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Colony have taken to secure the Stock upon the Islands lying within this jurisdiction; and to request his Excellency to use his authority that such of said Stock as may be fit for market be received by the Commissary General, for the use of the Army.

It is Voted and Resolved, That the monthly wages of Abraham Whipple, Captain of the Colony Sloop, be raised from seven Pounds ten Shillings to nine Pounds, from the time he entered on board said Sloop.

It is Voted and Resolved, That Messrs. James Rhodes, Gideon Hoxie, George Sheffield, Joshua Babcock, Abel Tanner, Joseph Hoxie, and William Potter, be and they or any three of them are hereby appointed a Committee to take possession of the Stock that may be brought off from New-Shoreham, by order of this Assembly; and such of said Stock as may be fit for a market, immediately to send to the Army; that such of said Stock as may not be fit for a market they immediately sell and dispose of to the best advantage, either at publick or private sale, unless the owners of said Stock shall choose to take their own Stock into possession at their own risk; and that they make report thereof to the next General Assembly.

An Act dividing the Second Company or Trained Band in the Town of SCITUATEinto two Companies, appointing Officers, &c.

Whereas a number of persons, belonging to the second Trained Band or Company of Militia in the Town of Scituate, by petition, represented unto this Assembly, that said Company is now grown sufficiently large for two Companies, and thereupon prayed this Assembly, that for their better accommodation and convenience they might be divided into two Companies, by the following divisional line, to wit: Beginning at Coventry line, two rods East of Thomas Place’s house, from thence Northerly to the North line of the Westconouage purchase, leaving Daniel Bennet’s house to the Westward of said line:

And this General Assembly taking the same into consideration, Do enact, and by the authority thereof it is enacted, That said Company be and the same is hereby divided into two Companies, in the manner and according to the lines above described; and that all the Soldiers living to the Westward of said line shall remain and belong to the second Company, and that all persons living to the Eastward of said line, who heretofore belonged to the said second Company, shall for the future belong to the sixth Company in Scituate. And it is further Voted, at the request of the petitioners, that the following Officers be and hereby are appointed to command the said sixth Company, to wit: Stephen Sheldon, Captain, Daniel Howard, Lieutenant, and James Wells, Ensign.

It is Voted and Resolved, That the Act to prevent the Honourable Joseph Wanton, Esq., from acting as Governour of this Colony, until the oath of office shall be administered to him in open General Assembly, with the consent of the Assembly, &c., which was passed at the session held on the first Wednesday in May last, and continued by an Act passed at the session held on the second Monday in June last, and further continued by an Act passed at the session held on Wednesday the twenty-eighth day of the same June, be still continued, and remain in force, until the rising of this Assembly at the next session.

It is Voted and Resolved, That the Honourable Stephen Hopkins, Esq., one of the Delegates of this Colony at the Continental Congress, be empowered to receive eighty Pounds lawful money out of the General Treasury, on account of his expenses and services at said Congress, from the time he last set out for Philadelphia, to the time of the last adjournment of said Congress; and that he be accountable for the same to the Colony.

Whereas the Honourable Samuel Ward, Esq., one of the Delegates for this Colony at the Continental Congress, exhibited unto this Assembly an account, by him charged against the Colony, for his services at said Congress, and sundry expenses in going to, during his residence at, and returning from Philadelphia: And the said account being duly examined, It is Voted and Resolved, That the same be and hereby is allowed; and that the balance thereof, being eighty-three Pounds nineteen Shillings and three Pence one Farthing lawful money, be paid the said Samuel Ward, out of the General Treasury.

It is Voted and Resolved, That the late Proceedings of the members of the Committee of Inspection of South-Kingstown, and several other Towns, respecting the stopping and regulating the passing of a number of Neat-Cattle over the ferries to Newport from South-Kingstown, belonging to George Irish, be approved of; and that it is expected and requested that the Committees of Inspection for the Towns do at all times use their utmost endeavours that Stock be not suffered to pass over any of the ferries to Newport, in larger numbers than two at a time, except Sheep, and of those but five at a time, while any danger may remain of their being taken by our enemies; and that the proprietors of the ferries and their ferrymen govern themselves accordingly.

It is Voted and Resolved, That Colonel Samuel Aborn, Colonel John Low, Richard Smith, Esq., Mr. Benjamin Bosworth, Sylvester Gardner, Esq., and Mr. Benjamin Gardner, be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to cause all the Cattle and Sheep that are fit to be killed, to be forthwith removed and carried off all the Islands in this Colony, Rhode-Island excepted and Block-Island, for which provision hath already been made; to this end the Committee are to request the owners to remove them, and to give them assistance; and if the owners refuse, then this Committee are to cause them to be appraised by proper persons of their appointment, and to transport them to the main land, to be sent to the camp and sold, for which the owners shall be indemnified; that the Stock on Prudence and Hog-Islands be removed to Bristol by the said Richard Smith and Benjamin Bosworth; and the Stock on Jamestown be removed to South-Kingstown or North-Kingstown, by the said Sylvester Gardner and Benjamin Gardner; that said Committee be empowered to take such assistance, vessels and boats, as they shall think necessary, and all at the expense of the Colony; and the said Committee are also empowered to order the two armed vessels belonging to the Colony to assist in removing said Cattle and Sheep; that William Bradford, Esq., send those Cattle and Sheep to the camp that may be brought to Bristol; and that John Northrup, Esq., send those Cattle and Sheep to the camp that may be brought to South-Kingstown or North-Kingstown.

It is Voted and Resolved, That his Honour the Deputy Governour, with the advice of the Committee appointed to transact publick matters during the recess of the Assembly, be requested to write an answer to the Letter from the Council of the Colony of the Massachusetts-Bay, dated August 18, 1775, to the Deputy Governour, and to take such orders respecting the prisoners therein referred to as they shall think proper.

It is Voted and Resolved, That if any person or persons shall refuse to take the Paper Money emitted by this Colony, the Paper Money emitted by the Continental Congress, or by any of the American Colonies, in payment for any debt, duty, or demand of a pecuniary nature, he shall incur the displeasure of this General Assembly, and ought to be held and esteemed as an enemy to its credit, reputation and happiness, and totally destitute of that regard and obligation he is under to his country and the cause of liberty, which they are deeply engaged to support and defend; and that the good people of this Colony and America ought to withdraw all communication from such person or persons.

It is Voted and Resolved, That all business lying before this Assembly unfinished, be and the same is hereby referred to next session: That the Secretary publish the Acts and Orders of this Assembly, by beat of drum, in the Town of Providence, within ten days after the rising of this Assembly, and in thirty send copies thereof to the Sheriffs of each County in the Colony, by them to be transmitted to the several Town-Clerks in the County; and that this Assembly be adjourned to the fourth Tuesday of October next, at Providence, if called, but if not called before nor at said time, then to be dissolved.

GOD save the KING.

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