Samuel Kie,
Hugh Rea,
Elisha Mead,
Robert Orr,
John Orr,
Jehiel Mead,
Joseph Loggan,
William Smile,
John Crandle,
Hugh Orr,
Daniel Wilson,
Samuel Mott,
Ebenezer Young,
David Love,
Daniel Parks,
David Hamblen,
Peter Knickerbacker,
L. Knickerbacker,
P. Knickerbacker, Jr.,
J. Knickerbacker,
Robert Wilson,
James Wilson, Jr., |
John Wilson,
John Carey,
Gulman Alitzer,
Matthew Orr,
William Rea,
Joseph Foster,
Jesse Ferris,
Wintrip Norton,
Joseph Palmer, Jr.,
Johnyal Meton,
James Headding,
Silence Jackson,
Seth Fish,
Isaac Winans,
Marcus Headen,
William Winans,
Jeremiah Giffers,
James Wilson, Sen.,
Frederick Stickels,
John Link,
John Fulton,
John Rouse,
Edward Edsed, |
Benjamin Soule,
John May,
J. Salisbury, Sen.,
David Bostwick,
William Parks,
John Bortell,
Stephen Edgaat,
George Edgeet, Jr.,
John Avery,
Jonathan Smith,
John Horn,
Samuel Crandell,
William Robbins,
Peleg Horten,
Michal Masfield,
Moses Fish,
John Carpenter,
Asahel Owemer,
Elijah Lake,
Barnt Van Kleek,
Oliver Evans,
Joseph Palmer. |
A list of the persons that refused to sign this Association:
William Clum,
Philip Clum,
Jonathan Batreck,
William Batreck,
Jacob Loucks, Jr.,
Peter Allen,
Isaac Allen,
Jacob Drum,
Zechri Tetr,
Nicholas Row,
John Hipman,
John Drum, Jr.,
John Houk,
John Row,
John Row,
Peter Row,
John Kristr,
George Miner,
John Drum,
Zechri Philips,
John Backes, |
Yerre Keffr,
Martis Kreepr,
Frederick Destr,
Jacob Row,
Peter Bitchr,
Adam Bitchr,
Andres Houk,
Peter Bosson,
Honesfelt Shaw,
Simon Killmore, Sen.,
Jacob Killmore,
Wynat Weever,
Honthise Couse,
John Houghtaling,
Jacob Hover,
Andrew Collson,
John White,
Joseph Mott,
William Green,
Nehemiah Avery,
Amos Avery, |
Michal Coloney,
Daniel Mead,
Elisha Davis,
William Davis,
William Davis,
Peter Couse,
Jacob Couse,
Jacob Houghtaling,
Isaac Houghtaling,
Yost Hendrick,
Wise Row,
Derick Fendik,
Frederick Horn,
Elijah Forgason,
Jeremiah Forgason,
Raban Crandell,
John Philips,
Gerret Holsop,
Frederick Stickle,
John Link,
Jacob Shaver. |
Dutchess County, Northeast Precinct, July 5, 1775.
The foregoing is a true return of the names of the Inhabitants and Freeholders in the District allotted to us, that signed this Association, and the names of those that refused to sign this Association.
Ebenezer Bishop,
Levi Stalker,
Cornelius Fuller,
David Bulkley,
Thomas Crosby,
Joseph Jackson,
David St. John,
Thomas Crosby, Jr.,
Renel Seton,
Willard Seton, |
Ebenezer Crave, Jr.,
Philip Lott,
Charles Trupell,
Wheaton Robinson,
Ebenezer Merrit,
George Morhouse,
Levi Rawlee,
James Winchell,
Jonathan Grenell,
Joseph Stalker, |
Benjamin Crosby,
John Seton,
Comfort Stalker,
Vincent Foster,
John Wilke,
Ebenezer Crave,
Thomas Townsend,
Benjamin Covey,
James Coval,
Caleb Woodard. |
Dutchess County, Nine Partners, Northeast Precinct,
July 5, 1775. |
} |
The above and foregoing is a true return of the names that were willing to sign this foregoing Association; and the names of those in the District that refused are on the other side of this Association paper.
GEO. MORHOUSE, per Sub-Committee.
The list of persons not signers: John McAlpine, Daniel McAlpine, Walter McAlpine, McQuin, a young man lately from Scotland, Darby Lindsey, Lewis Bryan, James Bryan.
Silas Husted,
Morris Graham,
John Wiltse,
Henry Sherburne,
Gideon Salsbury,
Augustin Graham,
John Shirar,
John Colvin,
David Orr,
John Colupland,
John Hayes,
Asa Bullock,
William Orr,
Daniel Palmer,
Samuel Crandell,
Jonathan Mead,
Lemuel Leed,
Simon G. Myer,
Lemuel Williams,
John Crandell,
Benjamin Congor,
Cornelius McDaniel,
John Crandell,
Jeseph Crandell,
Phineas Rice, |
Samuel Crandell,
John Row,
John Brown,
Israel Thompson,
Richard Estes,
John Burnet,
John Sa,
Samuel Couger,
Orra forgoson,
John Catten,
William Stewart,
James Ralston,
John Head,
Edward Senary,
Lemuel Winchel,
James Stephens,
James Newcomb,
Adonijah Newcomb,
John Lennon,
Samuel Miller,
James Winchel,
Andrew Quick,
Isaac Lamb,
Bostion Row,
Wm. H. C. Derry, |
George Head,
Bernard Ostrim,
James Ailt,
John Melham,
Benjamin Southward,
Benjamin Cuthbert,
J. Simmons,
George Schneyder,
Cornese Dekmettac,
Smith Simmons,
Robert Enery,
Cornelius Wels,
Casper Rowe,
Simon Gifford,
Nathaniel Mead,
Claudius Delis,
George Robertson,
Caleb Norton,
Asa Bishop,
Ensley Simmons,
Garner Stuart,
John Williams,
Aaron Darling,
John Hoff. |
Northeast Precinct, Dutchess County, July 5, 1775.
