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seventy-two thousand bushels of Indian Corn, two thousand barrels of Bread or Flour, one thousand barrels of Beef or Pork, two thousand one hundred bushels of Peas or Beans, and three hundred tierces of Rice; and that they be permitted to export the same yearly. That the said Inhabitants ought to pay for the above annual allowance in Salt; but it is not the design of this Resolution to exclude them from the privilege of receiving American produce, to any amount, in exchange for Arms, Ammunition, Saltpetre, Sulphur, and Field-Pieces, agreeable to a Resolution of Congress, passed the 15th of July last. That to enable such of these Colonies as can conveniently furnish the Island of Bermuda with the abovementioned annual allowance to divide whatever advantages may result therefrom, in proportion to their respective shares of the general expense, it is further the opinion of this Committee That the Colony of South-Carolina supply them with three hundred tierces of Rice. That the Colony of North-Carolina supply them with sixteen thousand bushels of Indian Corn, and four hundred and sixty-eight bushels of Peas or Beans. That the Colony of Virginia supply them with thirty-six thousand bushels of Indian Corn, and one thousand and fifty bushels of Peas or Beans. That the Colony of Maryland supply them with twenty thousand bushels of Indian Corn, and five hundred and eighty-two bushels of Peas or Beans. That the Colony of Pennsylvania supply them with one thousand two hundred barrels of Flour or Bread, and six hundred barrels of Beef or Pork. That the Colony of New-York supply them with eight hundred barrels of Flour or Bread, and four hundred barrels of Beef or Pork. That the Conventions or Committees of Safety of the abovementioned Colonies ought to superintend the said exportation, provide against frauds, and take care that, in exchanging the said commodities of Salt and Provisions, no undue advantages be taken, by either party, of their mutual wants; and, further, that no Vessel employed in this business ought to load without their permission; and that when they shall, in pursuance of these Resolutions, permit any of the said Vessels to load, they do give notice thereof to the Committee of Inspection of the County, City, or Town where such Vessel shall load, and inform them that the same is done under the authority and by order of this Congress. That these Resolutions ought to be kept as private as the execution of them will admit; that they should be transmitted to the several Conventions, Assemblies, or Committees of Safety, of the United Colonies, and to the Island of Bermuda; and that the Inhabitants of the latter be informed that the Congress will afford them other necessaries, such as Lumber, Soap, and Candles, whenever the quality and quantity of each of those articles used in the Island shall be ascertained. That Edward Stiles be permitted, under the direction of the Committee of Safety of the Colony of Pennsylvania, to send the Brig Sea Nymph, Samuel Stobel, Master, with four thousand bushels of Indian Corn, three hundred barrels of Flour, one hundred barrels of Bread, twenty barrels of Pork, eight barrels of Beef, thirty boxes of Soap, and fifteen barrels of Apples, to Bermuda, for the immediate supply of the Inhabitants; and that the said Cargo be considered as part of the annual allowance aforesaid, for the year ensuing. The Congress resumed the consideration of the Report of the Committee on Mr. Douw's Letter, and the Minutes of the late Treaty at Albany, and, after some debate, the same was postponed. The several matters to this day referred being postponed, Adjourned to ten o'clock, to-morrow. Thursday, November 23, 1775. On motion made, Ordered, That one hundred and twenty Dollars be paid to Captain Hulbert, and charged to account of General Schuyler; and that said Hulbert, after stationing his men at the Fortresses on Hudson's River, have leave to be absent ten days. The Committee for fitting out four Armed Vessels brought in a set of Rules for the government of the American Navy, and Articles to be signed by the officers and men employed in that service; which were read, and ordered to lie on the table for the perusal of the members. The Committee of seven, to whom General Washington's Letter was referred, brought in their Report; which was read, and ordered to lie on the table for the perusal of the members. Resolved, That these Reports be taken into consideration to-morrow. The Committee of Inspection of the City of Philadelphia laid before Congress information of importance, which was read. The Congress then resumed the consideration of the Report on Mr. Douw's Letter and the Albany Treaty, and, after debate, the first paragraph was postponed. The remainder was agreed to, as follows: The Committee to whom it was referred to take into consideration the Letter from Volkert P. Douw, Esq., and the Minutes of the Treaty held with the Indians at Albany, by the Commissioners for Indian Affairs in the Northern Department, have examined the same, and come to the following Resolutions thereupon: That it is the opinion of this Committee, that the Indians be assured that this Congress are pleased with their desire that the trade should be opened, as formerly, at Albany and Schenectady; that the Congress will exert their strenuous endeavours to procure the goods the Indians may want, and put the trade under such wise regulations as that mutual justice may be effected; and that they hope those endeavours will be successful. That General Schuyler be desired to furnish the Commissioners at Albany with some Powder, if he can spare it, to be distributed among the Indians, who, in the present circumstances, are much distressed by the want of that article. That the Commissioners for transacting Indian affairs in the Northern Department be desired to obtain from the Mohawk Indians and the Corporation of Albany a state of the controversy between them, concerning the land desired by the former, in the late treaty at Albany, to be restored to them, and report the matter, as it shall appear to them, to the Congress. That the said Commissioners be desired, at the expense of the United Colonies, to provide for and entertain the Sachems or Warriors of the Six Nations and other Indians friendly to these Colonies, their attendants and messengers, with the accustomed hospitality, when they come to Albany or Schenectady, to treat, or give intelligence of publics affairs, or upon a visit; and, for this purpose, that seven hundred and fifty Dollars be lodged in the hands of the said Commissioners, subject to account. That the said Commissioners be directed to employ two Blacksmiths, for reasonable salaries, to reside among and work, for the Indians of the Six Nations. That the said Commissioners be empowered to employ an Interpreter, with a salary of 222 1-5 Dollars, by the year, commencing the 12th day of this month, who shall also be allowed his travelling expenses, to be settled by the Commissioners; and James Deane, if they judge him well qualified, is recommended to execute this office. That twenty-three Dollars be paid to James Deane, over and above the seventy-five Dollars advanced him by the Commissioners, for his past services. On motion made, Resolved, That three members be added to the Committee on the Albany Treaty, and that they be directed to consider of a plan for carrying on a Trade with the Indians, and to devise ways and means for procuring Goods proper for that Trade. The members added: Mr. Wilson, Mr. Deane, and Mr. Lewis. Whereas Major Hawley, from the situation of his private affairs, cannot attend the business of a Commissioner for Indian Affairs, and having by his Letter desired to be excused from that service, Resolved, That to-morrow be assigned for electing a Commissioner for Indian Affairs in the Northern Department, in the room of Mr. Hawley. Information being given, that certain frauds have been attempted in executing contracts for the Continent,