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NEW JERSEY PROVINCIAL CONGRESS. List of the Deputies who attended the session in the month of AUGUST. BERGEN: John Fell, John Demarest, Hendrick Kuyper, Abraham Van Buskirk, Edo Merselius. ESSEX: Henry Garritse, Michael Vreeland, Robert Drummond, John Chetwood, Elias Boudinot, Isaac Ogden, Philip Van Cortlandt, Bethuel Peirson, Caleb Camp. MIDDLESEX: Nathaniel Heard, William Smith, John Dunn, John Lloyd, Azariah Dunham, John Schurman, John Wetherill, Lucas Schenck, Jonathan Sergeant, Jonathan Baldwin, Jonathan Deare. MORRIS: William Winds, William De Hart, Jonathan Stiles, David Thompson, Jacob Drake, Ellis Cook, Silas Condict. SOMERSET: Hendrick Fisher, Peter Schenck, Abraham Van Neste, Enos Kelsey, Jonathan D. Sergeant, Frederick Frelinghuysen, William Paterson, Nathaniel Eyers. SUSSEX: Edward Dumont, William Maxwell, John B. Scott, Hugh Hughs, Mark Thompson, William Norcross. MONMOUTH: Edward Taylor, Robert Montgomery, John Holmes, John Covenhoven, Daniel Hendrickson. HUNTERDON: Samuel Tucker, John Mehclm, John Hart, Ralph Hart, John Stout, Jasper Smith, Thomas Lowry, Charles Stewart, Daniel Hunt, Richard Stevens, John Stevens, Jun., Thomas Stout, Thomas Jones, Abraham Bonnell, Joseph Beavers. BURLINGTON: Joseph Borden, Isaac Pearson, Colin Campbell, John Pope. GLOUCESTER: John Sparks, Joseph Hugg, Joseph Ellis, Elijah Clark. CUMBERLAND: Samuel Fithian, Jonathan Elmer, Thomas Ewing. SALEM: Jacob Scoggin, James James, John Holmes, Benjamin Holmes, Ephraim Lloyd. CAPE MAY: Elijah Hughs. In Congress, August 5, 1775. 1. Resolved, That the several persons appointed in pursuance of the Ordinance of this Congress in their last session, to collect the quotas of the several Townships, do pay the Money by them collected to the County Collector on or before the tenth day of September next; and if any persons within their respective Districts shall have refused payment, that, in such case, they do make and deliver in a list of the names of the delinquents to their several Committees, together with their receipts and vouchers for the Money which they shall have paid to the aforesaid County Collectors. 2. Resolved, That the several Committees do furnish the Provincial Congress at their next session with the names of all such persons within their District as shall have refused to sign the Association recommended in the last Congress, or one of a similar nature; and of all such as shall have refused to pay their respective apportionments. 3. Resolved, That the respective Committees in this Colony do return to the Provincial Congress at their next session copies of the several Associations signed in their Districts, agreeable to the former order of this Congress, together with the names of those who have signed the same. 4. Resolved, That the Assessors and Collectors, appointed to apportion and collect the said Money, do receive such reward for their labour and trouble therein as the Assessors and Collectors are by law entitled to, for assessing and collecting the Provincial Taxes. 5. Resolved, That in case any part of the sum of Ten Thousand Pounds, by the said Ordinance directed to be raised, shall, from the event of publick affairs, be found to be unnecessary for the purposes thereby intended: in such case the surplus be paid by the several County Committees into the hands of the County Collectors appointed by Act of Assembly, to be by them applied towards discharging the quotas of such Counties in the publick Taxes of the Province. 6. Resolved, That the several Committees, to whom the disposal of the said Money was, by the Ordinance of the last session, entrusted, do account to the Provincial Congress for their several disbursements, and the uses to which they may have been applied. Saturday, August 12, 1775. Whereas, it is highly expedient, at a time when this Province is likely to be involved in all the horrours of a civil war, and when it has become absolutely necessary to increase the burden of Taxes already laid upon the good people of this Colony for the just defence of their invaluable rights and privileges, that the inhabitants thereof should have frequent opportunities of renewing their choice and approbation of the Representatives in Provincial Congress: It is therefore Resolved, That the inhabitants in each County, qualified to vote for Representatives in General Assembly, do meet together at the places herein after mentioned, on Thursday the twenty-first day of September, next, and then and there, by plurality of voices, elect and appoint any number not exceeding five substantial freeholders as Deputies, with full power to represent such County in Provincial Congress, to be held at Trenton, in the County of Hunterdon, on Tuesday the third day of October next: And that the places of meeting for the election in each County shall be, for the County of Bergen, at the Court-House in New-Barbados; County of Essex, at the Court-House in Newark; County of Middlesex, at the Court-House in New-Brunswick; County of Somerset, at the Court-House in Hillsborough; County of Morris, at the Court-House in Morris Town; County of Monmouth, at the Court-House in Freehold; County of Hunterdon, at the house of John Ringo in Amwell; County of Sussex, at the Court-House in New-Town; County of Burlington, at the Court-House in the City of Burlington; County of Gloucester, at the Court-House in the Town of Gloucester; County of Salem, at the Court-House in the Town of Salem; County of Cumberland, at the Court-House in Bridgetown; County of Cape-May, at the Court-House in Middle Precinct. And that the Deputies so elected shall receive a Certificate of their election, in the words following to wit: We do hereby certify, that on the day of the date here of, A, B, C, &c., were duly elected Deputies for the County of . . . . . . in the Province of New-Jersey, with full power to represent the said County in Provincial Congress, to be held at Trenton, in the County of Hunterdon, on the third day of October next; as witness our hands and seals this . . . . . . day of . . . . . A. D. 1775. Which Certificate, under the hands and seals of the President or Chairman chosen to preside at such election, together with five or more freeholders of the said County, shall be sufficient evidence of such election. Resolved, That during the continuance of the present unhappy disputes between Great Britain and America, there be a new choice of Deputies in every County of this Province yearly, on the third Thursday in September. Resolved, That on the said third Thursday in September in every year the inhabitants in each County, qualified as aforesaid, do elect, by plurality of voices, a sufficient number of freeholders to constitute a County Committee of Observation and Correspondence, with full power as well to superintend and direct the necessary business of the County, as to carry into execution the resolutions and orders of the Continental and Provincial Congresses. Resolved, That the inhabitants of each Township, qualified as aforesaid, do immediately choose (where it is not already done) a sufficient number of freeholders to constitute a Township Committee: and that on the second Tuesday in March, in every year hereafter, they do proceed anew in like manner to choose such a number of freeholders as shall be thought necessary to constitute Committees to act as Committees of Observation and Correspondence in each Township, with power to transact the business referred to them by the Continental and Provincial Congresses, and the County Committees. Wednesday, August 16, 1775. The Congress resumed the consideration of the Plan for further regulating the Militia, &c., which, after certain amendments, was approved, and is as follows, viz: The Congress taking into further consideration the state of the Militia in this Province: Resolved, 1. That the several County, or (where there is no County) the Township Committees, do transmit the