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And be it further ordained, That the Companies to be raised in the Districts of Pittsylvania, Fincastle, Bedford, and Botetourt, and of Berkley, Frederick, Dunmore, and Hampshire, Augusta, Albemarle, Buckingham, and Amherst, Culpepper, Fauquier, and Orange, shall consist of expert Riflemen, and shall be, by the Committee of Safety, allotted two to each Regiment, to be employed as Light-Infantry.

And be it further ordained, That proper Medicine Chests, and necessary Surgeon’s Instruments, be provided at the expense of the publick.

And for the better protection and defence of the Inhabitants on the Frontiers of this Colony, Be it further ordained, by the authority aforesaid, That there shall be appointed and raised, exclusive of the Regiments before-mentioned, two Companies, consisting each of one Captain, three Lieutenants, one Ensign, four Sergeants, two Drummers, and two Fifers, and one hundred Men, rank and file, to be stationed at Pittsburgh; of which the Company ordered by this Convention to garrison Fort Pitt, under the command of Captain John Neavill, shall be one; also one other Company, consisting of a Lieutenant and twenty-five Privates, to be stationed at Fort Fincastle, at the mouth of Wheeling; the other Company, of one hundred Men, and the twenty-five Men to be raised in West Augusta; also one other Company, consisting of one Captain, three Lieutenants, one Ensign, four Sergeants, two Drummers, and two Fifers, and one hundred Privates, to be raised in the County of Botetourt, and stationed at Point Pleasant, at the mouth of the Great Kanawha; and one other Company, consisting of the same number of Officers and Men as the last, to be raised in the County of Fincastle, and stationed at such Posts as may, from time to time, be ordered and directed by the Committee of that County.

And be it further ordained, That the Committees of the District of West Augusta, and of the Counties of Botetourt and Fincastle, shall appoint the Officers to the Men in each to be raised; and the several Companies last mentioned shall be enlisted in the same manner, and under the same regulations, as are before prescribed for the Regiments, except that such Companies are not to march to the general rendezvous which may be appointed for the said Regiments.

And be it further ordained, That the Commanding Officers to be stationed at Point Pleasant and Fort Fincastle shall be under the direction of, and subject to such orders as they may from time to time receive from the Commanding Officer at Fort Pitt.

And for settling the pay of the Officers and Soldiers to be appointed and levied as before directed, the same is declared to be as followeth, to wit: To a Colonel, twenty-five Shillings per day; Lieutenant-Colonels, twelve Shillings and six Pence; to a Major, ten Shillings; a Captain, six Shillings; a Lieutenant, four Shillings; an Ensign, three Shillings; Chaplain, ten Shillings; an Adjutant, holding no other office, six Shillings; if in other office, three Shillings; to a Quartermaster, holding or not holding any other office, the same as to an Adjutant; to a Sergeant-Major, to be appointed from amongst the most expert Sergeants by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment, two Shillings and six Pence; to a Sergeant, two Shillings; a Corporal, Drummer, and Fifer, each one Shilling and eight Pence; to each Private Soldier, one Shilling and four Pence; to a Surgeon, ten Shillings; and to a Surgeon’s Mate, five Shillings per day.

And be it further ordained, That every Commissioned and Staff Officer shall be allowed a Tent, and every two Sergeants shall have the same allowance, and every two Corporals the same; and that for every six private Men there shall be provided a proper and sufficient Tent; and that one Bell Tent, for each Company, shall also be provided at the publick expense.

And for the greater encouragement and further promotion of the service, Be it ordained, That if any person, enlisted by virtue of this Ordinance, shall be so maimed or disabled as to be rendered incapable of maintaining himself, he shall, upon his discharge, be supported at the expense of the publick.

And to the end that the Forces to be raised may be well and speedily supplied with Wagons, Tents, Bedding, Arms, Accoutrements, Clothes, Provisions, and all other necessaries, Be it further ordained, That the Committee of Safety shall, and they are hereby required to appoint some fit person or persons to provide Arms and Accoutrements, Clothes, Wagons, Tents, and Bedding, upon the best and cheapest terms, and also to appoint one or more Commissaries or Contractors, who are hereby required to use all possible despatch in purchasing such Provisions as shall be necessary for the Army, and in laying of the same in such convenient place or places as may best suit their different stations and marches.

And for the more regular pay of the Army, the said Committee of Safety shall appoint one or more Paymasters; and it shall and may be lawful for the said Committee, from time to time, to issue their Warrants to the Treasurer, appointed by or pursuant to an Ordinance of this Convention, for the paying the several Recruiting Officers, Commissioners, Commissaries or Contractors, and Paymasters, by them appointed; and to all Expresses, and other persons by them employed in lesser services, so much money as the said Committee shall judge necessary for their several purposes, taking proper security for the due disbursement and application thereof, and making a proper and reasonable allowance to the several persons so to be appointed, for their trouble and expenses in conducting either branch of business to him or them assigned. And the said Committee shall have full power and authority to displace and remove from his office any person so by them appointed, either for misconduct or neglect of duty. And the said Treasurer is hereby required to pay all such sums as he may be directed by such Warrant, out of the publick money in his hands.

And be it further ordained, That the said Committee of Safety shall have full power and authority, at such times and places as they may think convenient and necessary, to call all persons, who may receive any publick money for carrying into execution the purposes of this Ordinance, to a strict account; and, upon examining their accounts, and finding them justly stated, to certify the same, and, if necessary, to give proper acquittals and discharges.

And whereas it may be necessary, for the publick security, that the Forces to be raised by virtue of this Ordinance should, as occasion may require, be marched to different parts of the Colony, and that the Officers should be subject to a proper control, Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid, That the Officers and Soldiers under such command shall, in all things not otherwise particularly provided for by this Ordinance and the Articles established for their regulation, be under the control and subject to the order of the General Committee of Safety.

And whereas it is judged necessary, for the better protection of the Country in times of imminent danger, that certain portions of the Militia, throughout the whole Colony, should be regularly enlisted, under the denomination of Minute-Men, and more strictly trained to proper discipline than hath been hitherto customary, and, to this end, that the whole Colony should be divided into proper and convenient Districts:

Be it therefore ordained, by the authority aforesaid, That this Colony be immediately formed and divided into sixteen Districts, in the following manner, to wit: one District to include the Counties of Accomack and Northampton: one other, the Counties of Princess Anne, Norfolk, the Borough of Norfolk, and the Counties of Nansemond and Isle of Wight; one other, the Counties of Southampton, Sussex, Surry, Brunswick, Prince George, and Dinwiddie; one other, the Counties Mecklenburgh, Lunenburgh, Charlotte, Halifax, and Prince Edward; one other, the Counties of Amelia, Chesterfield, and Cumberland; one other, the Counties of Henrico, Hanover, Goochland, and Louisa; one other, the Counties of Pittsylvania, Fincastle, Bedford, and Botetourt; one other, the Counties of Buckingham, Amherst, Albemarle, and Augusta; one other, the Counties of Elizabeth City, Warwick, Counties of Gloucester, Middlesex, Essex, King and Queen, and King William; one other, the Counties of Lancaster, Northumberland, Westmoreland, and Richmond; one other, the Counties of Culpepper, York, James City, the City of Williams-burgh, and the Counties of Charles City and New-Kent; one other, the Counties of Orange and Fauquier; one other, the Counties of Caroline, Spottsylvania, King George, and

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