Selah Conkling,
Timothy Conkling,
Ezra Conkling,
Tim. Conkling, Jr.,
Tredwell Brush,
Ananias Conkling,
Cornelius Conkling,
David Conkling,
Philip Ketcham,
Philip Conkling,
Thomas Conkling, Jr.,
Jonas Platt,
Sylvanus Chichester,
Wm. Pleas,
Hubbart Conkling,
Zophar Ketcham,
John Morgan,
Joseph Jarvis,
Israel Titus,
Jno. Wheeler, Jr.,
Jesse Whitman,
Daniel Smith,
Jacob Ketcham,
Henry Sammis,
Jesse Sammis,
Alexander Rogers,
Isaac Carlle Ketcham,
Joaepn Rogers,
John Gould,
Jonathan Titus, Jr.,
Richard Volentine,
Henry Titus,
John Wheeler, Jr.,
Jesse Wood,
Joseph Titus,
Ebenezer Platt,
Abrial Titus,
Ebenezer Kellum,
William Haviland,
Ichabod Smith, Jr.,
Samuel Carmon,
Stratton Bryan,
Van A. Robbins,
Elijah Wickes,
Jacob Beagle,
Ananias Carll,
Gilbert Fleet,
Jesse Bryan,
Finch Gildersleeve,
Josiah Soper,
Wilmot Oakley,
Samuel Nostran,
Joshua Ketcham,
John Smith,
Daniel Ireland,
Selah Wilmoth,
Jesse Wilmoth,
Jacob Conkling,
Platt Brush,
Zebulon Ketcham,
John Rogers,
Zachariah Rogers,
Israel Conkling,
John Buffet,
Dirck Ambeman,
Reuben Sammis,
Elkanah Conkling,
Samuel Smith,
John Vanbelt,
Selah Carll,
Lemuel Carll,
Gilbert Carll,
Jesse Carll,
Jonathan Keley,
John Keley,
Zebulon Smith,
Amos Smith,
Silas Smith,
John Hartt,
Nathan Volentine,
Micah Hartt,
Thomas Rhodes,
Reuben Bartow,
Ezekiel Brush,
Job Sammis,
Nathaniel Jarvis,
Alexander Sammis,
Zophar Smith,
Israel Denton,
Timothy Titus,
Platt Keley,
James Magee,
John Roney,
Michael Beadle,
Nathaniel Smith,
Samuel Jarvis,
David Kelley,
David Smith,
Zebulon Buffet,
Reuben Rolph,
Aaron Higby,
Peter Haff,
Peter Ruland, Jr.,
Matthew Bunce,
Thomas Fleet,
Ebenezer Sammis,
John Johnson,
William Johnson,
Joseph Bennet,
John Taylor,
Lemuel Douglass,
Simon Fleet, Jr.,
Reuben Johnson,
John Sammis, Jr.,
Jonah Conkling,
Ebenezer Conkling,
Joseph Wood,
John Denton,
Samuel Hartt,
William Nicoll,
Nathaniel Udle,
Timothy Scudder, Jr.,
Thomas Haight,
James Bryan,
Moses Wickes,
Richard Platt,
Hezekiah Smith,
Benjamin Blatsly,
Jonah Scudder,
Isaac Losce,
Lemuel Smith,
Henry Combs,
David Rusca, Jr.,
William Scudder,
Alexander Denton,
Job Smith,
Samuel Stratton,
Amos Baldwin,
Anning Moberry,
Isaac Conkling,
Christopher Higby,
George Wickes,
Jonathan Burch,
Jonathan Stratton,
Israel Conkling,
Obadiah Kellum,
Jacob Noaks, Sr.,
Jacob Noaks, Jr.,
Simon Noaks,
Austin Jarvis,
John Grenell,
John Albert,
Joseph Albert,
Moses Rolph,
Joseph Ketcham,
Wm. Carpenter,
John Ruland,
Joseph Whitman,
Nathaniel Wilmoth,
Timothy Chichester,
Arthur Dingec,
Abel Wood,
Jacob Dow,
Benjamin Oakley,
Alexander Conkling,
Lemuel Mosure,
Charles Berry,
Ebenezer Chichester,
William Foster,
David Jackson,
Joshua Ketcham,
Luke Ruland, Jr.,
