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is to say: "I . . . , do swear, that I will well and truly demean myself (as Clerk or Marshal, as the case may be) in the execution of my office; and that I will faithfully and truly, to the best of my power, execute all orders of the Court of Admiralty, without favour, affection, or partiality. So help me God."

And be it further ordained, That the Judges, being so qualified, shall meet at such place within this Colony as they may think most proper for the execution of their said office, and shall have full power and authority to adjourn from day to day, and from time to time, to such other place as M them may appear necessary. And there shall be allowed and paid to each of the said Judges, by the Treasurer the time being, the sum of twenty-five shillings per day for each day of sitting in, or travelling to or from, the said Court, for their services; and that there shall also be paid to the Advocate, Clerk, and Marshal of the said Court, so much for their services as shall be thought reasonable, in the opinion of the Judges of the said Court, for each respective capture. And the said Judges shall have full power and authority to displace or remove, at any time, such officers of their appointment as to them shall appear necessary.

And be it further ordained, That the Committee of Safety may, and they are hereby required to commission five members of the Committee of each County in this Colony, to be recommended to them by the respective County Committees, to take cognizance of, and determine, all offences contained in this Ordinance which may arise within their: respective Counties, except such as relate to vessels and their cargoes; which said Commissioners, so appointed, shall take an oath well and truly to discharge the duty of Commissioners for their respective Counties, agreeably to this Ordinance, which oath shall be first taken by the person first named in the said commission, in the presence of the other Commissioners, and by him afterwards administered to them. And the said Commissioners, or any three of them, shall be and they are hereby constituted a Court for the purposes aforesaid, with full power and authority to meet at the Court-house of their respective Counties, or such other convenient place as they may think proper; and the Clerk of the Committee of the said County, and the Sheriff thereof, having first taken the like oath, of office directed to be taken by the officers of the Court of Admiralty, shall attend the said Court, and in all things perform the duties of their respective offices, in like manner as is directed for the officers of the Court of Admiralty, which said officers shall be paid by the Treasurer of this Colony such reasonable allowance for their services as the said Court shall direct.

And be it further ordained, That in all trials pursuant to this Ordinance, the Commissioners aforesaid shall cause a jury to be summoned, and proceed in the same manner as hath been heretofore observed for the trial of civil causes in this Colony; and in case of condemnation, the said Court shall appoint Commissioners for taking care of and managing the estate of the offenders as aforesaid, in such manner as is hereinbefore directed.

Provided, nevertheless, The defendant or defendants shall have liberty to appeal, as aforesaid, to the Committee of Safety, whose judgment shall be final.

And be it further ordained, That if any slave, or slaves, shall be hereafter taken in arms against this Colony, or in the possession of an enemy, through their own choice, the Committee of Safety shall have full power and authority to transport such slave, or slaves, to any of the foreign West-India Islands, there to be disposed of by sale, and the money arising from such sale to be laid out in the purchase of Arms and Ammunition, or otherwise applied to the use of this Colony, as the Committee of Safety shall judge most proper; and in case such slaves, so taken in arms, or in the possession of an enemy, cannot be transported with convenience to this Colony, the same shall be disposed of for the use of this Colony, or returned to the owner or owners of such slaves, or otherwise dealt with according to an act of Assembly for punishing slaves committing capital offences, as the Committee of Safety may judge most proper.

Provided always, and be it further ordained, That the owner or owners of such slave shall be paid, by the Treasurer of this Colony for the time being, the full amount of such sale, or value of such slaves, after deducting the expenses and charge of transportation; which said valuation shall be made by the Commissioners in each County aforesaid, and certified to the Committee of Safety, who shall thereupon grant their warrant, directed to the Treasurer, for payment of the value of such slave as aforesaid.

And be it further ordained, That this Ordinance shall be published at the Court-house of each County, by the Sheriff; and at the several Churches and Meeting-houses in each Parish, by the clerk or reader, immediately after divine service.


Address of the Gentlemen and principal Inhabitants of the City of Carlisle, presented to His Majesty by Thomas Graham, M. D.

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty.

The humble Address of the Gentlemen and principal Inhabitants of the City of CARLISLE.

Most Gracious Sovereign:

We humbly beg leave to approach your sacred person, and acknowledge in your presence the deep sense we entertain of your Majesty's unexampled patronage of the supremest of blessings—the liberty of the subject.

Penetrated with your unceasing attention to cherish and advance to luxuriant maturity this birthright of Britons, we behold with horror the base innovations and black ingratitude of rebellious Americans.

Struck with admiration of your Majesty's wise and lenient measures, we beg leave to assure your Majesty that we will exert ourselves to the utmost in supporting the rights of the Crown, and the authority of Parliament; and that nothing, on our part, shall be wanting to counteract the frantic and nefarious machinations of aristocratic or Republican traitors.


Address of the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen, Freeholders, Merchants, Traders, Manufacturers, and other Citizens of Dublin, transmitted to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Weymouth, one of His Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, and presented to His Majesty.

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty.

The humble Address of the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen, Freeholders, Merchants, Traders, Manufacturers, and other Citizens of DUBLIN.

May it please your Majesty:

We, the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen, Freeholders, Merchants, Traders, Manufacturers, and other Citizens of Dublin, the metropolis of your Majesty's kingdom of Ireland, feeling ourselves at this time particularly called upon, embrace with pleasure the opportunity of testifying to your Majesty our steadfast loyalty and zealous attachment to your sacred person, crown, and dignity; for the preservation and honour of which we are, and ever shall be ready, to devote our lives and fortunes; truly sensible of the happiness we enjoy under your Majesty's mild and auspicious Government.

We hear, with equal sorrow and astonishment, that many of your misguided subjects in America have withdrawn themselves from their allegiance to your Majesty. We lament that, influenced by the counsels of wicked and designing men, they have even dared to adopt a system tending to render themselves independent of the parent country; yet, deeply affected by the troubles subsisting in the Colonies, we have the fullest reliance on your Majesty's wisdom and justice, that you will pursue with firmness such measures as may tend effectually to restore the violated rights of the British Empire.

We feel ourselves bound at so important and critical a conjuncture, most humbly and zealously to lay our hearts

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