1775. |
be second to any man, disbanded his forces, and resigned his commission, |
1540 |
July 3, |
Letter from the New-Hampshire Congress to the Massachusetts Congress, with information from Canada: if any plan of operation towards, or in Canada, is suitable, they wish to act in concert with the other Colonies in the neighbourhood, |
1479 |
3, |
Letter from Governour Wentworth to Theodore Atkinson. Has occasion for the Books of Charters in the Secretarys Office, and desires they may be sent him, |
1541 |
3, |
Letter from the New-Hampshire Congress to the Massachusetts Congress, enclosing copies of Letters from Dr. Wheelock, dated Dartmouth College, June 28, and from the Committee in Hanover, dated June 27, |
1541 |
July 4, |
The Congress meets at Savannah, |
1543 |
List of the Members elected, |
1543 |
Archibald Bullock chosen President, and George Walton Secretary, |
1543 |
Congress attend the Meeting-House of the Rev. Dr. Zubly, where he preached a Sermon on the alarming state of American affairs, |
1543 |
Thanks of the Congress to Dr. Zubly for his excellent Sermon, |
1543 |
5, |
Message to the Governour by a Committee, that he will appoint a day of Fasting and Prayer, to be observed throughout the Province, |
1543 |
Proceedings of a Meeting at Savannah, on the 13th of June, laid before the Congress, |
1544 |
Motion, that this Congress put the Province upon the same footing with the other Colonies, to be considered to-morrow, |
1545 |
6, |
Order of the Day read, and considered, |
1545 |
Resolved unanimously, that this Province will adopt and carry into execution all and singular the measures and recommendations of the late Continental Congress, |
1545 |
Other Resolutions regulating the conduct of the Colony, |
1545 |
7, |
Governour Wrights Answer to the Message of the Congress; he will appoint a day of Fasting and Prayer, |
1547 |
Committee to convey the Thanks of the Congress to the Governour, |
1547 |
Delegates to the Continental Congress chosen, |
1547 |
Dr. Zubly declines accepting the appointment of Delegate, without the approbation of his Congregation, |
1547 |
Secret Committee appointed, |
1547 |
Dr. Zubly appointed to prepare and bring in a Petition to the King, |
1547 |
Committee appointed to prepare a Letter to the President of the Continental Congress, informing him of the Proceedings of this Congress, |
1547 |
Committee appointed to prepare an Address to the Governour, |
1547 |
8, |
Ten Thousand Founds Sterling appropriated for the service of the Province, in the present alarming and distracted state of affairs, |
1548 |
Petition to the King presented and approved of, |
1548 |
Committee of Intelligence appointed, |
1548 |
Letter to the President of the Continental Congress presented and approved of, |
1548 |
10, |
Resolutions adopted unanimously, declaring their rights, their allegiance to the King, their union with the Colonies, and their determination to enforce the Resolutions of the Continental and Provincial Congresses, |
1548 |
11, |
Committee report the assent of Dr. Zublys Congregation to his appointment, and that they are willing to spare him for a time, for the good of the common cause, |
1550 |
Address to the Governour reported, agreed to, and a Committee appointed to present it, |
1550 |
12, |
Ways and Means to raise and sink Ten Thousand Pounds Sterling, considered in Committee of the Whole, |
1551 |
Congress while sitting, and the Council of Safety in its recess, empowered to issue Certificates to the amount of Ten Thousand Pounds Sterling, |
1551 |
Persons who may refuse to receive such Certificates in payment to be considered enemies of the Province, and treated accordingly, |
1551 |
1775. |
July 13, |
Association entered into at Savannah, on the 5th of June last, approved of, and adopted by the Congress, |
1551 |
Committee to present the Association to all the Inhabitants of Savannah, to be signed, |
1552 |
14, |
Committee appointed to consider and report upon the qualifications of voters for Delegates to the Provincial Congress, and an equal representation, |
1552 |
Directions to Magistrates relative to issuing summonses and warrants, for the recovery of debts |
1552 |
Report of the Committee on the qualification of voters and equal representation, presented and adopted, |
1552 |
Form of Credentials for Delegates to the Provincial Congress recommended to the Inhabitants of the several Parishes and Districts, |
1552 |
15, |
Committee on the better governing the Militia of the Province appointed, |
1553 |
Committee appointed to communicate to the Inhabitants of the Province an account of the disputes between Great Britain and the Colonies, and the Proceedings of this Congress, |
1553 |
Delegates to a new Congress to be elected between the 20th of August and 1st of September, next, |
1553 |
Delegates for Savannah to be chosen on the 15th of September, |
1553 |
Delegates for Savannah, and such other Delegates as may be there appointed, a General Committee for the Province, |
1553 |
17, |
Rev. Haddon Smith declared to be unfriendly to America, for refusing to join on a day of Fasting and Prayer recommended by the Congress, |
1554 |
Delegates appointed to go to Philadelphia, directed to apply to the Continental Congress to incorporate this Province with the other United Provinces of America, |
1554 |
Adjourned to the 19th day of August, unless sooner convened by the General Committee, |
1554 |
25, |
Address to the Inhabitants of the Province of Georgia, by the Committee appointed on the 15th instant, |
1554 |
14, |
Letter from Archibald Bullock to George Johnstone, London, enclosing a Letter from the Committee of Intelligence, |
1555 |
14, |
Letter from the Committee of Intelligence, for Georgia, to George Johnstone, London, enclosing a Petition to the King, |
1555 |
14, |
Petition to the King, from the Provincial Congress of Georgia, |
1556 |
4, |
The Law of Liberty: a Sermon preached before the Provincial Congress of Georgia, at Savannah, on the 4th of July, 1775, |
1557 |
July 4, |
Letter from the Committee of Intelligence at Charlestown, South-Carolina, to the Continental Congress, enclosing copies of intercepted Letters from Lord Dartmouth to Governour Wright of Georgia, Governour Martin of North-Carolina, and to the Lieutenant-Governour of South-Carolina, dated March 3, 1775, |
1567 |
4, |
Letter from the Committee of Intelligence at Charlestown to the Committee at Newborn, North-Carolina, |
1567 |
4, |
Letter from the Committee of Intelligence at Charlestown to the Committee at Savannah, Georgia, |
1568 |
Account of the seizure of the Mail in Charlestown, on the 2d of July, by the Secret Committee, with despatches from the Earl of Dartmouth to the Southern Governours, (Note,) |
1569 |
4, |
Somerset County, Maryland, Committee, declare James Dooe inimical to the Liberties of America, |
1569 |
4, |
List of Officers of the Green Mountain Boys, |
1570 |
4, |
Letter from John N. Bleecker, with an account of Provisions delivered over by him to Elisha Phelps, at Albany, |
1570 |
Mr. Phelpss Warrant as Commissary, from the Governour of Connecticut, |
1570 |
4, |
Letter from William Schuyler to John Marlett; only one person in Warrensburgh. New-York, has signed the Association, |
1571 |