period; and, if it shall be judged expedient to disband the Army before the expiration of the said two years, that then each Soldier discharged within that time shall be entitled to and receive six weeks pay over and above what is actually due to him. That the pay of each Captain, Lieutenant, and Ensign, shall commence on the day of his appointment, by the District or County Committees; of the Chaplain, and all the Subaltern Officers, on the days of their respective appointments; of the common Soldiers, on the days of their enlisting; and that the pay of the several Field and Staff Officers shall commence on the days of their being called into duty by the Committee of Safety.
Provided always, That no Recruiting Officer shall be allowed to enlist into the service any servant whatsoever, except apprentices bound under the laws of this Colony, nor any such apprentice unless the consent of his master be Gist had in writing; neither any man unless he be five feet four inches high, healthy, strong made, and well limbed, not deaf, or subject to fits.
And be it further ordained, That the Soldiers to be enlisted, and the several Sergeants appointed, or to be appointed, shall] at the expense of the publick, be furnished each with one good musket and bayonet, cartouch box, or pouch, and canteen; and, until such musket can be provided, that they bring with them the best gun of any other Sort that they can procure; and that they also bring with them (if to be had) one blanket each; and that such as are to act as riflemen, bring with them one good rifle and tomahawk each, to be approved by their Captain; for the use of which guns they shall be allowed as follows, to wit: For the smooth-bores, or muskets, after the rate of twenty shillings, and for the rifles and tomahawks after the same rate by the year, and for the blanket so much as by the judgment of any Field-Officer of his Regiment the same shall be considered to be worth at the time it is produced. That each common Soldier, not already sufficiently provided, in the opinion of his Commanding-Officer, shall be provided with sufficient clothing, at the expense of the publick, to be deducted out of his pay, and also to be allowed by the publick a hunting-shirt, a pair of leggins, and binding for his hat
Provided, If any Minute-man who has been already furnished with such articles shall enter into the regular service, he shall have no further allowance.
And be it further ordained, That, over and above the Rifle Companies belonging to the German Regiment, there be raised seventeen Companies of expert Riflemen, in the following Counties, that is to say: In the Counties of Bed-' ford and Loudoun, each two Companies; in the Counties of Albemarle, Amherst, Berkeley, Botetourt, Buckingham, Charlotte, Culpepper, Dunmore, Fauquier, Halifax, Orange, Pittsylvania, and Prince Edward, each one Company; which shall be allotted by the Committee of Safety to the respective Regiments, as before directed.
And be it further ordained, That proper Medicine Chests, and Surgeons' Instruments, be provided; at the expense of the publick.
And be it further ordained, That the Pay of the Officers and Soldiers shall be as follows, to wit: To a Colonel, seventeen Shillings and six Pence; to a Lieutenant-Colonel, twelve Shillings and six Pence; a Major, ten Shillings; a Deputy Quartermaster-General, ten Shillings; an Adjutant-General, twelve Shillings and six Pence; a Depoly Adjutant-General, ten Shillings; a Captain, six Shillings; a Lieutenant, four Shillings; an Ensign, three Shillings; a Chaplain, ten Shillings; an Adjutant, (holding no other office,) six Shillings; if in other office, three Shillings; to a Regimental Quartermaster, (holding, or not holding, any other office,) the same as to an Adjutant; to a Sergeant-Major, to be appointed from amongst the most expert Sergeants, by the Commanding-Officer of the Regiment, two Shillings and six Pence; to a Quartermaster-Sergeant, two Shillings and six Pence; to a Sergeant, two Shillings; to a Drum-Major, two Shillings; to a Corporal, Drummer, and Filer, each one Shilling and eight Pence; and to each Private Soldier, one Shilling and four Pence; to a Surgeon, ten Shillings; and to a Surgeon's Mate, five Shillings per day.