Stephen Stratton,
William Burch,
Israel Ketcham,
Obadiah Barton,
Samuel Jackson,
Joshua Brush,
Thomas Ruland,
Losee Totten,
Simeon Totten,
Stephen White,
Jonas Rogers,
Moses Jarvis,
Samuel Oakly,
Abraham Jarvis, Jr.,
John Thomas,
Daniel Smith,
Benjamin Rolph,
Josiah Wheeler,
David Rusco,
John Needham,
Thomas Dennis,
Nathaniel Williams,
C. Conkling, Jr.,
Silas Sammis, Sr.,
Timothy Scudder, Jr.,
Lemuel Bryan,
Isaac Ketcham,
John Conkling,
John Wood,
George Youngs,
Augustin Bryan,
Joel Scudder,
Melancton Bryan,
Eliakim Brush,
Alexander Wood,
Daniel Blatsley,
Daniel Blatsley, Jr.,
Ananias Brush,
Nathan Platt,
John Haff,
Luke Ruland, Sr.,
John Carmon,
Jacob Vanbelt,
Elnathan Smith,
Jesse Conkling,
Abijah Ketcham,
Reuben Ketcham,
James Berry,
Nehemiah Hartt, Jr.,
Stephen Abbet,
Philip Ketcham,
Daniel Hartt,
Robert Kellum,
Isaac Noaks,
Israel Wood,
Samuel Muncey,
Allison Wright,
Philip Kellum,
Obadiah Kellum,
Jacob Smith,
Ebenezer Wood,
Nathaniel Rusco,
Joseph Ireland,
Silas Wickes,
Obadiah Platt,
Israel Smith,
James Pearsall,
Eliphalet Stratton,
Robert Milligan,
John Pederick,
Samuel Lewis,
Jesse Smith,
Thomas Ireland,
Zadock Smith,
Samuel Wood,
Isaac Smith, Jr.,
Joel Smith,
Ambrose Wickes,
Richard Ruland,
William Johnson, Jr.,
William Rogers,
Isaiah Whitman,
Daniel Pearsall,
Jacob Ireland,
Benjamin Conkling,
Benjamin Denton,
Silas Sammis, Jr.,
William Sammis,
Alexander Ketcham,
Jesse Ketcham,
Thomas Sands,
Joseph Smith,
John Gildersleeve,
Gilbert Wood,
Benj. Gildersleeve,
Isaac Bunce, Sr.,
William Soper,
Moses Soper,
Seth Jarvis,
John Bunce,
Lemuel. Bryan,
James Smith, Sr.,
William Gates,
Jona. Sammis, Jr.,
Joseph Higba,
Josiah Rogers,
John Totten,
Henry Jarvis,
Samuel Scidmore,
Hezekiah Smith,
Jeremiah Smith,
Daniel Rogers,
Moses Vail,
Isaac Scidmore,
Micah Vail,
Timothy Taylor,
Richard Wier,
Ezekiel Ketcham,
Caleb Ketcham,
Simon Fleet, Sr.,
Stephen Gildersleeve,
Philip Scidmore,
Jacaniah Rogers,
William Davis,
Timothy Abbet,
Isaac Whitman,
Simeon Haff,
William Newman,
John Lockwood,
Jeremiah Ruland,
John Wickes, Jr.,
Lemuel Rose,
William Allaby,
Jordan Taylor,
Nathaniel Keley,
Joshua Bunce,
Isaac Young,
Thomas Scudder, Jr.,
Henry Ally,
Jesse Buffet,
Ichabod Jarvis,
Nathaniel Smith,
John Ruland,
Col. William Smith,
John Ireland,
Peter Ruland,
Stephen Totten,
Miles Oakly,
Selah Sammis,
Jesse Baldwin,
Peleg Wood,
Nathl. Ketcham, Jr.,
Henry Oakly,
James Abbet,
Samuel Bunce,
Isaac Saxton,
Samuel Townsend,
John Soper,
Isaac Bunce, Jr.,
Philip Wickes,
Zebadiah Bunce,
Thomas Scidmore,
Zophar Rogers,
Richard Rogers,
Peter Collier. |
Quakers: Parrot Fleet, Jesse Fleet, Jeremiah Wood, Sen., Israel Ketcham, David Ketcham, James Oakly, Jr.
