appointed to procure Fire-Arms, and report thereon as soon as may be.
Voted, That it be recommended to the several Taverners and Retailers in this Colony, to render an account, on oath, if required, (which oath any Selectman is empowered to administer,) of all Liquors sold by them, respectively, for which excise has been usually paid, to the Selectmen of their respective Towns, Parishes, or Precincts, from the first Tuesday in November, 1774, to the first Tuesday in November, 1775, and pay said Selectmen said excise, at the same rate as for several years last past has been paid in this Colony; and the several Selectmen are desired to be careful in collecting and returning the same to the Receiver-General of this Colony, and the Receiver-General is directed to allow said Selectmen five per cent, out of said money, as a reward for their service. And all Select-men are desired, if any person, or persons, whom they know to have sold Spirituous Liquors refuses to pay his, her, or their excise as aforesaid, to return his, her, or their name, or names, to the Receiver-General.
Voted, That one hundred and sixty Handbills, to contain the above Vote, be forthwith printed and dispersed to the several Towns, Parishes, and Precincts, in this Colony
Voted, That every Deserter from any Corps, in the Forces raised by this Colony for the Continental Army, be apprehended by the Committees of the respective places where they may be found, and conveyed by them to Head-Quarters, at Cambridge, as soon as may be.
Wednesday, November 3, 1775.
Voted, That Colonel Wingate, Lieut. Colonel Burnham, and Major Hackett, have the command of the five hundred men raised for the preservation and defence of the Fortresses on Piscntaqua River, and that they nominate four Captains to command four Companies to be raised, provided the men be inlisted immediately in consequence of their said nomination; and that Major Weeks be appointed to communicate the votes of this Congress to the said Officers, and make return to this Congress as soon as may be.
Voted, That Captain Pierce Long be appointed Barrackmaster to the Forces raised for the preservation and defence of the Harbour of Piscataqua, and the Fortresses thereon, and that Major George Gains be appointed Quartermaster to the said Forces.
Voted, That the Matrosses or Artillery-Men be divided into two Companies, to be commanded by Captain Titus Salter and Captain Eliphalet Daniels.
Voted, That Jacob Worthen, Robert Parker, and William Hackett, be allowed and paid four Shillings and six Pence per day, for their services as Master Carpenters, and that the other Carpenters be allowed and paid three Shillings per day, for their wages.
It being represented that the Butchers in Portsmouth having taken unreasonable fees for killing Cattle drove into Portsmouth for the use of the inhabitants, as well as the Provincial Forces now employed in and about Piscataqua Harbour, which measure is very oppressive; therefore,
Voted and Resolved, by this Congress, That the said Butchers refund all such unreasonable fees, and, for the future, take none such, or that such Butchers be not suffered to kill any more Beef in said Town, for the use of the said Forces.
Captain Shadrach Hodgdon's Account, for supplying Fascines for the Batteries, being read,
Voted, That it be allowed and paid by the Committee of Supplies.
Voted, That the Selectmen of Newmarket be sent for to attend the Congress forthwith, and answer for their neglect of numbering their Inhabitants, according to the order of this Congress.
Voted, That Ebenezer Thompson, Esq., Samuel Sherburne, Esq., the Hon. Colonel Meshech Weare, Benjamin Giles, Esq., and Richard Downing, Esq., be a Committee to audit and examine the Accounts of George Jaffrey, Esq., late Treasurer of this Colony, and make report to this Congress as soon as may be
Voted, That the Hon. Matthew Thornton, Esquire, be Colonel of Londonderry Regiment of Militia, lately commanded by himself; that William Gregg be his Lieutenant-Colonel; that John Pinkerton be his First Major, and that James McGregor, Jun., be his Second Major.
Voted, That John Webster, Esq., be Colonel of Chester Regiment; Nathaniel Emerson be his Lieutenant-Colonel; that Josiah Fogg be his First Major, and that William White be his Second Major.
Voted, That Samuel Shepherd be First Major of Colonel David Hobart's Regiment, and that Alexander Cruige be second Major of said Regiment.
Thursday, November 9, 1775.
Voted, That Captain Ezekiel Worthen be and hereby is ordered to pay all due obedience to the orders of this Congress, respecting the business as Engineer, at the Port of Piscataqua.
Voted, That Abraham Drake be Lieutenant-Colonel of the Third Regiment of Militia in this Colony, commanded by Colonel Moulton; that Enoch Page be First Major, and William Prescott be Second Major of said Regiment.
Upon a motion made by Captain Pierce Long, and seconded by Mr. Samuel Sherburne, respecting the legality of General Folsom's holding a seat in this House,
Voted, That the consideration of that matter be not now taken up, nor until there be a fuller House.
Upon reading a Petition of Mark Duty, representing that Joseph Smith and Nehemiah Hadley, both of Wyndham, had, in consequence of a warrant from the Committee of Safety of said Wyndham, unconstitutionally deprived him of his liberty, for some time, and had taken from him a Cow, and disposed thereof to their own use, and praying relief, &c.:
Voted, That the said Smith and Hadley, and also Peter Merril and Samuel Morrison, all of Wyndham, be notified to appear before this Congress on Saturday, the 11th instant, to answer for their conduct respecting the matters complained of, by reading the complaint and order of Congress to each of them.
Voted, That all those men who have served as Soldiers on the late alarm at Portsmouth (such men being properly inlisted at said Portsmouth) be paid as Soldiers in the Army, except Coats, &c., and also all others who went down, and can make it appear that they did duty there at said time, exclusive of those who are under pay in the Continental Army; and that no more Officers be paid as such, than one Captain, one Lieutenant, and one Ensign, to each forty Privates.
Voted, That the Thanks of this Congress be given to those gentlemen that generously laboured on the Batteries and other works at Portsmouth, on the late sudden alarming emergency.
Voted, That all the Votes of Saturday last, respecting electing Delegates or Representatives, and the qualifications of the Electors and elected, and the manner of choosing and sending them, be, and hereby are reconsidered, and made void.
Voted, That the Honourable Meshech Weare, Esq., William Whipple, Richard Downing, John Dudley, Timothy Walker, Esq., Ebenezer Thompson, Ebenezer Smith, Deacon James Knowles, Wyseman Claggett, Esq., Jonathan Martin, and Captain Caleb Page, Samuel Ashley, Benjamin Giles, Esq., Israel Morey, Esq., and Abel Webster, be a Committee to frame and bring in a plan for the future Representation of the people of this Colony.
Voted, That Captain John Demeritt be First Major of the Second Regiment of Militia in this Colony, and Captain Moses Yeaton Second Major.
Friday, November 10, 1775.
Voted, That there be forthwith inlisted in the service of this Colony, for the defence and security of the Harbour of Piscataqua, and the Fortresses there, eight hundred men, officers included, to be divided into eight Companies, and officered with one Captain, two Lieutenants, and one Ensign, to each Company, and to remain in the service two months, unless they or any number of them be