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appointed to draught a Commission and Instructions for the General.

The Committee to consist of the following persons, viz: Mr. Lee, Mr. E. Rutledge, and Mr. J. Adams.

Upon motion, Resolved, unanimously, That a Committee of five be appointed to take into consideration the Papers transmitted from the Convention of New-York, relative to Indian Affairs, and report what steps, in their opinion, are necessary to be taken for securing and preserving the friendship of the Indian Nations.

That the Committee consist of the following persons, viz: Mr. Schuyler, Mr. Henry, Mr. Duane, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. P. Livingston.

Agreeable to the Order of the Day, the Congress resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, to take into consideration the state of America; and, after some time spent therein, the President resumed the chair, and Mr. Ward reported, that the Committee had come to certain Resolutions, which they had ordered him to report, but not having come to a conclusion, they desired him to move for leave to sit again.

The Resolve of the Committee being read, the Congress came to the following Resolutions, viz:

Resolved, That two Major-Generals be appointed for the American Army.

That the pay of each of the Major-Generals be one hundred and sixty-six Dollars per month.

That when any of these act in a separate department, he be allowed, for his pay and expenses, three hundred and thirty-two Dollars per month.

That there be eight Brigadiers-General.

That the pay of each be one hundred and twenty-five Dollars per month.

That there be one Adjutant-General, and his pay one hundred and twenty-five Dollars per month.

That there be one Commissary-General of Stores and Provisions; and that his pay be eighty Dollars per month.

That there be one Quartermaster-General for the Grand Army, and a Deputy under him, for the separate Army.

That the pay of the Quartermaster-General be eighty Dollars per month; that of the Deputy forty Dollars per month.

That there be a Paymaster-General, and a Deputy under him, for the Army, in a separate department; that the pay, for himself, be one hundred Dollars per month, and for the Deputy-Paymaster under him, fifty Dollars per month.

That there be one Chief Engineer at the Grand Army; and that his pay be sixty Dollars per month.

That two Assistants be employed under him; and that the pay of each of them be twenty Dollars per month.

That there be one Chief Engineer for the Army, in a separate department, and two Assistants under him; that the pay of the Chief Engineer be sixty Dollars per month, and the pay of the Assistants each twenty Dollars per month.

That there be three Aids-de-Camp; and that their pay be thirty-three Dollars per month each.

That there be a Secretary to the General; and that his pay be sixty-six Dollars per month.

That there be a Secretary to the Major-General, acting in a separate department; and that his pay be thirty-three Dollars per month.

That there be a Commissary of the Musters; and that his pay be forty Dollars per month.

A Letter from the Convention of New-York, received by express, was laid before the Congress, and read; which being taken into consideration,

Resolved, That the Provincial Convention of New-York be desired immediately to apply to Governour Trumbull to order the Connecticut Troops now stationed at Greenwich, Stamford, and parts adjacent, to march towards New-York; and that part of them occupy such posts on that Island as the said Provincial Convention shall judge best adapted to prevent the communication between the town and country from being cut off. The remainder of the Troops to be employed in securing the navigation of Hudson’s River, by erecting Batteries at such places as the said Convention shall judge most proper to answer that purpose.

Resolved, That the Congress will, to-morrow, again resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole, to take into their farther consideration the state of America.

Adjourned till to-morrow, at nine o’clock.

Saturday, June 17, 1775.

The Congress met according to adjournment.

The Committee appointed to draught a Commission for the General, reported the same; which being read by paragraphs, and debated, was agreed to, and is as follows:


The Delegates of the United Colonies of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, the Counties of New-castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, and South-Carolina, in Congress assembled,


We, reposing special trust and confidence in your patriotism, valour, conduct, and fidelity, do, by these presents, constitute and appoint you to be General and Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the United Colonies, and of all the Forces now raised, or to be raised by them, and of all others who shall voluntarily offer their service and join the said Army for the defence of American liberty, and for repelling every hostile invasion thereof. And you are hereby vested with full power and authority to act as you shall think for the good and welfare of the service.

And we do hereby strictly charge and require all Officers and Soldiers under your command to be obedient to your orders, and diligent in the exercise of their several duties.

And we do also enjoin and require you to be careful in executing the great trust reposed in you, by causing strict discipline and order to be observed in the Army; and that the Soldiers be duly exercised, and provided with all convenient necessaries.

And you are to regulate your conduct in every respect by the rules and discipline of war, (as herewith given you,) and punctually to observe and follow such orders and directions, from time to time, as you shall receive from this or a future Congress of these United Colonies, or Committee of Congress.

This Commission to continue in force until revoked by this or a future Congress. By order of the Congress.

Philadelphia, June 17, 1775.

Ordered, That the same be fairly transcribed, signed by the President, attested by the Secretary, and delivered to the General.

Resolved unanimously, upon the question, Whereas, the Delegates of all the Colonies, from Nova-Scotia to Georgia, in Congress assembled, have unanimously chosen George Washington, Esq., to be General and Commander-in-Chief of such Forces as are or shall be raised for the maintenance and preservation of American liberty; this Congress doth now declare that they will maintain and assist him, and adhere to him, the said George Washington, Esq., with their lives and fortunes in the same cause.

The Congress then proceeded to the choice of the Officers in the Army, by ballot; when

Artemas Ward, Esq., was chosen first Major-General.

Horatio Gates, Esq., Adjutant-General.

Resolved, That Horatio Gates, now chosen Adjutant General, shall have the rank of a Brigadier-General.

Charles Lee, Esq., was chosen second Major-General.

Resolved, That this Congress will, on Monday, resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole, to take into consideration the state of America.

Adjourned till Monday next, at nine o’clock.

Monday, June 19, 1775.

The Congress met according to adjournment.

The President laid before the Congress sundry Letters from the Conventions of Massachusetts-Bay and New-York; Which were read.

Upon motion, Ordered, That Mr. Henry, Mr. Lynch, and Mr. J. Adams, be a Committee to wait upon General Lee, and to inform him of his appointment, and request his answer whether he will accept the command.

The Committee returned, and reported, that they had waited on General Lee, and Informed him of his appointment,

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