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Crown, shall be disqualified from sitting in this Convention, the General Congress, Council of Safety, or County Committee. Resolved, That no person who shall accept of a Commission, as an Officer, to command any of the Regular Forces now to be raised, or which may hereafter be raised, for the defence of this Colony, be capable of sitting or voting as a Member of the Convention, General Congress, or Committee of Safety, during his continuance in the said office. Ordered, That it be an instruction to the Committee appointed to prepare and bring in an Ordinance for regulating the election of Delegates and Committees, that they receive a clause or clauses, pursuant to the foregoing Resolutions. On a motion made, Ordered, That there be a call of the Convention on Wednesday next. Resolved, That this Convention will immediately proceed, by ballot, to the appointment of Officers to command the Regular Forces to be raised for the defence and protection of this Colony. Ordered, That the Members of this Convention do immediately prepare tickets to be put into the ballot-box, with the name of the person to command the First Regiment; which being accordingly done, Mr. Robert Carter Nicholas, Mr. Charles Carter, of Lancaster, Mr. Lawson, and Mr. Dandridge, were appointed a Committee to examine the ballot-box, and report to the Convention upon whom the majority falls. The Committee then withdrew, and, after some time, reported that they had, according to order, examined the ballot-box, and that the numbers appeared as follows:
The question being then put, whether the said Hugh Mercer or Patrick Henry, Esquires, upon whom the greatest numbers, fell on the ballot, should be appointed to command the said Regiment, the majority appeared in favour of Patrick Henry, Esquire. Resolved, therefore, That the said Patrick Henry, Esq., be appointed Colonel of the said First Regiment. The Convention then proceeded, in the same manner, to the appointment of a Colonel to command the Second Regiment; and it appearing, from the report of the Committee appointed to examine the ballot-box, that there was a majority in the Convention in favour of Thomas Nelson, Esquire, Resolved, That the said Thomas Nelson, Esq., be appointed Colonel to the said Second Regiment. The Convention then proceeded, in the same manner, to the appointment of a Colonel to command the Third Regiment; and it appearing, from the report of the Committee appointed to examine the ballot-box, that the numbers stood as follows:
The question was then put, whether the said William Woodford or William Christian, on whom the greatest numbers fell on the ballot, should be appointed to command the said Regiment, the majority appeared in favour of William Woodford, Esquire. Resolved, therefore, That the said William Woodford, Esquire, be appointed Colonel of the said Third Regiment. Resolved, That the further appointment of Officers be postponed till Wednesday next. A Letter and Deposition upon the subject of Indian Affairs were laid before the Convention and read. Ordered, That the said Letter and Deposition do lie on the table, for the perusal of the Members. Ordered, That leave be given to bring in an Ordinance for paying the Delegates of this and two former Conventions the same wages as are allowed the Burgesses of this Colony, and that Mr. Henry Lee do prepare and bring in the same. Resolved, That this Convention doth applaud the zeal of the gentlemen Officers and Volunteers in the City of Williamsburgh, and do recommend that they keep themselves on the defensive, exerting their utmost endeavours and vigilance to discover and defeat any hostile attempts of the enemies of this Country. Adjourned till Monday, nine oclock. Monday, August 7, 1775. Resolved, That this Convention will proceed, on Friday next, to the appointment of Deputies to represent this Colony in General Congress, and that such appointment be made by ballot. Resolved, That John Neavill be directed to march with his Company of one hundred men, and take possession of Fort Pitt, and that the said Company be in the pay of this Colony from the time of their marching. Ordered, That Elward Sniggars be employed to furnish Provisions for the Forces under John Neavill, directed to march to, and take possession of Fort Pitt. Resolved, That it be an instruction to the Committee ordered to prepare an Ordinance for regulating the election of Delegates and Committees, in the several Counties and Corporations in this Colony, to receive a clause, or clauses, for settling the allowances to Delegates in future, and for their attendance at former Conventions. Ordered, That the Committee appointed to prepare an Ordinance for paying the Delegates for their attendance, at this and two former Conventions, be discharged from preparing such Ordinance. Resolved, That the Convention will, on Thursday next, resolve itself into a Committee, to take under their consideration the state of the Colony. Adjourned till to-morrow, nine oclock. Tuesday, August 8, 1775. A Letter from the Honourable Matthew Tilghman, Esq., President of the Convention of the Province of Maryland, in answer to a Letter from the President of this Convention, enclosing the Resolution entered into the fourth day of July last, to prevent the exportation of Flour, Wheat, or oilier Grain, or Provisions of any kind, from this Colony, to any part of the world, from and after the fifth day of this month, was laid before the Convention and read; and it appearing that the Convention of Maryland will not come into a similar Resolution, and that the good purposes intended by the said Resolution cannot be effected without a general agreement of the neighbouring Provinces: Resolved, therefore, That the abovementioned Resolution of this Convention, for the non-exportation of Flour, Wheat, or other Grain, and Provisions, be repealed and rescinded. Mr. Robert Carter Nicholas, from the persons appointed to prepare and bring in an Ordinance for raising and embodying a sufficient Force for the defence and protection of this Colony, presented to the Convention, according to order, the said Ordinance; which was read the first time, and ordered to be read a second time. The Ordinance for raising and embodying a sufficient Force for the defence and protection of this Colony, was read a second time and ordered to be committed. Resolved, That this Convention will, to-morrow, resolve itself into a Committee on the said Ordinance. Adjourned till to-morrow, nine oclock. Wednesday, August 9, 1775. The Order of the Day, for the Convention to resolve itself into a Committee on the Ordinance for raising a sufficient Force for the defence and protection of this Colony, being read, the Convention accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. President resumed the chair, and Mr. Bland reported that the Committee had, according to order, had under their consideration the Ordinance for raising and embodying a sufficient Force for the defence and protection of this Colony, but not having time to go through the same, had directed him to move for leave to sit again.