NEW-YORK, now convened in the City of NEW-YORK: GENTLEMEN: We are extremely sorry to be under the disagreeable necessity of troubling you on this occasion. Nothing but dire necessity could have induced us to take any steps which may be construed by this honourable