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For DUTCHESS, Gilbert Livingston. Mr. Elias Nixon, of the City of New-York, Merchant, having occasion to go into Boston to obtain payment of Moneys due to him, has requested our permission to proceed there. The Committee hereby signify their consent to Mr. Nixon’s going to Boston; and the Committee being by several of their present Members well informed and assured that Mr. Nixon has, on all occasions, shown himself a warm and zealous friend to the liberties of his Country, and approved himself a good citizen, do recommend him accordingly. The residue of this afternoon spent in considering and examining sundry Accounts on which the Committee of Accounts desired advice, and in filling up some Military Commissions. The Committee adjourned till nine oclock, to-morrow morning. Die Veneris, 9 ho. A. M., September 15, 1775. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: John Haring, Esq., Chairman, and Commissioner for Orange County. For NEW-YORK, Mr. Beekman, Mr. Van Zandt, Colonel Lispenard, Colonel McDougall, Mr. John Van Cortlandt. For ALBANY, Major Nicoll. Ordered, That Adolph Waldron, at Brooklyn Ferry, deliver to John Cornell the Horse of the said Cornell, left at Mr. Waldron’s stable by George Nicholson. And Ordered, That the said John Cornell and George Nicholson attend on this Committee immediately. Mr. John Griffith, by reason of the indisposition of his family, having declined going to view the Lead Mines, Ordered, That John McDonald be furnished with five Dollars, to enable him to proceed to Thomas Palmer’s, at Newburgh, to examine the Lead Mines claimed by the said Palmer, or belonging to him, and report the value and state of said Mines to this Committee, and account to this Committee how the said money shall be expended, and pay the balance to this Committee, or their order, when demanded; and that a Letter be wrote to the said Thomas Palmer on that subject. And Ordered, That Peter V. B. Livingston, Esq., advance forty Shillings to the said John McDonald, and take his receipt for the same. A draught of a Letter to the said Thomas Palmer was read and approved, and is in the words following, to wit:
SIR: We have been informed that you are proprietor of a lead mine, which you esteem valuable, and that you wanted a proper person to work, manage, and direct the same. In confidence that our information is true, we send to you the bearer, Mr. John McDonald, who came here well recommended as a good artist in lead mines, and a proper judge of the appearances and value of such mines. If your mine is valuable, and you should think fit to open and work it, we will contract with you for a considerable quantity, at such price as may be reasonable. We are, Sir, your humble servants. By order of the Committee. Mr. Thomas Palmer. Ordered, That a copy thereof be engrossed, and signed by the Chairman of the Committee, and transmitted. John Cornell and George Nicholson, attending at the door, were called in and heard. Ordered, That John Cornell’s Horse be delivered to him, but that he shall not be entitled to any horse hire or pay for the use of his Horse. And Agreed, That Mr. Waldron ought to be paid for keeping the said Horse; and that Mr. Henry Williams call on Mr. Waldron, and pay him, and bring in the account to this Committee. Mr. Hobart moved, and was seconded by Mr. Henry Williams, that Commissions be immediately issued to Captain Anthony Rutgers’s Company of Artillery. The question being put thereon, was carried in the negative. Ordered, That Colonel Lasher be requested to cause a Return to be made and delivered to this Committee, of the Officers of his Battalion, with all convenient speed, in order to be commissioned. A Letter from the Friends, or people usually called Quakers, was read and filed. They thereby allege that they cannot make a return to this Committee of all their males from sixteen to sixty, consistent with their religious principles. Ordered, That the said Letter be reserved for the consideration of the Provincial Congress. The Committee adjourned to four oclock, in the after noon. Die Veneris, 4to ho. P. M., September 15, 1775. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: John Haring, Esq., Chairman, and Commissioner for Orange County. For NEW-YORK, Mr. Hallett, Mr. Van Zandt, Mr. John Van Cortlandt, Mr. Beekman. The Committee unanimously agreed to consider their Order of the 12th instant, appointing a Committee to procure Gunpowder and Arms; and after some time spent therein, they agreed to continue the said Order, with the following amendments, to wit: Ordered, That Messrs. Jacobus Van Zandt, Henry Remsen, and Lewis Pintard, be a Committee to employ a Vessel, and despatch her, with proper directions to purchase Gunpowder and Arms. And Ordered, That those Gentlemen be supplied with Four Thousand Pounds, by Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Esq., Treasurer of the Congress of this Colony, for that purpose. And Ordered, That those Gentlemen give directions to purchase Muskets, and not more than seven hundred, if Powder can be obtained, and to invest the residue of the money in Gunpowder; and if Muskets are not to be obtained, then to lay out the whole money in Gunpowder; if no Gunpowder is to be had, that they direct the whole money to be laid out in Muskets; if neither Gunpowder nor Muskets are to be obtained, that they direct the whole money to be laid out in Saltpetre; if Saltpetre cannot be purchased, that they direct twenty tons of Lead to be purchased, and the residue of the money invested in two and one-half and three-point Blankets, fit for a Soldier to cover himself with and wrap himself in; and if Blankets cannot be procured, that they direct the money to be invested in such coarse Woollens as are fit for Soldiers coatsthe Cloths to be blue, brown, or drab colours. And Ordered, That a certified copy of this entry be a sufficient warrant to the said Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Esq., as Treasurer as aforesaid, to deliver to the Gentlemen before named the sum of Four Thousand Pounds, for the purposes abovementioned. The Committee then resumed the consideration of their Resolve or Order of the 12th instant, for making of five Brass Field-Pieces; and after some time spent therein, and on examination of the accounts of the sundry charges of the Brass Gun already made, the Committee conceived four Shillings per pound too high a price for Brass Guns. Ordered, That Mr. Van Zandt treat with James Byers on that subject. George Nicholson having requested that this Committee might apply to Thomas Johnson, William Paca, and Samuel Chase, Esquires, Delegates from Maryland, for his character,