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assist the people there by one-third of his Company, at a time alternately, at his discretion, in building a Redoubt at Watermans Point, and such other works as shall be judged proper by a Committee, &c.; to direct the same, and allow them Spirits when in said service, as ordered by the Assembly for men on fatigue, and requiring the men to yield obedience, &c.; and that the Captain see that proper Watchers and Guards be kept, and proper exercises be kept up; and that he use his efforts to keep up good order, virtue, morality, &c. On consideration of the scarcity of Pork and other Provisions, and the vast consumption of it by the Army, it is thought necessary, and for the safety of the Colony, that the Embargo laid and continued by the Assembly to the 20th instant, should be revived and further continued; and the Governour is advised and desired to issue his Proclamation to-day, and continue the same to the 20th October next. Which was done accordingly, and sent to the Printer; he directed to send to each Town Clerk and Naval Officer in the Colony. Voted and Granted, An Order to pay for eighteen Blankets, sent per Lebanon, and request, &c., to supply part of the loss at Bunkers Hill; and nine Guns for the same place, for the same purpose, both to amount to £28 6s., being duly appraised, &c.; and ditto to pay Samuel Hunt for carrying the same, £3 8s. 9d. And ditto to pay David Trumbull going express three times to the Army, and sundries allowed, £8 19s. And ditto to pay John Alden, for going express to Killingsby, to recall Troops on their inarch to Cambridge, by advice from General Washington, £1 8s. Also to pay Simeon Gray, for a Horse bought for Indian Cognahue to ride, with Belt and Speech, &c., to the Oneida Indians, &c., £5. And then, on motion heretofore, by and in behalf of New-Haven, that they may be allowed to provide Carriages for four six-pound Cannon, instead of four-pounders, as those allowed at a meeting, seventh instant, marked by Messrs. Williams and Wales, were of that size; and that they may also prepare Carriages for five Field-Cannon, instead of two, as then allowed, &c. On consideration of said motions, and the reasons thereof, this Council are of opinion, that the first motion is reasonable, and do allow and approve thereof; and as to the other, respecting five instead of two Field-Pieces, are of opinion, that two may be sufficient for the present, and that they may not properly allow more, without the approbation of the Assembly. Copy also drawn for the Governour to forward, &c. Voted, That an Order be drawn on the Pay-Table Committee for two hundred Pounds, in favour of Benjamin Huntington, Esquire, to Captain John Deshon, to pay the purchase of the Schooner Britannia, for the use of the Colony, as an armed and intelligence vessel, which this Council had judged most for the benefit of the Colony to purchase at that price, and appointed said Committee to purchase of Edward Hancox, Jonathan Denison, 5th, &c., of Stonington, and which they have done accordingly. And Orders drawn accordingly by me, as Clerk, the next day. And the Council and Meeting was adjourned without day. Monday, August 21, 1775. At a meeting of the Governour and Council this day: Present: His Honour the Governour, Eliphalet Dyer, Jabez Huntington, William Williams, Nathaniel Wales, Jedediah Elderkin, Joshua West and Benjamin Huntington, Esqs. Sundry Letters just received from General Schuyler, Colonel Hinman, &c., were laid before us, by which it appears there is great danger of delays from New-York, &c., relating to the Northern Expedition, &c. A Letter from Major Brown, who has been in Canada, giving a favourable account of the disposition of the Country, &c., and many others considered, &c., And a Letter advised and prepared to General Washington, on sundry matters, and copies of the above-mentioned Letters enclosed and approved, and sent by Colonel Dyer and Colonel Elderkin, who were going down, &c. The Governour also showed us a secret Letter, written by one Brook Watson to President Livingston, &c., (a very ill one,) which had been intercepted, &c., and recovered. On application of Mr. Hazard, of Edgartown, and proper Credentials, &c., a Permit is granted to him to buy and carry from this Colony about one hundred Pounds value of Rye and Indian Corn, for the necessary use of the Town. A Letter was prepared and approved to President Livingston, of New-York Congress, expressing our concern at their not having provided and sent the Tents they had engaged for Colonel Hinmans Regiment, and urging the danger of delays, &c., and informing of a Permit before granted Mr. Rensselaer to purchase four hundred and fifty barrels Pork in this Colony, for General Schuylers Army, and the orders to send it by land to the North River, &c. Letters also prepared and despatched to Hartford, to go by Bennet, who is at Hartford, and sent forward the above Letter to General Schuyler, Colonel Hinman, and Major Brown. Letter also prepared and sent to Commissary Phelps, directing him to take care of and forward by the best ways such Lead as shall be sent him from General Schuyler, for the use of the Army near Boston, according to desire of General Washington. And then the Council adjourned to meet again Thursday, 24th instant. Thursday, August 24, 1775. At a meeting of the Governour and Council of Safety, present the same Members as at the last meeting, except Colonels Dyer and Elderkin, (at Cambridge.) Mr. James Church, of Hartford, moves for a Permit to send to Providence, by water, about three hundred bushels of Wheat, to be ground for the use of the United Army near Boston, for the reason that, by means of great drought, it is not possible to get it ground near home; to be his own risk, &c. On consideration, a Permit is granted, but not without much doubt of the expediency of it, lest it should fall into the hands of our enemies. Benjamin Huntington, Esquire, and Captain Ephraim Bill, are appointed a Committee to oversee and direct the building or erecting a Battery and Intrenchments, at a former meeting ordered to be made at Watermans Point, in New-London River, and Captain Lyons Company, now there, to labour about it, according to orders. And gave Instructions to said Committee. On a Letter received from Messrs. Hosmer, Williams and Hall, about the armed Brig fitting at Middletown, &c., containing a nomination of sundry persons for officers, &c., and proposing that the bearer,Warner, (going to Providence,) may enlist a Gunner there, as they cannot obtain one, and also Sailors, &c. It is agreed, that he may do so, if not disagreeable to Governour Cooke, to whom the Governour is desired to write by said Warner, proposing it to him, &c.; which was done. Sundry Accounts for Guns and Blankets which had been impressed and obtained by the Governours order, to supply the loss of our Soldiers at Bunkers Hill, &c., were laid in, considered and allowed, and Voted, That Orders be drawn for the payment thereof, viz:
Which Orders I have since drawn, &c. And the meeting is dismissed.