is found inconvenient: Be it therefore ordained, That upon a certificate of the review of any Company of Minute-men, as in the said Ordinance is directed, the Committee of Safety shall issue Commissions to the Captain and Subaltern Officers appointed to command such Company, bearing date on the day they were or shall be reviewed; and as soon as four Companies in any District shall appear to have been reviewed, shall grant a Commission to the Major, bearing date the day of the last Company's review; where seven Companies are completed, shall also grant a Commission to the Lieutenant-Colonel, bearing the like date of the review of the last Company; and, when the whole Battalion is completed, shall grant a Commission to the Colonel, to be dated the day of such completion; any thing in the said former Ordinance contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
And be it further ordained, That where Minute Companies are called into duty together from several Districts, and no Field-Officer shall attend from either, the Committee of Safety may appoint any Field-Officer in the Minute service to take the command of such detachment, during the time of their continuance in actual service.
And be it further ordained, That hereafter no Dissenting Minister, who is not duly licensed by the General Court, or the Society to which he belongs, shall be exempted from bearing arms in the Militia of this Colony; and that Overseers, heretofore exempted, shall be obliged to furnish themselves with Arms and Ammunition, in the same manner as the Militia-men, and shall be obliged to act as Patrollers when thereto required by the Commanding-Officer of the Militia of the County or Corporation wherein they reside; and if any Militia-man or Overseer shall neglect or refuse so to do, he or they so refusing, shall be liable to a fine of five Shillings for every neglect or refusal, to be recovered and appropriated in the same manner as Militia fines are directed to be recovered and appropriated.
And for the more expeditious, convenient, and speedy drafting into service Detachments of the Militia of this Colony, as occasion may require: Be it further ordained, That, at the general muster of the Militia, to be had in the month of March next, the Commanding Officer of each County or Corporation shall, by fair and equal lot, cause to be drawn out of each Company so many men as will amount to one-tenth part thereof, and cause the names of the persons so allotted to be enrolled, who shall from thenceforth be considered as the first division of Militia for such County or Corporation; and that the Commanding Officer shall in like manner proceed, by lot, to fix, one after the other, the nine other divisions of the said Militia, enrolling their names in the second division, third, and so on, according to such allotment; and thereafter, if the Militia of such County or Corporation shall be called into duty, the same shall be performed by the divisions, in the order they shall so stand enrolled, one after another, so as to preserve the regular rotation of duty amongst them. And every person so enrolled, who shall fail to attend, when required, or find an able-bodied man to serve in his room, shall be subject to the fines imposed for the-like offence by the said recited Ordinance, to be by the Commanding-Officer laid out in bounties to such Volunteers as shall be willing to serve in the room of the persons so refusing, if to be had, or otherwise to be appropriated as in the said Ordinance is directed.
And be it further ordained, That the Commanding Officer shall appoint proper Officers to command the men so called into duty, according to the number, during the time of their being employed in actual service, having regard to the seniority and rank of the Officers of the County or Corporation in such appointment.
Provided always, That if there shall, at any time, be a sufficient number of men, who will voluntarily enter into the service, to answer the demand made upon the Militia of any County or Corporation for such assistance, in that case, such Volunteers shall be accepted instead of calling on the divisions, as before directed.
And le it further ordained, That the Militia or Volunteers to be employed, if not well armed, shall be furnished with Arms out of such as belong to the County or Corporation, to be returned as soon as they shall be discharged from the service.
And whereas, by a former Ordinance, the Militia and Minute-men are exempted from musters in the month of February. which may be attended with inconvenience to the country, by retarding the discipline of those bodies of men: Be it therefore ordained, That so much of the said recited Ordinance as rebates to the said exemption, be, and is hereby repealed; and that the Minute-men and Militia shall do duty in the abovementioned month, in the like manner as is directed for the rest of the year.
And be it further ordained, That the Commanding-Officer of the Militia of any County shall, when called out on duty, receive the same pay as the like Officer in the Minute service.
And for the greater encouragement and promotion of the service, Be it further ordained, That there shall be advanced and paid to the several regular Soldiers hereafter to be enlisted, a bounty of twenty Shillings, upon their enlistment; and that the several regular Soldiers already enlisted shall be allowed the like bounty of twenty Shillings on their re-enlistment, to serve for such time as the Troops hereby to be raised shall be enlisted to serve; and that all regular Soldiers and Non-commissioned Officers shall be exempted from the payment of their personal taxes, during their continuance in the service. And if any of the Regulars, Minute, or Militia-men aforesaid, shall be so maimed or disabled as to be rendered incapable of maintaining themselves, they shall, upon their discharge, be supported at the expense of the publick.
And be it further ordained, That the Court-Martial of each County and Corporation shall, and they are hereby required to appoint a Collector of all fines to be assessed at each sitting of such Court, by virtue of this and a former Ordinance of Convention, who shall enter into, bond, with sufficient security, for the due collection and accounting for all fines by them collected in consequence of such appointment, and is hereby required to demand and receive the several fines ordered by the Courts-Martial respectively to be levied; and, in case of non-payment, on or before the tenth day of May. annually, to levy the same by distress and sale of the goods of the person refusing, according to the laws enabling the sale of goods distrained for rent. And if any Collector shall fail to account for and pay what he shall have received, or might have received, of such fines, to the Receiver appointed for that purpose, deducting six per centum for his commission collecting, it shall be lawful for the Court of the County or Corporation, upon motion of the Receiver, to give judgment for the same, with costs, against such Collector and his securities, his or their executors and administrators, provided they have respectively ten days previous notice of such motion.
And be it further ordained, That the fines inflicted for disobedience to this Ordinance shall be levied and applied as the fines are directed to be levied and applied by the Ordinance, entitled "An Ordinance for raising and embodying a sufficient Force for the defence and protection of this Colony."
And to prevent the harbouring of Deserters from the Forces already, or hereby to be raised: Be it further ordained, That whoever shall harbour or conceal any person, being a Deserter, and knowing him to be such, for every such offence shall forfeit and pay the sum of five Pounds, or, on failure thereof, receive ten lashes on his or her bare back.
And be it further ordained, That the Treasurer of this Colony shall and may apply the Money which may be in his hands, pursuant to an Ordinance of the last Convention, for the purposes of that and the other Ordinances and Resolutions of this and a former Convention; and if there shall be a deficiency, and the Continental Congress should not supply it, by taking our Troops, or part of them, into their pay, this Convention will make a further provision for the Troops raised, or to be raised.
And whereas the Paper on which the Treasury Notes were directed to be issued by an Ordinance of the last Convention falls much short of the quantity expected: Be it further ordained, That the Treasurer of this Colony for the time being shall, and he is hereby authorized to procure a sufficient quantity of other proper paper, to make up the deficiency; to be used as directed by the said Ordinance, and for the purposes therein and hereby appointed, and no other.