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The Committee appointed to prepare a Plan for the future Representation of this Colony, made report as on file

Voted, That it lie for consideration.

Friday, September 1, 1775.

Whereas there is great complaint made of the gross violation of the Association formed by the honourable Continental Congress, by merchants and traders (both in town and country) selling English Goods at a much higher price than has been usual in the year last past, and that even Tea is sold by some one person at least; and that the Committees of Inspection, being some of them traders in such Goods themselves, or in connection with those that are, have not, in every case and upon every occasion, taken due care and pains to prevent and remedy such an unreasonable practice:

Therefore, Resolved by this Congress, That any person or persons selling, or offering for sale, any English Goods at an extravagant price, or any Tea, contrary to the express tenour of the Continental Association, and not dealt with by the Committee of such Town or place where he or they belong, (such Committee being notified thereof, and refusing,) may be cited before the Committee of any neighbouring Town, within ten miles, to answer any complaints of this kind properly exhibited before such Committee; and upon refusal to appear, or sufficient proof made of the complaint so exhibited, and no sufficient satisfaction given that such extravagant sale of such Goods, as aforesaid, shall be discontinued, such person or persons to be published to the world as inimical to their Country, that all persons may note them, and avoid all commercial intercourse with them, according to the advice of the Continental Congress.

Whereas this Congress, on the 25th of August last, by their vote, directed George Jaffrey, Esq., late Treasurer of this Colony, to lay his Treasury Accounts before this Congress, in order for settlement, on Tuesday then next, which time is now past, and the said late Treasurer’s not appearing, nor writing to this Congress to give any reason for his not appearing, is very unsatisfactory, and some things offered by Noah Emery, Esq., in excuse for his non-appearance, not having sufficient weight in the opinion of this body:

Therefore, it is now once more Voted and Resolved, That said George Jaffrey, Esq., be directed to lay his said Accounts before this Congress, for their inspection and settlement, on the second day of their sitting next after the first day of October next.

Upon considering the representation of the Committee of Safety of Portsmouth, relating to sundry persons committing an outrage or assault on the property of one Mr. Woodward,

Voted, That the Committee of Safety of Portsmouth be desired to require of the delinquents bonds, with sureties in a sufficient sum, for their appearance to answer to said Woodward’s complaint, at some future time, before said Committee, and upon their refusal, to commit them to Jail; and that said Committee be desired to take particular care to hinder gaming, agreeable to the recommendation of the Continental Congress.

Voted, That four Regiments of Minute-Men be raised, to be enlisted out of the several Regiments of Militia in this Colony, viz: the first to be enlisted out of the four Regiments commanded by Colonel Whipple, Colonel Evans, Colonel Moulton, and Colonel Gilman; the second to be enlisted out of the several Regiments of Colonel Bartlett, that lately Colonel Thornton’s, that lately Colonel Lutwyche’s, and that lately Colonel Kidder’s; the third to be enlisted out of the several Regiments commanded by Colonel Moore, Colonel Stickney, Colonel Badger, and Colonel Hobart; and the fourth to be enlisted out of the several Regiments commanded by Colonel Ashley, Colonel Bellows, Colonel Chase, and Colonel Morey.

Voted, Joshua Wingate to be First Colonel of the First Regiment of Minute-Men, Jonathan Burnam to be Lieutenant-Colonel, James Hacket to be First Major, and George Gains to be Second Major.

Voted, Samuel Hobart, Esq., to be First Colonel of the Second Regiment of Minute-Men, Robert Moore to be Lieutenant-Colonel, Samuel Philbrick to be First Major, and Timothy Farrar to be Second Major.

Voted, Timothy Walker, Jun., to be First Colonel of the Third Regiment of Minute-Men, Samuel Conner to be Lieutenant-Colonel, Daniel Sanborn, Esq., First Major, and Benjamin Goold Second Major.

Voted, Samuel Stevens, Esq., to be First Colonel of the Fourth Regiment of Minute-Men, Thomas Gilbert to be First Lieutenant-Colonel, Jonathan Griswald to be First Major, and Elisha Whitcomb Second Major.

Voted, That Colonel Samuel Hobart, John Dudley, Esq., Mr. Moses Dow, Thomas Sparhawk, Esq., Jonathan Lovewell, Esq., Benjamin Giles, Esq., and Colonel Timothy Walker, be a Committee to bring in a Vote for settling and regulating the Minute-Men, as to their enlistment, equipment, and encouragement, and as to commissioning them and giving other orders concerning them.

Saturday, September 2, 1775.

Voted, That the Report of the aforesaid Committee be received and accepted, as follows, viz:

That the Field-Officers of each Regiment of Minute-Men give out Enlisting Orders to as many men as are necessary for Officers in their respective Regiments, (endeavouring to proportion them among the several Regiments as near as may be,) and that they have liberty to enlist one-fourth or quarter part out of each Company of Militia; that great care be taken that said Orders be given out to good men, well disposed in the cause of this Country.

That each Soldier enlisted as aforesaid furnish himself with Arms, &c., agreeable to the recommendation of the Continental Congress.

That every Soldier enlisted as aforesaid shall meet at some convenient place in their own Town, according to the order of the Commanding Officer, one half day in every fortnight, to acquaint themselves with the art military. And every person so enlisted, when called to actual duty, (excepting the aforesaid half days,) shall be allowed the same wages per month as are allowed for those already in service in the Continental Army: said Soldiers to continue in the service till further orders of the Congress.

Voted, That Ezekiel Gummer, the Doorkeeper to the two late Houses of Assembly, be paid by the Receiver-General, out of the Publick Treasury, three Shillings per day for his attendance on the said Assemblies, by certificate from the Clerk of said Assemblies.

Voted, That there be raised, levied, and paid by the inhabitants of this Colony, in the same proportion as was last used in proportioning the Tax of this Colony, the sum of four thousand Pounds, lawful money, (instead of the three thousand voted by this Congress in May last,) and paid unto Nicholas Gilman, Esq., of Exeter, as Treasurer of this Colony, and to the Treasurer or Receiver-General of this Colony for the time being, by the first day of February next; and that the said Treasurer issue his Warrants for assessing the same to the Selectmen of each Town in this Colony; and where there are no Selectmen, that the inhabitants of such Town or place receive the said Warrant, and immediately assemble and choose Selectmen and other necessary officers for the purpose aforesaid.

Voted, That the Committee of Safety assist the Receiver-General in forming Warrants for assessing and levying the Colony Taxes for this year.

Voted, That the Committee of Safety be empowered to give a form of Enlistment of the Minute-Men to the several Colonels of the Regiments of Minute-Men.

Voted, That the Company of Matrosses or Artillery-Men, under the command of Captain Titus Salter, be forthwith mustered by Colonel Hobart, and that they be allowed to draw their allowance of Provisions, according to the allowance of the Continental Army; and that Samuel Cutts, Esq., be desired to provide for them, until further orders of the Congress, or of the Committee of Safety.

Voted, That it be recommended to the several Taverners and Retailers in this Colony to render a true account of, and pay their excise for the current year to the Select-men

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