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Resolved, That the Commissioners appointed to fit out the Ship Prosper, be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to take such measures as to them shall appear most effectual, to prevent all indirect communication and correspondence with the ships of war in Rebellion Road.

Ordered, That the Secretary, as Chairman of the Committee of Observation, be empowered to employ a proper person or persons to see the delivery of Provisions permitted to be sent for the use of the men of war, in such manner as is most likely to prevent an improper correspondence being carried on, and the quantity of Provisions permitted being exceeded.

Ordered, That the consideration of the Report of the Committee on the state of the Colony be proceeded in.

And being accordingly taken under consideration, the Congress came to the following Resolutions thereupon:

Resolved, That a sum not exceeding one hundred and twenty thousand Pounds currency, be forthwith stamped and issued, for the pay of the Regiment of Artillery to be raised, and incidental charges attending the same, of the following denominations, viz:

10,000 bills of two Shillings and six Pence.

10,000 " five Shillings.

10,000 " seven Shillings and six Pence.

10,000 " ten Shillings.

10,000 " fifteen Shillings.

10,000 " one Pound.

10,000 " one Pound and ten Shillings.

10,000 " two Pounds.

10,000 " two Pounds and ten Shillings.

10,000 " three Pounds.

of such forms, and with such devices and mottoes, as the Commissioners hereafter to be named shall think proper.

Resolved, That Thomas Middleton, (son of Henry,) Ralph Izard, John McQueen, Paul Douxsaint, George Abbot Hall, Peter Leger, Maurice Simons, Robert William Powell, John Berwick, Peter Bouquet, Philotheos Chiffelle, Roger Smith, Paul Townsend, Edward Weyman, Alexander Gillon, Anthony Toomer, Daniel Cannon, and Francis Salvador, be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners, with all possible despatch to stamp, and any three of them to sign, and when stamped, signed, and numbered, from time to time to deliver all the said bills into the hands of the Colony Treasurers.

Ordered, That Henry Peronneau and Benjamin Dart, Esquires, joint Publick Treasurers of this Colony, do forthwith lay before this Congress the present state of the Treasury, with an account of all the Moneys therein, that are issuable or not issuable, either in specie, certificates, orders, or bills of credit.

Ordered, That Captain Hammond be added to the Committee on the state of the Colony

A motion was made, that the future meetings of the Provincial Congress be held at Camden, or some other more centrical and convenient place.

But the previous question being demanded, it was put, and carried in the negative.

On motion, Resolved, That this Congress will to-morrow morning, at eleven o'clock, proceed to the choice of thirteen members to form a Council of Safety, by ballot.

Ordered, That Mr. President, Colonel Laurens, Colonel Pinckney, Colonel Moultrie, and Mr. Thomas Heyward, Jun., be authorized, till the meeting of the Congress tomorrow morning, to order and do every thing they may think necessary for the publick safety.

Adjourned to eleven o'clock, to-morrow morning.

In Congress, Thursday, November 16, 1775.

The Congress met according to adjournment.

And yesterday's Journal was read.

Joseph Fogartie, Esq., being returned as duly elected a Representative for the Parish of St. Thomas and St. Dennis, to serve in the present Congress in the room of John Moore, Esq., who declined serving, that gentleman attended, and took his seat accordingly.

The Congress then proceeded to ballot for members to constitute a new Council of Safety.

And the following gentlemen were duly elected, viz:

1. Colonel Charles Pinckney.

2. Colonel Henry Laurens.

3. Hon. Henry Middleton.

4. Thomas Ferguson, Esq.

5. Arthur Middleton, Esq.

6. Thomas Heyward, Jun., Esq.

7. Hon. William Henry Drayton, Esq.

8. Hon. Rawlins Lowndes, Esq.

9. Thomas Bee, Esq.

10. Benjamin Elliott, Esq.

11. Colonel James Parsons.

12. David Oliphant, Esq.

13. Thomas Savage, Esq.

After which the Congress adjourned to nine o'clock, tomorrow morning.

In Congress, Friday, November 17, 1775.

The Congress met according to adjournment.

The list of Members was called over.

Jacob Motte, Esq., was returned duly elected a Representative for the Parish of St. James, Santee, where ho and Mr. Jerman before had equal votes.

And he took his seat accordingly.

Ordered, That Colonel Laurens, Mr. Thomas Heyward, Jun., and Mr. Bee, be a Committee to examine and correct the journals of the present session of Congress, in order that such parts thereof as may be proper to be made publick, be printed with all possible despatch.

Ordered, That the Secretary do cause such parts of the said Journals as shall be put into his hands for that purpose, to be printed with all possible expedition.

Captain William Cattell desired leave, and read a Letter to him from Lieutenant-Colonel Roberts, requesting that his most grateful thanks might be returned to the Congress for the honour they had conferred upon him, by appointing him to the command of the Regiment of Artillery; and giving assurances that were proper on such an occasion.

Ordered, That Colonel Laurens, Colonel Pinckney, Major Pinckney, Captain Harrington, the Rev. Mr. Tennent, Mr. Thomas Heyward, Jun., and Mr. Arthur Middleton, be a Committee, to consider of, state, and bring into one view, the powers and authorities proper to be vested in and exercised by the Council of Safety.

Read a Letter from Messrs. Dunn and Boote, respecting their maintenance, dated yesterday.

Resolved, That John Dunn, and Benjamin Booth Boote, Esquires, be allowed the sum of forty Shillings currency each, for their daily support and maintenance.

Ordered, That Mr. President do issue his Warrant on the Treasury for the payment of the last month's lodging and board of the said Messrs. Dunn and Boote, amounting to one hundred and twelve Pounds currency.

And a Warrant was issued accordingly.

On motion, Resolved, That the Militia of Charlestown who do nightly duty be allowed and provided with Firewood and Candles at the publick expense.

Ordered, That Mr. John Calvert do furnish the Militia Guards with Firewood and Candles accordingly.

Ordered, That Captain Sumpter be added to the Committee on the state of the Colony.

On motion, Resolved, That all Officers, Gunners, Matrosses, or any other persons receiving pay or hire in the service of the Artillery of this Colony, shall be governed by the same rules and articles, and be subject to be tried by Courts Martial, in like manner with the Officers and Soldiers of the other Troops in the service of this Colony.

Resolved, That for differences arising among themselves, or in matters relating solely to their own corps, the Courts Martial may be composed of their own Officers; but where a sufficient number of such Officers cannot be assembled, or in matters wherein other corps are interested, the Officers of Artillery shall sit in Courts Martial with the Officers of the other corps in the service of the Colony, taking their rank according to the dates of their respective commissions, and no otherwise.

Resolved, That the Regiment of Artillery now to be

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