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of John Cock as a Captain of the Company of Militia at Yonkers, we have determined him to be disqualified for a commission, not only because at the time of his signing the Association he declared it to be an involuntary act, but also because he has spoke most contemptuously of the Provincial Congress. And in order that the other officers in the Company may have a chance of promotion, which can not be done according to the letter of the Militia regulations, you are hereby desired to cause a new election to be made of all the officers of the Company, pursuant to the said regulations, taking care to give publick notice that the said John Cock cannot be admitted to any office whatsoever. We are, respectfully, Gentlemen, your very humble servants. By order of the Committee of Safety. To Frederick Van Cortlandt, Benjamin Drake, Stephen Sneden, Thomas Emmons, William Betts, and William Hadley, at Yonkers, Westchester. Ordered, That a copy thereof be engrossed, and signed by the Chairman, and transmitted. The Committee adjourned to four oclock, P. M. Die Martis, 4 ho. P.M., September 19, 1775. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: For ORANGE, John Haring, Esq., Chairman. Commissions were made and delivered for the following gentlemen, as Officers of the Company of Light-Horse in Kings County, on Nassau-Island, to wit: Captain, Adolph Waldron; First Lieutenant, Rem A. Remsen; Second Lieutenant, William Boerum; Quartermasters, Thos. Everit and Jacob Sebring, Jun. Pursuant to a Return of Elisha Mervin and Archibald Little, Inspectors, which is now filed, Commissions were made out and transmitted for the following gentlemen, as Officers for the Company of Minute-Men in the Precinct of Cornwall, in Orange County, to wit: Thomas Moffat, Esq., Captain; Seth Mervin, First Lieutenant; James Little, Second Lieutenant; and Nathan Strong, Ensign. Ordered, That Peter V. B. Livingston, Esq., as Treasurer of the Provincial Congress, pay to Thomas Pettit, as Doorkeeper, twenty Pounds, and take his receipt for the same, on account of his pay as Doorkeeper of the Provincial Congress. Ordered, That Mr. Joseph Hallett apply to James Byers, and inform him that the Committee will agree with him for five Brass Field-Pieces, at the price of three Shillings and nine Pence per pound; each Field-Piece to be a six-pounder, and not to exceed six hundred and twenty pounds weight—Mr. Byers to run all risks, and to deliver the Field-Pieces well proved. Ordered, That Messrs. John Sloss Hobart and Gilbert Livingston be a Sub-Committee to wait on his Excellency the Governour, to inform him that his Worship the Mayor signified to this Committee, this day, that his Excellency told him he had received a Letter from Lord Dartmouth, one of His Majestys principal Secretaries of State, in forming him that orders had been given to the Commanders of His Majestys Ships in America, that in case any more Troops should be raised, or any Fortifications erected, or any of His Majestys Stores taken, the Commanders of the Ships of War should consider such Cities or places in a state of rebellion, and to acquaint his Excellency that the terms of their information from Mr. Mayor are extremely ambiguous, and require an explanation; and that, there fore, his Excellency be requested by the said Sub-Committee to furnish this Committee with an extract of that part of Lord Dartmouths Letter, and, in case he should not be willing to give such extract, that he would be pleased to furnish the said Sub-Committee with the exact purport of that part of the said Letter which relates to the above-mentioned subject. The Committee adjourned to nine oclock, to-morrow morning. Die Mercurii, 9 ho. A. M., September 20, 1775. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: For ORANGE, John Haring, Esq., Chairman. Mr. Joseph Hallett reported that James Byers is ready to agree to make five Brass Field-Pieces, six-pounders, of good proof, and deliver them, at three Shillings nine Pence per pound. Resolved, That this Committee does agree with James Byers for five Brass Field-Pieces, six-pounders, to be made of the best metal and full proof, at the rate of three Shillings nine Pence per pound, provided the weight of each Field-Piece does not exceed six hundred and twenty pounds. And Ordered, That the Captains Rutgers, Tudor, and Dennis, be requested to superintend the proving the said Brass Field-Pieces. A Letter from Walter Livingston, Esq., Deputy Commissary-General, at Albany, was read and filed, and is in the words following, to wit: Albany, September 6, 1775. GENTLEMEN: I lately received a number of gun barrels, which were sent, by Major-General Schuylers orders, from the garrisons above, to be stocked, locked, and made fit for the service. As many of them as could be repaired in this City and in Schenectady I have delivered to the armourers. One hundred and eighty are sent to Connecticut; the remainder were ordered to be sent to the Provincial Congress. They shall be sent down, and consigned to Mr. Peter T. Curtenius. Those repaired in this City and Schenectady I cannot, with propriety, pay for. I must therefore request the Congress will give orders for it. I know of no body to whom I can apply for that purpose; it being, in the Generals opinion, a Provincial charge, ultimately to be paid by the associated Colonies. I am, Gentlemen, with great respect, your obedient humble servant, WALTER LIVINGSTON, To the Provincial Congress. P. S. The number of barrels sent are two hundred and thirty-seven. A Letter from the Committee of Tryon County, bearing date the 7th current, was read and filed. They thereby inform, that it would greatly oblige the freeholders of the County if his Excellency the Governour would be pleased to grant the Sheriffs Commission to John Frey, Esq., for the ensuing year; and they also complain of the insolence of about two hundred Highland settlers in that County. An Affidavit of William Biddle was read and filed, and is in the words following, to wit: Caughnawaga, May 24, 1775. Then personally appeared before me, the subscriber, being one of His Majestys Justices of the Peace in the County of Tryon, William Biddle, and then and there made solemn oath, on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, that about the 17th of this instant, being in company with Alexander White, Sheriff of the County, that he profanely swore that he would protect and defend all slaves and negroes that would resort to him and put themselves under his protection. Sworn before me: JOHN MARLATT, Esq.