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Congress, be and remain a Committee of Safety for this Colony; and that they, or the major part of them, act in the same manner and with the same authority as heretofore, until the sitting of the next Congress or General Assembly of this Colony.

Voted, That the Committee of Safety attend General Sullivan at Portsmouth, on Tuesday next, to take under their consideration such matters and things as he shall lay before them.

Thursday, November 16, 1775.

Voted, That the Officers and Soldiers in the service of this Colony, in the Continental Army, be paid off up to the 4th day of August last, and Colonel Samuel Hobart and Colonel Timothy Walker be Paymasters for that purpose.

Whereas sundry persons, hereafter named, have, at the motion of General Sullivan, by virtue of orders from his Excellency General Washington, in consequence of the Resolves of the honourable the Continental Congress, been called before a Committee of this Congress, on suspicion of their being inimical to this country and the cause of liberty now contending for; which Committee having made report thereon to this Congress, it is thereupon voted and resolved by this Congress—

1st. That John Parker, Esq., is a friend to this country, and is accordingly set at full liberty.

2d. That Isaac Rindge, Esq., remove himself to some place at least fifteen miles from Portsmouth, and from the sea, and not on any occasion leave the Town or Parish he shall remove to, without leave of the Congress or Committee of Safety.

3d. That Captain William Torry remain at Newmarket, and not on any occasion leave the said Town or Parish, without leave from the Congress or Committee of Safety.

4th. That Mr. William Hart remove himself fifteen miles from Portsmouth, and from the sea, and not on any occasion leave the Town or Parish he shall remove to, without leave of the Congress or Committee of Safety.

5th. That Captain Nathaniel Rogers confine himself to his own house and farm in Newmarket, or, if he shall choose it, to remove himself twenty miles from Portsmouth, and from the sea, and not on any occasion leave the Town or Parish he shall remove to, without leave of the Congress or Committee of Safety.

6th. That George Jaffrey, Esq., remove himself ten miles at least from Portsmouth, and not on any occasion leave the Town or Parish he shall remove to, without leave of the Congress or Committee of Safety.

7th. That Peter Gilman, Esq., confine himself to the Town of Exeter, and not on any occasion leave the said Town, without leave of the Congress or Committee of Safety.

8th. That Mr. Jacob Sheafe, Jun., be desired to with-draw his Memorial against Edward Sherburne, and that said Sheafe be dismissed.

9th. That those persons, above named, who are enjoined to remove from Portsmouth, have twenty days allowed them to remove.

Voted, That Colonel Samuel Hobart be paid out of the publick Treasury ten Pounds, for twenty-seven days' service in going to Cambridge, and mustering and paying off the Soldiers there, and returning the Muster-Rolls.

Voted, That Major Joseph Welch be paid out of the publick Treasury eight Pounds, for his service in attending Colonel Hobart on the above said services; and also twenty Shillings for his services in going to Portsmouth.

Voted, That Mr. Nathaniel Rogers be paid out of the Treasury twenty Shillings, for his services in settling Accounts as a Committee-man.

Voted, That the Thanks of this House be given to Major Welch, for his care in raising Troops and forwarding them to Portsmouth.

Voted, That Ebenezer Tibbetts be Second Major of Colonel Evans's Regiment.

Voted, That the Commissions for the Majors of the First Regiment of Militia in this Colony be not given out until the next Congress or Convention.

Voted, That Colonel Evans be paid the balance of his

Account, amounting to thirty-six Shillings, out of the publick Treasury.

Voted, That Joshua Wiggin be paid his Account as Doorkeeper and Messenger of this House, amounting to five Pounds and two Shillings, out of the publick Treasury.

Voted, That Colonel Samuel Hobart's Account, amounting to eleven Pounds, eighteen Shillings, be allowed and paid him out of the publick Treasury.

Voted, That Colonel Evans be allowed and paid out of the Treasury the balance of his Account for Fire-Arms, amounting to twenty-four Shillings and eight Pence half penny.

Voted, That Colonel Jeremiah Folsom be allowed and paid out of the Treasury the balance of his Account for Fire-Arms, amounting to three Pounds, seven Shillings, two Pence, and one Farthing.

Voted, That Mr. Edward Parsons be allowed and paid out of the publick Treasury his Account, amounting to thirty-seven Shillings and six Pence.

Whereas it has been represented to this Congress that doubts have arisen in the minds of some persons respecting those who have been, in the usual and very reasonable method pointed out by the law of this Province, chosen to conduct the affairs of Towns, and, also, connected with it, whether Taxes granted by Towns, or by their representatives in Congress, should be collected and paid as usual, or in what manner Selectmen, Constables, &c, should proceed: The Congress, having taken the above into consideration, do recommend to all Towns, that with regard to all those who have been' in the usual reasonable manner chosen into any offices in Towns, they should, as formerly, be considered as the proper officers; also, that Towns, Selectmen, Constables, and other officers, proceed in the usual manner in granting moneys, assessing the inhabitants, and collecting any assessments, and discharging any other matters belonging to them, or any of them, unless where some particular direction of this or the General Congress shall interfere.

We trust the good people of this Colony will readily comply with this recommendation, and particularly that they will cheerfully pay the Constables and Collectors; but if any, inimical to their country, or inattentive to the ruin which must ensue upon a contrary conduct, should refuse, we trust that all the friends of their country will effectually strengthen the hands of the Selectmen, Constables, and Collectors.

[Voted, That the Resolution of the Continental Congress, of November 3, on establishing Government in this Province, be entered on the Minutes.]

In Congress, Friday, November 3, 1775.

"The Congress taking into consideration the Report of the Committee on the New-Hampshire Instructions,

Resolved, That it be recommended to the Provincial Convention of New-Hampshire, to call a full and free representation of the people, and that the Representatives, if they think it necessary, establish such a form of Government as, in their judgment, will best produce the happiness of the people, and most effectually secure peace and good order in the Province during the continuance of the present dispute between Great Britain and the Colonies.

Extract from the Minutes:


By order of Congress:

JOHn HANCOCK, President.

A copy Attest:

NOAH EMERY, Deputy Secretary."

Voted, That this Congress be, and hereby is dissolved.


Portsmouth, November 1, 1775.

MUCH RESPECTED GENTLEMEN: I enclose you a letter from Head-Quarters, calling for my presence immediately. Mr. Palfrey tells me he doubts not I may return in two or three days, and, by what he has communicated, I am convinced that I must return in a very short time. I am well satisfied that my presence can by no means be dispensed with at Head-Quarters. I am sorry the call was so sudden as to prevent my seeing the works com-

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