A true return of the names of the Inhabitants and Freeholders of the several Districts allotted to us to hand about this Association.
Nicholas Silvernail,
George Hookingham,
Oliver Asten,
Elisa Colvin,
Nathaniel Niles,
Abraham Osstrander,
John Van Ramp,
Jacob Brinstool,
Thomas Gray,
Henry Teets,
Asa Brown,
Jacob Donehen, |
Tenes Teelcn,
Abraham Scouten,
Coonrad Melham,
Jacob Vanbramer,
John Smith,
Christopher Teal,
John Merrehew,
Robert Embray,
Philip Easter,
John Pitchor,
George Martin,
George Shoemaker, |
Aaron Shaw,
Daniel North,
Casper Bell,
Matthew Winter,
John Wilde,
Richard Wilde,
William Wibs,
Obadiah Gefford,
William Stuart,
J. Simmons,
Nathaniel Mead. |
Joseph Ketchum,
Joseph Ketchum, Jr.,
Jonathan Mapes,
Alden Ashley,
Benjamin Perry,
Josiah Perry,
William Hager,
Richard Denton,
Samuel Egelston, Sr.,
Samuel Denton,
Samuel Egelston, Jr.,
Ephraim Jones, |
Seth Calkin,
Hezekiah Ketchum,
Moses Calkin,
Joshua Hamblin,
Jsias Denton,
Arsthoe Vancry,
Elijah Calkin,
Jared Carter,
Nathan Attwood,
Isaac Rogers,
Joseph Reynolds, Jr.,
Jonathan Close, |
Joseph Rogers,
Abner Wilcox,
Ebenezer Beatch,
David Calkin,
Charles How,
Josiah Wilcox,
Lebbeus How,
Daniel Baker,
Joshua Dakin,
Jonathan Dolph,
Nathaniel Lothrop. |
Northeast Precinct, Dutchess County, July 5, 1775.
A true return of the names of the Inhabitants and the Freeholders in the Districts appointed for me to hand about this Association.
Simeon Cook,
Ichabod Paine,
William Barker,
Job Mead,
Jonathan Shepherd,
Elijah Holmes,
Israel Shepherd,
Abner Gillet,
Jacob Power,
Barnabas Paine, Jr.,
Noah Hopkins,
Elias Besse,
Ichabod Paine, Jr.,
Simeon Cook, Jr.,
James Hebbard,
Samuel Shepherd, Jr.,
David Bruster,
Elihu Paine,
Asahel Sherwood,
John Brusan, Jr.,
Elijah Daily,
David Gillet,
Ebenezer Mays,
David Rundel,
Thorn Pudney,
Solomon Wheeler,
Thomas Morey,
James Palmer,
Elijah Smith,
Nehemiah Dunham,
Gardner Gillet,
Barnabas Paine,
Joseph Backus,
Elnathan Spalding,
Levi Atwater,
Benjamin Doty,
Benjamin Atwater,
Elijah Porter,
John Atwater,
Ezra Thurston,
Archibald Farr,
King Mead,
Seth Wheeler,
Robert Wood,
Zadock Buck,
Timothy Tilson,
Jacob Spuer, |
John Osborne,
John Mead,
Crover Buel, Jr.,
Barnabas Cole,
Jonathan Allerton,
Jame Barker,
Noah Wheeler,
Daniel Garnsey,
Samuel King, Jr.,
Benjamin Brown,
Matthew Stevens,
William Finch,
Joseph Smith,
Thomas Lawrence,
Ebenezer Carter,
James Alsworth, Jr.,
Barzaleel Rudd,
Rufus Herrick,
Brinton Paine,
Judah Burton,
James Betts,
Benjamin Holmes,
John McNeil,
Samuel Herrick,
Benjamin Herrick, Jr.,
William Herrick,
John Curry,
Shubal Tyler,
Samuel Dodge,
Thomas Welch,
Stephen Herrick, Jr.,
Squire Davis,
Abel Hebbard,
Elisha Adams,
Ebenezer Latimore,
Ichabod Holmes,
Samuel Waters,
Justus Wilson,
Wm. Wynants, Jr.,
Benjamin Crofoot,
Benjamin Denton, Jr.,
Joel Denton,
Benjamin Denton,
Jacob Reynolds,
Jamss Beadle,
Benjamin Fowler,
William Knapp,
Abner Holmes, |
Nathan Herrick,
Isaiah Mead,
Theoph. Lockwood,
Levi Mayhew,
John Howard,
Jesse Kinne,
Daniel Shepherd,
Roswell Hopkins,
Samuel King,
Abraham Paine,
John Brunson,
Jonathan Buck,
David Collin,
Zebulon Rudd,
Peter Morse,
Paul Johnson,
Nathan Spuer,
Israel Buck,
John Thayer,
Joseph De Lavergne,
Even Jones,
Joab Cook,
Jesse Smith, Jr.,
Enoch Crosby,
John Mordach,
Ebenezer Park,
William King,
Grover Bull,
Isaac Parks,
Parrock Sherwood,
William Cornwell,
Samuel Cornwell,
Lewis De Lavergne,
Thomas Smith,
Gabriel Dickson,
Timothy Green,
John Holmes,
Ezekiel Johnson,
William Alsworth,
John Denney, Jr.,
William Wilsey,
John Bartow,
Elijah Roe,
Isaac Marks,
James Barnet,
Gideon Castle,
Nathaniel Cook, |