II. An Ordinance for appointing Sheriff's.
Whereas, by an Act of Assembly made in the 22d year of the reign of his late Majesty King George II, entitled "An Act prescribing the method of appointing Sheriffs, and for limiting the time of their continuance in office, and directing their duty therein," it is, among other things, enacted, that every County Court of this Dominion shall annually, between the last day of June and the last day of August, present to the Governour, or Commander-in-Chief of this Colony for the time being, a list or recommendation of three persons named in the commission of the peace for their County, one of which persons so recommended, shall thereupon be commissioned by the said Governour or Commander-in-Chief to execute the office of Sheriff of that County for the next ensuing year; and whereas John Earl of Dunmore, His Majesty's Lieutenant and Governour-General of this Colony, hath withdrawn himself from the seat of his Government, and commenced hostilities against the good people of this Colony, hath also, by his Proclamation, declared martial law to be in force in this Colony, and refuseth to grant commissions for executing the office of Sheriffs, according to the directions of the said recited act; whereby justice is and may be greatly delayed and hindered:
For remedy whereof, Be it ordained by the Delegates and Representatives of the several Counties and Corporations within this Colony in the present General Convention, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That upon the expiration of the office of Sheriff of any County in this Colony, the Court of such County, instead of recommending three persons to the Governour or Commander-in-Chief, to be by him commissioned to the office of Sheriff, shall, and they are hereby empowered and required to nominate and appoint one of the persons named in the commission of the peace for their County to execute the office of Sheriff of their said County for one year; and the person so nominated and appointed shall have all the powers and authorities, and shall perform and execute the said office in as full and ample manner, as if appointed by commission from the Governour or Commander-in-Chief of this Colony, according to the direction of the said recited act. And the person so nominated and appointed, before he enters upon his office, shall take the oath of office, and enter into bonds with sufficient security, agreeebly to the laws now in force. And if any person shall refuse to accept the said office, the Court shall proceed to appoint another in the room of the person so refusing, who shall give the like bonds and security, and take the oath of office as aforesaid.
Provided always, That so soon as the executive powers of Government in this Colony are restored to their proper channel, and other Sheriffs shall be appointed pursuant to the said Act of Assembly, that the persons who may be appointed to the office of Sheriff by the County Courts in manner aforesaid shall cease to execute the said office, and the powers hereby given shall be revoked.
III. An Ordinance for amending an Ordinance, entitled "An Ordinance for providing Arms and Ammunition for the use of this Colony."
Whereas it is found that an Ordinance of the last Convention, entitled "An Ordinance for providing Arms and Ammunition for the use of this Colony," is insufficient, in this time of imminent danger: Be it therefore ordained, by the Delegates and Representatives of the several Counties and Corporations within this Colony and Dominion of Virginia, now in General Convention assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the Committee of Safety for the time being may, and they are hereby required to contract, upon the best terms they can, with such Gunsmiths, or others, as they may approve, for manufacturing or supplying such quantity of Arms as they shall judge proper for the defence of this Colony.
Provided, That such contract for Rifles shall not be made to continue longer than the first day of July next, and for Muskets longer than twelve months from the passing of this Ordinance.
And for the more speedy and effectual providing of Powder, Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That the Committee of Safety may, and they are hereby required to contract with proper persons willing to manufacture the same on the publick account, and to erect, or cause to be erected, one or more Powder Mills, at the publick expense, at such places as the said Committee of Safety may judge to be free from danger, and conveniently situated with respect to the Colony in general.
And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That the Saltpetre and Sulphur purchased, or to be purchased, for the use of this Colony, be subject to the disposition of the Committee of Safety, for the purposes last mentioned.
IV. An Ordinance for reviving and amending an Ordinance appointing a Committee of Safety.
Whereas an Ordinance of the last Convention, entitled "An Ordinance appointing a Committee of Safety, for the more effectual carrying into execution the several Rules and Regulations established by this Convention for the protection of this Colony," did expire on the meeting of this Convention, and it is necessary that a new Committee be appointed for the purposes aforesaid: Be it therefore ordained, by the Delegates deputed to represent the several Counties and Corporations within this Colony, in the present General Convention, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That Dudley Digges, the Hon. John Page, Paul Carrington, Edmund Pendleton, James Mercer, Thomas Ludwell Lee, William Cabell, Richard Bland, Joseph Jones, John Tabb, and Thomas Walker, Esquires, be, and they are hereby appointed and declared a Committee of Safety throughout this Colony; and they, or any six or more of them, shall have and exercise all the powers and authorities given to the Committee of Safety in and by the said recited Ordinance or any other Ordinance or Resolution of Convention, from and after the passing hereof, until the end of the next session of the General Convention, or for one year, in case the Convention should not meet within that time.
And be it further ordained, by the authority aforesaid, That the said Committee of Safety shall have full and ample powers, during the recess of Convention, to direct all such measures and military operations, as, in their judgment, shall be necessary for the publick security.
And be it further ordained, That the said Committee of Safety shall and may appoint one assistant Clerk, when they shall think the same necessary, who shall have such allowance as shall be thought reasonable by the General Convention.
And whereas the time of continuance of the Officers in the service of this Colony, and the manner of resignation, have been doubted, Be it declared and ordained, That all Officers now or hereafter to be appointed, shall continue in service so long as the Regiments, to which they belong, shall be kept up, and that no Officer hath or shall have right to resign, but with the consent of the Convention or Committee of Safety of this Colony.
Provided, Any Officer willing to resign, may do so at the expiration of the time for which the Private-men are or shall be enlisted, on giving the like previous notice of such intention as is required of such Private-men.
And be it further ordained, That Thomas Everard and James Cocke, Esqrs., shall be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners, to examine, state, and settle such Accounts as shall be referred to them for that purpose by the Committee of Safety; each of which Commissioners shall be allowed such salary as the Convention or Committee of Safety shall determine.
V. An Ordinance for establishing Tobacco Payments during the discontinuance of the Inspection Law, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
Whereas, by reason of the expiration of an Act of General Assembly, for improving the staple of Tobacco, and preventing frauds in His Majesty's Customs, the people in this Colony may be subjected to great difficulties for want of a certain mode of making Tobacco Payments for levies or other debts, and sundry disputes may arise between them and the officers or creditors, which may increase the con-