At a town-meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Precinct of Islip, in the said County, on the 13th day of May, Anno Domini 1775, it was agreed upon by the subscribers to assent to and acquiesce in the measures prescribed by the foregoing Association; but, from the small number of us, think it inexpedient to send a Deputy, but choose rather to abide by the determination of the other Deputies of the County. And as some of us are of the people called Quakers, we mean to act no further than is consistent with our religious principles. [Not one of the Quakers signed the Association.]
Thomas Udall,
John Lewis,
John Rogers,
Jesse Rogers,
John Lewis, Jr.,
Joseph Udall,
Jonathan Birch,
William Nicoll, Jr.,
John Hudson,
William Smalling,
W. Nicoll,
Isaac Thompson, |
Benajah Strong,
Israel Howell,
John Moubray,
Micah Wheeler,
Jeremiah Terry,
James Morris,
George Smith,
John Edwards,
Caleb Saxton,
William Terry,
Daniel Wheeler,
Jacob Baker, |
William Smith, Jr.,
Jonas Wheeler,
Thomas Smith,
Moubray Smith,
James Morris, Jr.,
Zebulon Sexton,
William Smith,
Isaac Mune,
Nathaniel Oakly,
Samuel Oakly,
James Smith. |
The names underwritten are the names of those persons that did not choose to sign the foregoing Association: Platt Smith, Nathaniel Smith, Israel Howell, Jr., Caleb Wood, Jeremiah Homan.
The following are the people called Quakers: Richard Willets, David Willets, Jacob Willets, Jacob Willets, Jr., John Willets, Job Willets, Jacob Willets, 3d, Obadiah Green, Adonijah Underhill.
Islip, June 29, 1775.
Pursuant to the recommendation of the Provincial Congress at New-York, to William Nicoll, Esq., Mr. Richard Willets, and me, directed, I have made a tender of the enclosed Association, &c., to those persons who declined signing it at our town-meeting; and the names of such as still decline to sign it are returned herewith.
To Peter V. B. Livingston, Esq., President of the Provincial Congress at New-York.
P. S. There are a number of persons that live within the bounds of this Precinct that have signed the Association at Huntington and at Smithtown, whose names are not on this paper.
John Chatfield,
Abraham Gardiner,
Burnet Miller,
David Mulford,
Thomas Wickham,
Stephen Hedges,
John Gardiner,
Samuel Buell,
John Hudson,
Nathaniel Huntling,
Eleazer Miller,
Jeremiah Dayton,
Thomas Dibble,
Noah Barns,
Lemuel Mulford,
Jeremiah Gardiner,
Aaron Isaacs,
Daniel Conkling,
Elisha Daviss,
John Daviss,
Jacob Wickham,
William Conkling,
Nathan Conkling,
John F. Chatelain,
Thomas Hedges,
John Parson, 3d,
William Huntling,
John Mulford,
Jeremiah Bennet,
Samuel Hunt,
Selah Pike,
Elias Conkling,
Abraham Mulford,
Jeremiah Conkling,
John How,
Samuel Parsons,
Benjamin Stratton,
David Osborne,
Elisha Mulford,
Daniel Hand,
David Mulford,
Matthew Mulford,
John Miller,
John Dayton,
Joseph Osborne, Jr.,
Ebenezer Conkling,
Henry Chatfield,
John Miller, Jr.,
Abraham Barns,
Patrick Goold,
David Talmadge,
Seth Barns,
Jason Miller,
Simon Dibble,
William Mulford,
Jeremiah Sherrill,
Gurdon Miller,
Aaron Isaacs, Jr.,
Elisha Jones,
Lewis Chatfield,
Enos Talmadge,
Enos Talmage, |
Thomas Jones,
Huntling Miller,
Samuel Stratton,
Abraham Sherrill,
Recompense Sherrill,
John Stratton,
Stephened Wands,
John Dayton,
Daniel Hedges,
Jonathan Barnby,
Wm. Conkling, Jr.,
David Dayton,
David Miller,
Henry Hopping,
Josiah Osborne,
Joseph Hopping,
John Strong,
Nathaniel Talmage,
Jeremiah Miller, Jr.,
Abraham Dimon,
Isaac Dimon,
Cornelius Osborne,
William Hedges,
Elisha Talmage,
George Gladden,
Abraham Hand,
Stephen Stratten,
Thomas Osborne,
Jere. Osborne, Jr.,
Jonathan Mulford,
Isaac M. Huntling, |