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for publick use, (a bill for which is herewith sent,) and the said Committee advanced the money for the same; that the said ammunition is now lodged in Yorktown, to be made use of on any emergency, for the security and defence of this Province; that the Petitioners humbly conceive the said ammunition should be paid for by the Province, in order to take the burden from individuals, and therefore further pray the House to order their Treasurer to pay the amount of the said ammunition to the said Michael Swoope. Ordered to lie on the table. Ordered, That Mr. Hillegas, Mr. Pearson, and Mr. Ross, be a Committee to prepare and bring in a Bill for striking the sum of Twenty-Two Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit, for the support of the Government of this Province, and payment of the Publick Debts. Thursday, September 21, 1775. The Members appointed to wait on the Governour with the Message of last night reported they had delivered the same according to order; and that his Honour was pleased to say he had no business to lay before the House at present. Upon motion, the Remonstrance from the Overseers of the Poor of the City of Philadelphia was again read, and after some debate thereon, Resolved, That the sum of One Hundred Pounds be allowed and paid to the said Overseers of the Poor, by the Provincial Treasurer, for the relief and support of such aged, sick, and infirm neutrals as remain in and about the City, and cannot provide for themselves. And a Certificate for the said sum, being made out accordingly, was signed by the Speaker. The Committee appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill for striking the sum of Twenty-Two Thousand Pounds, in Bills of Credit, reported an essay for that purpose, intituled An Act for the support of the Government of this Province, and payment of the Publick Debts, which being read the first time, was ordered to lie on the table for a second reading. Friday, September 22, 1775. The House resumed the consideration of the Bill intituled An Act for the support of the Government of this Province, and payment of the Publick Debts, which being read the second time, and debated by paragraphs, was ordered to be transcribed for a third reading. The Speaker having reported to the House that Mr. Humphreys and himself, pursuant to the Resolution of the Assembly on the 30th of June last, had taken a Bond, with two sufficient securities, from Michael Hillegas, Esquire, Treasurer to the Committee of Safety, it is hereby directed that the said Bond be proved and recorded in the Rolls Office, and remain for safe keeping in the hands of the Speaker. Upon motion, Ordered, That Mr. Dickinson, Mr. Brown, Mr. Rodman, Mr. Bartholomew, Mr. John Jacobs, Mr. Pearson, and Mr. Wayne, be a Committee to collect from the Journals of the successive Assemblies of this Province, since the year 1763, all the Petitions and Remonstrances presented by the said Assemblies to the Crown and both Houses of Parliament, for redress of American grievances. Tuesday, September 26, 1775. The Bill intituled An Act for the support of the Government of this Province, and payment of the Publick Debts, being transcribed according to order, was read the third time, and compared at the table. Resolved, That the said Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Roberts and Mr. Chapman wait on the Governour therewith, for his assent to the same. The Members return, and report they had waited on the Governour, and delivered the said Bill, according to order; and that his Honour was pleased to say, he would take the same into immediate consideration, and give it all the despatch in his power. The House adjourned to four oclock, P. M. The House met pursuant to adjournment. A Petition from the Board of Commissioners and Assessors of the County of Chester was presented to the House, and read, setting forth, that by virtue of a resolve of the honourable House of Assembly, enjoining the Commissioners and Assessors of each County in this Province to provide a number of Arms, &c., for the uses and purposes in the said resolve mentioned, the Board have contracted with workmen, and advanced a considerable sum of money, which they borrowed from the Treasurer of the said County, amounting to Sixteen Hundred Pounds; and as that sum is not sufficient to complete the whole, they request the House to lend them the farther sum of Eight Hundred and Fifty Pounds, on the credit of the Board, to be repaid in Arms by them to be provided, in pursuance of the aforesaid resolve, for the use of said County. Ordered to lie on the table. The Committee appointed on Friday last presented to the chair a report, in writing, on the business committed to them, which was read by order, and follows in these words, viz: Your Committee appointed to collect from the Journals of the successive Assemblies of this Province, since the year 1763, all the Petitions and Remonstrances presented by the said Assemblies to the Crown and both Houses of Parliament for redress of grievances, in obedience to your order, report, that they find upon the Journals of January the 14th, 1766, a Petition to the House of Commons concerning Paper Currency; June the 6th, in the same year, an Address of Thanks to the King, upon the Repeal of the Stamp Act; September the 22d, 1768, Petitions to the King and both Houses of Parliament, upon the Paper, Tea and Glass Act; and March the 5th, 1771, another Petition to the King upon the same subject.
September 26, 1775. Upon consideration of the foregoing Report, Ordered, That the Clerk do immediately make out fair copies of the several Petitions and the Address therein referred to. Wednesday, September 27, 1775. The Governour, by Mr. Secretary, sent down a verbal Message, requiring a list of the Orders and Certificates made payable out of the Supply Bill now under his consideration. The Committee for Incidental Expenses reported a list of the Salaries and Accounts for the services of the past year, which being examined, and agreed to by the House, Ordered, That a copy thereof be made out by the Clerk; and the same being done at the table accordingly, Ordered, That Mr. Wayne and Mr. Montgomery wait on the Governour, and deliver the said copy for his consideration and concurrence. A Memorial from the Officers of the three first Battalions of the Military Association within the City and Liberties of Philadelphia was presented to the House, and read, setting forth, that when the unhappy emergency of publick affairs required the said Association should be formed, the Memorialists found it indispensably necessary for carrying on the same, to advance money from time to time, to provide Drums, Colours, and other necessaries, and to emply Adjutants, Fuglemen, Sergeants, Drummers, and Fifers, on account of the Association; that these efforts of the Memorialists have been attended with very considerable effects, which may be of great service in support of the common cause of America, there being three Battalions within the City and Liberties, regularly formed, and well disciplined for the time they have been established; that as the Memorialists were induced to incur the expenses abovementioned by no other motive than a desire to promote the publick security and welfare, and as the honourable House has approved their proceedings, they rely with a respectful confidence in the justice and equity of the representative body, that they will not allow a few individuals to remain any longer burdened with the charge of measures that were designed for and really tend to the benefit of the whole community: That the Memorialists therefore pray the honourable House will make such provision in the premises as in their wisdom shall seem proper;