And be it further ordained, That one Company of Artillery be forthwith raised, and taken into the pay of this 'Colony, to consist of one Captain, three Lieutenants, one Sergeant, four Bombardiers, eight Gunners, and forty-eight Matrosses; the Officers to be appointed and commissioned by the Committee of Safety, and the Non-Commissioned Officers and Gunners to be appointed by the Captain; the pay of whom shall commence on the days of their several appointments and enlistments, and be as follows: To a Captain, eight Shillings; a Lieutenant, six Shillings; a Sergeant, four Shillings; a Bombardier, three Shillings; a Gunner, two Shillings and six Pence; and each Matross, two Shillings per day; which Company, when complete, shall be passed and reviewed by such person as the said Committee of Safety shall appoint, and take the oath and subscribe the articles directed by this Ordinance for the other Forces, and be subject to the like rules and regulations.
And for the greater security of the Inhabitants of this Colony from depredations of the enemy by water, Be it ordained, That the Committee of Safety shall, and they are hereby empowered and required to provide, from rime to time, such and so many Armed Vessels as they may judge necessary for the protection of the several Rivers in (his Colony, in the best manner the circumstances of the country will admit; and, to that end, to raise and take into pay a sufficient number of officers and men, as well sailors as marines, whose pay shall be settled by the Committee of Safety, not exceeding the following rates, to wit: To a Chief Commander of the whole, as Commodore, fifteen Shillings; to a Master, ten Shillings; a First Mate, seven Shillings and six Pence; a Second Mate, five Shillings; a Boatswain, three Shillings; a Common Sailor, two Shillings per day; a Captain of Marines, six Shillings; a Lieutenant, four Shillings; a Midshipman, three Shillings; a Marine, one Shilling and six Pence.
Provided always, and, be it further ordained, That, where the land service will admit of it, and the Officers and Soldiers of the regular forces shall be willing to enter upon any temporary expedition in such Armed Vessels, they may be allowed so to do, and shall receive pay according to the rates aforementioned; which Officers, Sailors, and Marines, may be removed or disbanded by the said Committee of Safety, as they shall judge expedient.
And be it further ordained, That the Colonel of each Regiment, when detached from the main body, on a separate command, shall be allowed a Secretary, to be appointed by himself, who shall be allowed for his services four Shillings a day.
And be it further ordained, That every Commissioned and Staff Officer shall be allowed a Tent; and every two Sergeants shall have the same allowance; and that for every six Private Men there shall be provided a proper and sufficient Tent; and that one Bell Tent for each Company shall also be provided, at the publick expense.
And be it further ordained, That, for the more speedy supply of the Forces with Wagons, Tents, Bedding, Arms, Accoutrements, Clothes, Provisions, and all other necessaries, the Committee of Safety shall, and they are hereby required, to appoint some fit person, or persons, to provide Arms and Accoutrements, Clothes, Wagons, Tents, and Bedding, upon the best and cheapest terms, and also to appoint one or more Contractors or Commissaries, who are hereby required to use all possible despatch in purchasing such Provisions as shall be necessary for the Army, and in laying off the same in such convenient place, or places, as may best suit their different stations and marches.
And for the more regular Pay of the Army, It is hereby ordained, That the Committee of Safety shall appoint one Paymaster to the first four of the said Regiments, and one Paymaster to the other four of the said Regiments, with a salary of one hundred and fifty Pounds per annum each, and one Assistant-Paymaster, who shall pay the troops on the frontiers, and shall be allowed such salary as shall be approved by the Committee of Safety for his services; which Paymasters are also to act as Muster-masters. And it shall and may be lawful for the said Committee, from time to time, to issue their warrants to the Treasurer, appointed by or pursuant to an Ordinance of this Convention, for paying the several Recruiting Officers, Commissioners, Commissaries, or Contractors, and Paymasters, by them appointed; and to all expresses, and other persons by them employed, in lesser services, so much money as the said Committee shall judge necessary for their several purposes, taking proper security for the due disbursement and appli-