1775. |
Apr. 25, |
Escort to the Members of Continental Congress, |
746 |
26, |
General Preble at Falmouth, requested to attend at Cambridge, |
746 |
Fifteen of the Prisoners at Concord removed to Worcester Jail, |
746 |
Provincial Congress requested to make an Establishment for Armourers, |
746 |
Enlistments in the Army encouraged, |
746 |
Order of the 24th instant, forbidding the Inhabitants of Chelsea and Malden to fire on the Seamen under command of Admiral Graves, rescinded, |
746 |
Inhabitants of Chelsea and Malden authorized to defend themselves, as their judgment may direct, |
746 |
Warrant for supplying an Express, |
746 |
Certificate to Dr. Bond, |
746 |
27, |
Instructions to Captain Derby, intrusted with intelligence to the Agent in England, |
747 |
Letters sent to Rhode-Island and Connecticut, |
747 |
Colonel Glover to prevent intelligence being sent to the Lively, Ship-of-War, at Marblehead, |
747 |
28, |
Post-Riders, between the Army and Worcester, recommended, |
747 |
General Gages Precepts for calling an Assembly not to be noticed, |
747 |
None living in New-York, or any other Government, to be enlisted for the service of this Province, |
747 |
Cannon at Medford to be brought to Cambridge, |
747 |
Inhabitants of Boston yesterday surrendered their Fire-Arms, as they had agreed to do, with General Gage, |
747 |
Committee to take the state of Boston into consideration, |
747 |
29, |
Committee to take into consideration the removal of the Inhabitants from Boston, |
747 |
Neighbouring Towns required to send one-half of their Militia to Cambridge and Roxbury, |
747 |
Expresses to press as many Horses as they have occasion for, |
748 |
General Ward to apply to the Commissary for such Stores as he may have occasion for, |
748 |
Dr. Foster authorized to remove the sick and wounded to the Hospital, |
748 |
Captain Benedict Arnold, with a Company, arrived from Connecticut, |
748 |
General Thomas ordered to seize Governour Hutchinsons Papers, |
748 |
30, |
Captain Benedict Arnold reports the quantity of Cannon at Ticonderoga, and that the Fortress is in a ruinous condition, |
748 |
Province Arms at Worcester or Concord to be brought to Cambridge, |
749 |
Committee to form a plan for the liberation of the Inhabitants of Boston, |
749 |
Orders to Colonel Gerrish, |
749 |
John Pierce Palmer appointed Quartermaster-General of the Army, |
749 |
Inhabitants of the Colony desirous of removing into Boston, permitted to do so, |
749 |
May 1, |
Paper Currencies of Connecticut and Rhode-Island to pass in Massachusetts, |
749 |
Rev. Mr. Gordon to have free access to the Prisoners, |
750 |
2, |
Committee on the proposal of Colonel Arnold, for an attempt on Ticonderoga, |
750 |
Recantations from Marblehead received, |
750 |
Money, &c., to be delivered to Captain Arnold, for the use of the Colony, upon a certain service, approved of by the Council of War, |
750 |
Colonel Arnold appointed to a secret service, authorized to appoint certain Officers, |
750 |
Ten Horses to be procured for Colonel Arnold, to be employed on a special service, |
750 |
3, |
Orders to Colonel Arnold, relative to an attempt upon Ticonderoga, |
751 |
4, |
The publick good of the Colony requires that Government in full form ought to be taken up immediately, |
751 |
Letter to the Governour of Connecticut, requesting him to forward three or four thousand Troops, |
751 |
Committee to confer with the Council of War, on the arrival of re-enforcements at Boston, |
752 |
7, |
To prevent the appointment of Surgeons who may not be agreeable to the Officers and Soldiers, Colonels are to nominate them, |
752 |
1775. |
May 7, |
Committee for Chelsea to prevent Provisions from being carried into Boston, |
753 |
9, |
Recommend a new Commission for the Committee of Safety, |
753 |
Council of War recommend a re-enforcement of two thousand Men to be brought into Camp the ensuing night, |
753 |
A Court of Inquiry proposed for the trial of accused persons, |
753 |
10, |
Many Batteaus, Whale Boats, and others, will very soon be wanted on Charles River, and Carpenters are ordered to be engaged to make them, |
753 |
Letter to the Colonels of the Army, informing a blow is meditated against the enemy, and ordering them to repair forthwith to Cambridge, |
754 |
Letter to the Provincial Congress, enclosing the foregoing orders, |
754 |
William Goodwin empowered to take possession of a number of Boats in Charlestown, and to press Teams to take the Boats to Cambridge, |
754 |
Mr. Watson empowered to remove to Cambridge the Boats now in Menotomy River, |
754 |
General Gage intends soon to come out of Boston, (Note,) |
754 |
11, |
Provincial Congress requested to establish a Court of Inquiry for the trial of suspected persons, |
754 |
12, |
Works recommended to be erected to prevent the enemy from passing into the country from Boston, |
755 |
The determination of this matter rests with the Council of War, |
755 |
Seizure of Tories, and detaining them until Gen. Gage complies with his engagement made with the Inhabitants of Boston, recommended, |
755 |
Committee adjourns to Congress, upon matters of great importance, |
755 |
14, |
Andrew Craigie empowered to impress beds, bedding, and other necessaries for the sick, |
756 |
Josiah Martin having promised, with his life and fortune, to stand for the defence of his Country, is to be received into the favour of his countrymen, |
756 |
Live Stock to be taken from Hog-Island, Noddle-Island and Snake-Island, |
757 |
Persons escaping from Boston, to be received and protected, |
757 |
15, |
Account of Ordnance and Military Stores, |
757 |
Lady Frankland permitted to pass into Boston, with certain goods and articles for her voyage, |
757 |
Note from Lady Frankland to Dr. Warren.(Note,) |
757 |
Note from Lady Frankland to the Committee of Safety, (Note,) |
757 |
Letters from New-York, relative to the establishing a Post-Office, referred to the Provincial Congress, |
757 |
16, |
Fifty-four Whale Boats to be provided for the use of the Colony, |
759 |
Establishment for the Companies of Matrosses, |
759 |
Ten Swivels to be provided for the use of the Army, |
760 |
17, |
Committee to repair to the Provincial Congress, and request that the duty of the Committee of Safety be precisely stated, |
760 |
General Gage not having kept his agreement with the Inhabitants of Boston, it is recommended to the Provincial Congress to rescind their Resolution of the 30th of April, founded on that agreement, |
760 |
Students of Harvard College, who had been furnished with Arms, are requested to return them, |
761 |
Female friends to America requested to send such quantities of Rags as they can spare for the Surgeons of the Massachusetts Forces, |
761 |
19, |
Capt. John Lane furnished with enlisting papers for raising a Company of Indians at the Eastward, |
761 |
Letter to the several Colonels, requesting immediate Returns, |
761 |
A Horse and Sulkey furnished Dr. Church, for his journey to Philadelphia, |
761 |
20, |
No Slave to be admitted into the Army, |
762 |
22, |
Post-Riders discharged, |
762 |
23, |
Congress requested to take measures to secure the Stock on the Islands and Sea-Coasts, |
762 |