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with one Blanket, a Hunting-Shirt, Spatterdashes, and Gaiters, so as not to exceed the sum of forty Shillings for each Soldier; this Council being of opinion that the same is absolutely necessary, and was intended by the late Provincial Congress.

The Council being informed that the Minute-Men, directed to be raised in some of the Counties in this Province, cannot be enlisted in time to answer the intention of the Congress:

It is therefore Resolved, That the Field-Officers of any District in which the Counties, or any of them, have not or cannot speedily raise the Company or Companies by the Congress directed to be raised in such Counties, may appoint suitable persons, in any of the other Counties within their respective District, to enlist Minute-Men sufficient to complete their Battalions; and such Minute-Men shall be formed into Companies, choose their Officers, and be subject to the same rules, orders, and discipline, and entitled to the same pay, as other Minute-Men raised in this Province.

And whereas it will be impossible for one person to attend the several Counties in some of the Districts, and perform the duties of an Adjutant to the Minute-Men, on account of the great extent of such Districts:

Resolved, That the Field-Officers and Captains, or a majority of them, in any of the Districts where they judge it necessary, shall appoint two Adjutants to the Minute-Men of their respective Districts, shall direct their duty and apportion their pay, so that the same does not exceed the duty or pay of one Adjutant, appointed agreeable to the Resolution of the Provincial Congress; and that the Ferriages of the Adjutants, in attending the Musters, shall be paid by the publick.

And, also, whereas it may be found impracticable at last to complete the Battalions in some of the Districts:

Resolved, That the Field-Officers and Captains, in such case, shall call together such Minute-Men as shall enlist, to the place, and proceed to training in the manner by Congress directed; and they are directed, under these circumstances, to proportion the pay of the Adjutant or Adjutants to the services which he or they are to render.

Resolved, That Mr. Thomas Picket be appointed Ensign in Captain William Picket’s Company, of the First Regiment, in the room of James Childs, resigned.

Tilghman Dickson, Lieutenant in Henry Dickson’s Company, of the First Regiment, in the room of Hezekiah Rice, resigned.

John Brown, Ensign in Captain Alfred Moore’s Company, of the First Regiment, in the room of John Taylor.

Charles Allen, Ensign in Captain John Armstrong’s Company, of the Second Regiment, in the room of Benjamin Cleveland.

Thomas Standing, Ensign in Captain Michael Payne’s Company, of the Second Regiment, in the room of Whitmill Pugh, resigned.

Joseph McClammy, Ensign in Captain Henry Irvin Toole’s Company, of the Second Regiment, in the room of Joseph Clinch, resigned.

William Gardner, Lieutenant in Captain Hardy Murfee’s Company, of the Second Regiment, in the room of John Williams, resigned.

Joseph Worth, Ensign in Captain Hardy Murfee’s Company, of the Second Regiment, in the room of William Gardner, promoted.

And, in case of the death or resignation of Lieutenant John Grange, that Henry Vipon be appointed Lieutenant, and John Sitgreaves Ensign, in Captain John White’s Company, of the Second Regiment, in the room of Henry Vipon, promoted.

Resolved, That John Bryan, Esquire, be appointed Colonel of the Militia for the County of Craven.

Resolved, That Lehansyus Dekeyser be appointed Adjutant in the First Regiment, and Ensign in Captain John Walker’s Company, in the room of Berryman Turner, resigned.

Resolved, That Samuel Johnston, Esq., be appointed Paymaster of the Troops stationed in the District of EDENTON, as also to the Minute-Men in the said District; first entering into bond to this Council, with sufficient security, in the sum of ten thousand Pounds, Proclamation Money.

Resolved, That Richard Caswell, Esquire, be appointed Paymaster of the Troops stationed in the District of Newbern, as also to the Minute-Men in the said District; first entering into bond to this Council, with sufficient security, in the sum of ten thousand Pounds, Proclamation Money.

Resolved, That Samuel Ashe, Esq., be appointed Paymaster of the Troops stationed in the District of Wilmington, as also to the Minute-Men in the said District; first entering into bond to this Council, with sufficient security, in the sum of ten thousand Pounds, Proclamation Money.

Resolved, That Matthew Locke, Esq., be appointed Paymaster of the Troops stationed in the District of Salisbury, as also to the Minute-Men in the said District; first entering into bond to this Council, with sufficient security, in the sum of ten thousand Pounds, Proclamation Money.

Resolved, That the next Congress shall be held at the Town of Halifax, the first day of May next, unless otherwise determined hereafter by this Council.

Resolved, That the next Provincial Council shall be held at the Court-House, in the County of Johnston, the seventeenth day of December next; but that the President may call a Council sooner, if he should find it necessary.

Resolved, That Samuel Johnston, Esq., be empowered, and he is hereby required to send an express to the Delegates of this Province at Philadelphia; and that the Treasurers, or either of them, pay him the expense thereof, and be allowed in their accounts with the publick.

Resolved, That Abner Nash and James Coor, Esquires, or either of them, be empowered to charter one or more Vessels, and agree with Masters and Seamen, at the Port of Newbern, and load the same to such parts as they shall judge expedient, and with such articles as they may think proper, not exceeding the sum of one thousand pounds, Proclamation Money, in order to procure Arms and Ammunition for the use and protection of this Province; the same to be at the hazard, risk, and expense of this Province.

Resolved, That Mr. President, Richard Quince, and John Forster, Esquires, or either of them, be empowered to charter one or more Vessels, and agree with Masters and Seamen at the Port of Wilmington, and load the same to such parts as they shall judge expedient, and with such articles as they may think proper, not exceeding the sum of one thousand Pounds, Proclamation Money, in order to procure Arms and Ammunition for the use and protection of this Province; the same to be at the hazard, risk, and expense of this Province.

Resolved, That Whitmill Hill, Esquire, be empowered to charter a Vessel, and agree with one or more Masters and Seamen, at the Port of Edenton, and load the same to such parts as he shall judge expedient, and with such articles as he may think proper, not exceeding the sum of one thousand Pounds, Proclamation Money, in order to procure Arms and Ammunition for the use and protection of this Province; the same to be at the hazard, risk, and expense of this Province.

Resolved, That Mr. Memucan Hunt be appointed Commissary to the Battalion of Minute-Men for the District of Hillsborough.

Resolved, That Nathaniel Rochester, Esq., be appointed Paymaster to the Battalion of Minute-Men in the District of Hillsborough; first entering into bond in the sum of five thousand Pounds, Proclamation Money.

The Council adjourned till to-morrow morning, ten o’clock.

Saturday, October 21, 1775.

The Council met according to adjournment.

Resolved,That in case any Troops should attempt to land in a hostile manner, in any part of this Province, the Commanding Officers of the two Battalions of the American Army raised in this Province do immediately oppose the same, to the utmost of their power.

Resolved,That the President of this Council correspond, from time to time, with the Councils of Safety within the Colonies of Virginia and South-Carolina, or with the proper Boards chosen and appointed in those Colonies.

Resolved,That the Paymasters now appointed are not to be considered as Military Officers, under the order, direction, or control of the Commanding Officers of the two

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