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and other necessaries for the Army, reported.* Read and accepted.

Resolved, That Henry Gardner, Esq., Treasurer, &c., be, and he hereby is directed to pay to the Selectmen of Salem the sum of three hundred and seventy-two Pounds, lour Shillings, and eight Pence farthing, in full of their accounts, excepting the sum of seven Pounds, six Shillings, and one Penny half-penny, charged for billeting Soldiers to the Camp, which is not yet considered.

In Council, October 21, 1775: Read and concurred.


The Letter prepared to be sent to the Continental Congress, being amended, was read and accepted, and ordered to be sent unsealed, enclosed in a Letter to the Delegates of this Colony at said Congress; and the Committee who reported the same were directed to prepare a Letter to said Delegates.

Resolved, That Mr. Stephen Rice be, and he hereby is directed to purchase two Blankets and two pieces of Ribbon, and deliver them, with sixteen Shillings in cash, as a present, to Ambroise and Pierre Toma, two Indian Chiefs, one of whom represents the St. John’s and the other the Mickamack Tribe of Indians, and lay his account before this House for allowance.

In Council, October 16, 1775: Read and concurred.

A Resolve for supplying the Penobscot and other Indians was read, and ordered to lie till after the choice of Civil Officers.

Order of the Day moved for.

On a motion, Ordered, That Mr. Gerry, Dr. Whiting, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Hopkins, and Mr. Wood, be a Committee consider what further encouragement is necessary to be given to the manufactory of Saltpetre.

Saturday, October 14, 1775.

Ordered, That Mr. Sullivan bring in a Resolve for making a proper application to General Washington, relative to the imprisonment of one of the Members of this House, viz: Dr. Benjamin Church.

A Petition of the Selectmen of Provincetown, praying the Court to order the sum of one hundred and thirty-five Pounds to be paid, out of the publick Treasury, to said Town, being so much due to them in consequence of a Resolve of the General Court, passed the 26th of February, 1774, to enable the inhabitants to support a Protestant Minister there, &c., as set forth in said Petition. Read, and committed to Mr. Nye, Colonel Freeman, and Mr. Starkweather.

The Secretary, by order of a majority of the honourable Council, laid upon the table a Letter from the Honourable John Hancock, Esq., President of the honourable Continental Congress, informing them that the Congress had appointed three of their Members to wait on his Excellency General Washington, and with the Governonrs of Connecticut and Rhode-Island, and with the Council of Massachusetts-Bay, and with the President of the New-Hampshire Convention, to confer on the subject of continuing, supporting, and regulating the Continental Army.

Ordered, That Mr. Gerry bring in a Resolve to empower the honourable Council to make suitable provision for the above Gentlemen.

Mr. Gerry, according to order, reported the following Resolve. Read and accepted.

Whereas a Committee from the honourable Continental Congress is daily expected in this Colony, to confer with the honourable Board on matters of great importance:

Resolved, That the honourable Board be desired to make suitable provision for the said Committee of Congress, the Governours of Connecticut and Rhode-Island, and the President of the Congress of New-Hampshire, and their attendants; and that they order the payment of such expenses as shall arise thereby to be made out of the publick Treasury of this Colony.

“In Council, October, 14, 1775.

“Read and concurred; and Walter Spooner and William Sever, Esqs., are appointed a Committee from the Board, to make suitable provision for the Committee of Congress, the Governours of Connecticut and Rhode-Island, and the President of the Congress of New-Hampshire, and their attendants.”

The Committee on the Petition of Andrew Gilman reported. Read and recommitted; and Mr. Cooper was appointed on the Committee, in the room of Col. Williams.

Resolved, That the Receiver-General be, and he is hereby directed to pay to the Honourable Jedediah Preble, Esq., Truckmaster, or order, the sum of three hundred Pounds, out of the publick Treasury of this Colony, to be by him applied for the purchase of Provisions, Ammunition, and Goods, for the supplying of the Eastern Tribes of Indians, and take Furs, Skins, &c, in payment; said Preble to be accountable to this Court for the same.

In Council, October 16, 1775: Read and concurred.

Mr. Sullivan, according to order, reported the following Resolve, viz:

Whereas this House hath been informed that Benjamin Church, Esquire, a member thereof, is now detained and imprisoned by his Excellency George Washington, Esquire, General and Commander-in-Chief of the Forces of the United Colonies; and the House being jealous of their privileges, and desirous to know the cause of said imprisonment: therefore,

Resolved, That the Speaker, Mr. Sullivan, and Major Bliss, be a Committee to apply to his Excellency George Washington, Esquire, requesting him, as soon as may be, to certify to this House the cause of the detention and imprisonment of the said Benjamin Church, Esq., that they may advise thereon.


The Bill for establishing a number of Armed Vessels read the first time, and ordered to be read again on Tuesday next, at ten o’clock, A. M.

The Report of the Committee relative to the Poor of Boston and Charlestown read, and ordered to lie till there is a full House.

Monday, October 16, 1775.

Ordered, That Major Bliss, Major Hawley, and Mr. Pitts, be a Committee to inquire into the services of Agents Bollan and Franklin, and report to the House what sums are proper to be allowed them.

Resolved, That the Receiver-General be, and hereby is directed to pay to Lieutenant Andrew Gilman, out of the publick Treasury of this Colony, twenty-two Pounds, for his expenses for Mr. Jedediah Preble, Truckmaster, two Indians, and himself, from the Truck-House at Penobscot, to Watertown, and thence back to Penobscot again. Also, twelve Pounds, fourteen Shillings, and eleven Pence, for his billeting and expenses amongst the Indians until this date, and thirteen Pounds, twelve Shillings, and six Pence, for services done till this day; the whole amounting to forty-eight Pounds, seven Shillings, and five Pence said Gilman to be accountable to this Court for the said sum.

N. B. The two Indians referred to as above are Ambroise and Pierre Toma, who represent the St. John’s and the Mickamack Tribe of Indians.

Resolved, That the following Letter be sent to the Chiefs of the St. John’s and the Mickamack Tribe of Indians: Friends and Good, Brothers:

We received your letter dated at the Truck-House, at Penobscot Falls, the twelfth day of September, 1775.

We take this opportunity to write to you an answer.

*Petition from the Selectmen of Salem humbly sheweth: That, in obedience to a Resolve of the late Provincial Congress, they procured a considerable number of blankets, fire-arms, and accoutrements, for the soldiers enlisted from Salem into the American Army, but found it in many cases impracticable, in others that it would be attended with much trouble, to pursue strictly the directions of that resolve; by reason whereof, the Committee of Supplies say they are not authorized to settle the accounts respecting the same. Wherefore, your petitioners pray your Honours to take the necessary measures for the settlement of said accounts, and other accounts of expenses incurred in providing necessaries for said soldiers, that so the money may be paid immediately, and your petitioners enabled to satisfy the demands, and get rid of the importunities of the persons of whom they received the several articles supplied by them or their order to the soldiers aforesaid. They also pray that a reasonable allowance may be made them for the expense arising in obtaining a settlement of said accounts, And, as in duty bound, shall ever pray.

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